SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/11/2025 4:44 AM
Question 20071042
Inquiry Details
#1: 2007 MP/H Rules, 49. Breast (M12)
#2: 2007 SEER Manual, C-659
MP/H Rules/Multiple Primaries--Breast: How many primaries are to be abstracted when two tumors occur in one breast and both are ductal with the smaller tumor representing tubular carcinoma [variant]? See Discussion.
Right breast partial excision: Two invasive foci, one measuring 0.2cm and the second measuring 0.5cm. Both lesions are ductal carcinoma with the smaller representing tubular carcinoma (variant).
The breast histology table does not list tubular as a type of ductal, however, the pathologist states ductal carcinoma, tubular variant.
For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, this is two primaries of the right breast, using the 2007 MP/H rules. For the purposes of the 2007 rules, tubular is not a specific type of duct. Duct carcinoma (8500) and tubular carcinoma (8211) are different at the second digit of the histology code. Rule M12 applies, making these separate primaries.
Cancer Site Category:
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Other Category:
Multiple primaries