SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/20/2025 7:56 PM
Question 20130022
Inquiry Details
Reportability--Melanoma: Is "early" melanoma reportable? See Discussion.
Because "evolving" melanoma was never reportable, this issue only relates to "early" melanoma.
For cases diagnosed 2018 to 2020, early or evolving melanoma is not reportable.
Evolving melanoma (borderline evolving melanoma): Evolving melanoma are tumors of uncertain biologic behavior. Histological changes of borderline evolving melanoma are too subtle for a definitive diagnosis of melanoma in situ. The tumors may be described as "proliferation of atypical melanocytes confined to epidermal and adnexal epithelium," "atypical intraepidermal melanocytic proliferation, "atypical intraepidermal melanocytic hyperplasia"; or "severe melanocytic dysplasia." Not reportable.
Melanoma Solid Tumor Rules, 2018, page 3,
For cases diagnosed 2014-2017
Skin histologies that are not reportable:
Early melanoma
Evolving melanoma
Early/evolving melanoma
Skin histologies that are reportable:
Melanoma, NOS
In situ melanoma
Early in situ melanoma
Evolving in situ melanoma
Early/evolving in situ melanoma
For cases diagnosed 2013-2014
Early melanoma is NOT reportable.
In situ melanoma IS reportable.
Early in situ melanoma IS reportable.