SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/15/2025 5:15 AM
Question 20051072
Inquiry Details
#1: CS Manual, Part I, 20. Vers 1.0, Jan. 1, 2004
#2: CS Manual, Part II, 624. Vers 1.0, Jan. 1, 2004
It was diagnosed on CT-guided biopsy of retroperitoneal mass: obtained access to the posterior aspect of the lesion adjacent to the left side of the spinal column at approx the level of the kidney.
CT Abdomen/Pelvis: Large low attenuation & smooth walled regions in hilum of the spleen & into the splenic parenchyma w/assoc smaller lesions in the spleen. Associated adenopathy on left side of aorta between the superior mesenteric artery & renal vein.
Body of report: Soft tissue mass 4.4 x 4.8 x 7cm adjacent to the left side of the aorta & spanning the distance betw superior mesenteric vein inferiorly to level of left renal vein, appears to be matted adenopathy.
CT Chest: indeterminate nodes in pretracheal region w/calcified nodes in infracarinal region, right perihilar region & calcifications in pulmonary parenchyma of right lung. Calcified nodes & other structures suggest healed granulomatous process. However, with the infarct/mass lesion in the spleen & left periaortic adenopathy, extension of this process to the mediastinum can't be excluded.
This answer was provided in the context of CSv1 coding guidelines. The response may not be used after your registry database has been converted to CSv2.Code the primary site C772 [Intra-abdominal lymph nodes]. Assign CS extension code 22 [Involvement of spleen plus lymph nodes below diaphragm]. The description from the chest CT is not sufficient to code lymph node involvement above the diaphragm.