SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/16/2025 8:37 AM
Question 20130136
Inquiry Details
Heme & Lymph Manual & DB
Where are the instructions for coding transformations? When a disease is listed under the transformations, the Multiple Primaries Calculator states it is a new primary. Is this a new primary when the physician calls it a transformation?
For example, patient was diagnosed in 2000 with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). A biopsy of a stomach mass on 4/26/12 was positive for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. DLBCL is listed under the Transformations To section in the Heme DB for CLL. Is this a new primary because it is a transformation?
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at
Transformations do not always indicate a multiple primary is to be reported. Always apply the M Rules to determine the number of primaries. Refer to Rules M8-M13 in the Heme Manual address to determine the number of reportable primaries when chronic and acute neoplasms (transformations) are indicated on a case. Do not use the MP Calculator to determine the number of primaries unless the M Rules direct you to use it.
This case should be accessioned as two primaries, chronic lymphocytic leukemia [9823/3] diagnosed in 2000, and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma [9680/3] diagnosed on 04/26/2012 per Rule M10. Abstract a new primary when a neoplasm is originally diagnosed as a chronic (less aggressive) neoplasm (CLL) and there is a second diagnosis of an acute neoplasm (DLBCL) more than 21 days later.
SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided.