SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/15/2025 8:39 AM
Question 20051061
Inquiry Details
2004 SEER Manual, C385-389
CS Tumor Size/CS Extension/CS Lymph Nodes--Lung: How are these fields coded when there is no description of a primary lung tumor, lymph node biopsies are negative, but biopsy of a "level 7 mass" is positive for squamous cell carcinoma? See Discussion.
Example: Chest CT: Enlarging subcarinal mass, 3.4 cm, is most likely malignant adenopathy or perhaps primary tumor. The clinician subsequently described a patient history of mediastinal lymphadenopathy. He stated that a PET scan revealed multifocal thoracic disease consistent with stage 3B carcinoma. This was followed by mediastinoscopy with lymph node biopsies (all negative) but the biopsies of "level 7 mass and subcarinal level 7 mass" showed squamous cell carcinoma.
This answer was provided in the context of CSv1 coding guidelines. The response may not be used after your registry database has been converted to CSv2.If this case is determined to be a lung primary, code the CS fields:
CS Tumor Size: 999 [Unknown]
CS Extension: 99 [Primary tumor cannot be assessed]
CS Lymph Nodes: 20 [Subcarinal lymph node involvement] based on positive level 7 biopsy, history of mediastinal lymphadenopathy and subcarinal "adenopathy" per CT.
Cancer Site Category:
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