SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/17/2025 2:44 PM
Question 20130090
Inquiry Details
2007 MP/H Rules
Preoperative diagnosis was familial polyposis with rectal and rectosigmoid cancer.
The pathology report from the colon resection showed:
- 5 mm tumor in the sigmoid. Histologic type: adenocarcinoma.
Gross description: The mucosa of the colon is tan pink with polyposis throughout; more than 1000 tan sessile polyps.
Should this be a single primary per MP/H Rule M3, histology coded to 8220/3 [familial polyposis] per MP/H Rule H17, and primary site coded to C199?
This case should be accessioned as a single primary. Code the primary site to the colon and rectum [C199] and the histology to adenocarcinoma in familial polyposis coli [8220/3] per MP/H Rule H17.
For cases of familial polyposis, when the rectosigmoid or rectum are involved, assign code C199 [colon and rectum]. When the rectosigmoid or rectum are not involved, assign code C189 [colon, NOS].