The following population-based cancer registries are part of the SEER Program. Registries that contribute cases to the current SEER research data are denoted with a check mark (✓).
- Alaska Native Tumor Registry✓
- Arizona Indians
- Arkansas
- California Department of Public Health
- Greater California Regional✓
- Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry
- Los Angeles✓
- Cherokee Nation
- Colorado
- Connecticut✓
- Georgia Center for Cancer Statistics✓
- Hawaii✓
- Idaho✓
- Illinois✓
- Iowa✓
- Kentucky✓
- Louisiana✓
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Detroit Regional
- Missouri
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey✓
- New Mexico✓
- New York✓
- Oregon
- Seattle-Puget Sound✓
- Tennessee
- Texas✓
- Utah✓
- Wisconsin