The information provided in these tables is also available in an Excel file (XLSX, 22 KB).

All ICD codes are tested for validity prior to generating this variable. Those deemed invalid are classified as Unknown/missing/invalid COD. Those deemed valid but not meeting the definition of any above grouping are classified as Other Cause of Death. The following documents contain an enumeration of valid ICD-8 (TXT, 18 KB), ICD-9 (TXT, 30 KB), and ICD-10 (TXT, 49 KB) causes of death.

Neoplasm Causes of Death ICD-9* Cause of Death (<1999) ICD-10 Cause of Death (1999+) Recode Value
Head and Neck
Lip 140 C00 001
Tongue Anterior 141.1-141.5, 141.8-141.9 C020-C023, C028-C029 002
Gum 143, 145.6 C030-C031, C039, C062 003
Floor of Mouth 144 C040-C041, C048-C049 004
Palate excluding Soft and Uvula 145.2 C050 005
Buccal Mucosa 145.0, 145.1 C060, C061 006
Mouth Other 145.5, 145.8, 145.9 C058-C059, C068-C069 007
Major Salivary Glands 142 C07, C080-C081, C088-C089 008
Nasopharynx 147 C110-C113, C118-C119 009
Oropharynx 141.0, 141.6, 145.3, 145.4, 146.0-146.3, 146.5-146.9 C01, C024, C051-C052, C090-C091, C098-C099, C100, C102-C104, C108-C109 010
Hypopharynx 148 C12, C130-C132, C138-C139 011
Pharynx and Oral Cavity Other 149 C140, C142, C148 012
Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses 160.0, 160.2, 160.3 C300, C310, C311 013
Sinus Other 160.1, 160.4-160.5, 160.8-160.9 C301, C312-C313, C318-C319 014
Larynx 146.4, 161 C101, C320-C323, C328-C329 015
Digestive System
Esophagus 150 C150-C155, C158-C159 016
Stomach 151 C160-C166, C168-C169 017
Small Intestine 152 C170-C173, C178-C179 018
Appendix 153.5 C181 019
Colon and Rectum (excluding Appendix) 153.0-153.4, 153.6-154.1 C180, C182-C189, C19, C20 020
Anus, Anal Canal and Anorectum 154.2-154.3, 154.8 C210-C212, C218 021
Liver 155.0, 155.2 C220, C222-C224, C227, C229 022
Intrahepatic Bile Duct 155.1 C221 023
Gallbladder 156.0 C23 024
Extrahepatic Bile Ducts 156.1 C240 025
Ampulla of Vater 156.2 C241 026
Biliary Other 156.8-156.9 C248-C249 027
Pancreas 157 C250-C254, C257-C259 028
Digestive Other 159 C260, C268-C269 029
Respiratory Tract and Thorax
Lung and Bronchus 162.2-162.5, 162.8-162.9 C340-C343, C348-C349 030
Thymus 164.0 C37 031
Heart, Mediastinum and Pleura 163, 164.1-164.3, 164.8, 164.9 C380-C384, C388, C450 032
Trachea, and Respiratory Other 162.0, 165 C33, C390, C398-C399 033
Bones and Soft Tissue
Bones and Joints 170 C400-C403, C408-C414, C418-C419 034
Retroperitoneum and Peritoneum 158 C480-C482, C488, C451 035
Soft Tissue 171 C470-C476, C478-C479, C490-C496, C498-C499, C452 036
Melanoma of the Skin 172 C430-C439 037
Other Non-Epithelial Skin 173 C440-C449, C46 038
Breast 174, 175 C500-C506, C508-C509 039
Female Genital System
Vulva 184.1-184.4, 184.8 C510-C512, C518-C519 040
Vagina 184.0 C52 041
Cervix 180 C530-C531, C538-C539 042
Corpus 179, 182 C540-C543, C548-C549, C55 043
Ovary 183.0 C56 044
Fallopian Tube 183.2 C570 045
Adnexa Other and Genital Female Other 183.3-183.5, 183.8, 183.9, 184.9 C571-C574, C577-C579 046
Placenta 181 C58 047
Male Genital System
Penis 187.1-187.4 C600-C602, C608-C609 048
Prostate 185 C61 049
Testis 186 C620-C621, C629 050
Genital Male Other 187.5-187.9 C630-C632, C637-C639 051
Urinary System
Kidney Parenchyma 189.0 C64 052
Kidney Renal Pelvis 189.1 C65 053
Ureter 189.2 C66 054
Urinary Bladder 188 C670-C679 055
Urethra 189.3 C680 056
Urinary Other 189.4, 189.8, 189.9 C681, C688-C689 057
Eye and Orbit 190 C690-C696, C698-C699 058
Central Nervous System
Meninges (Malignant) 192.1, 192.3 C700, C701, C709 059
Brain (Malignant) 191 C710-C719 060
CNS Other (Malignant) 192.0, 192.2, 192.8, 192.9 C720-C725, C728-C729 061
Endocrine System
Intracranial Gland (Malignant) 194.3, 194.4 C751-C753 062
Thyroid 193 C73 063
Adrenal Gland 194.0 C740-C741, C749 064
Parathyroid 194.1 C750 065
Endocrine Other 194.5-194.6, 194.8-194.9 C754-C755, C758-C759 066
Precursor Lymphoid Neoplasms 200.1, 204.0 C835, C910 067
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)/Small lymphocytic lymphoma 204.1 C911 068
Hodgkin Lymphomas 201 C81 069
Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas 200.0, 200.2-200.8, 202.0-202.2, 202.7, 202.8 C82-, C830-C834, C836-C839, C84-, C85- 070
Lymphoid Leukemias (excluding CLL/SLL) 202.4, 204.2, 204.8-204.9 C912-C915, C917, C919 071
Acute Myeloid Leukemias 205.0, 205.3, 205.8, 206.0, 207.0, 207.2 C920, C923-C925, C927, C930, C940, C942, C944, C945, D463 072
Other Leukemias 205.2, 205.9, 206.2, 206.8, 206.9, 207.8, 208.0, 208.2, 208.8-208.9 C922, C929, C932, C937, C939, C943, C947, C950, C952, C957, C959 073
Other Hematopoietic Neoplasms
Plasma Cell Neoplasms and Immunoproliferative Diseases 203.0, 203.1, 203.8, 238.6, 273.1, 273.3 C88-, C90-, D47.2 074
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Myelodysplastic Syndromes 205.1, 206.1, 207.1, 208.1, 238.7 C921, C931, C941, C951, D45, D460-D462, D464, D467, D469, D471, D473 075
Miscellaneous Hematopoietic Neoplasms 202.3, 202.5, 202.6, 202.9 C960-C963, C967, C969, D470, D477, D479, D760, D763 076
Miscellaneous Neoplasms 195-199 C261, C420-C424, C457, C459, C76-C80, C97 079
In situ neoplasms 230-234 D00-D09 080
Brain, CNS Other and Intracranial Gland (Benign and Borderline) 225, 227.3-227.4, 237.0-237.1, 237.5-237.6, 237.9 D320-D321, D329-D334, D337, D339, D352-D354, D420-D421, D429-D434, D437, D439, D443-D445 081
Benign and Borderline: All Other sites 210-224, 226, 227.0-227.1, 227.5-227.9, 228-229, 235-236, 237.2-237.4,  237.7, 238.0-238.5, 238.8-239.9 D100-D319, D34, D350-D351, D355-D361, D367, D369-D419, D440-D442, D446-D449, D480-D489 082
Non-Neoplasm Causes of Death ICD-8 Code ICD-9 Code ICD-10 Code Recode value
HIV (1987+)** N/A 042-044 B20-B24 100
Septicemia 038 038 A40-A41 101
Other infectious and Parasitic Diseases** 001-018, 020-037, 039-043, 045-065, 067-076, 078-130.1, 130.3-136 001-018, 020-037, 039-041, 045-088, 090-139 A00-A08, A15-A33, A35-A39, A42-B19, B25-B99 102
COVID (2020+ only) NA NA U071 103
Diabetes Mellitus 250 250 E10-E14 104
Alzheimer's (ICD-9 and ICD-10 only) NA 331.0 G30 105
Circulatory Disease
Hypertensive disease 400-404 400-404 I10-I15 106
Ischemic heart disease 410-414 410-414 I20-I25 107
Pulmonary heart disease and diseases of pulmonary circulation 415-417 415-417 I26-I28 108
Cerebrovascular diseases 430-438 430-438 I60-I69 109
Diseases of arteries, arterioles and capillaries 440-448 440-448 I70-I78 110
Other and unspecified disorders of the circulatory system 390-398, 420-429, 451-459 390-398, 420-429, 451-459 I00-I09, I30-I51, I80-I99 111
Pneumonia and Influenza 470-474, 480-486 480-487 J09-J18 112
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Allied Conditions 490-493, 519.3 490-496 J40-J47 113
Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers 531-533 531-533 K25-K28 114
Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis 571 571 K70, K73-K74 115
Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephrosis 580-584, 593.0-593.3, 593.5 580-589 N00-N07, N17-N19, N25-N27 116
Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, Puerperium 630-678 630-676 A34, O00-O95, O98-O99 117
Congenital Anomalies 740-759 740-759 Q00-Q99 118
Certain Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period 760.0-777.6, 777.8-779.6, 779.8-779.9 760.0-777.6, 777.8-779.6, 779.8-779.9 P00-P96 119
Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions 780-796 780-799 R00-R99 120
Accidents and Adverse Effects 800-949 800-949 V01-X59, Y85-Y86 121
Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury 950-959 950-959 U03, X60-X84, Y870 122
Homicide and Legal Intervention 960-978 960-978 U01-U02, X85-Y09, Y35, Y871, Y890 123
Complications of medical and surgical care (ICD-10 only, 1999+) NA NA Y40-Y84, Y88 124
Other Cause of Death       200
Codes Not Indicating Causes of Death*** Recode Value
Alive 000
State DC not available or state DC available but no COD 777
Unknown/missing/invalid COD 999