SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 03/08/2025 8:53 PM
Question 20150034
Inquiry Details
2007 MP/H Rules
MP/H/Histology/neuroendocrine : How should the following histologies with neuroendocrine differentiation be coded?
1. Bladder - Invasive urothelial carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation
2. Nasopharnyx - Undifferentiated nonkeratinizing nasopharyngeal carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation
3. Ductal carcinoma in situ (with neuroendocrine features) cribriform and solid patterns
See discussion.
We are starting to see more specific histologies with neuroendocrine differentiation. How are we to deal with these histologies and will this be addressed in the revised MP/H rules?
The term neuroendocrine is often included with other histologies and usually means that neuroendocrine cells are present but not neuroendocrine tumor.
1. If the neuroendocrine cells are stated to be either small cell or large cell, code that histology; however, neuroendocrine, NOS mixed with urothelial does not have an applicable mixed code. Code histology to 8120.
2. Code histology to squamous cell carcinoma, nonkeratinizing, NOS (8072/3). The neuroendocrine component is not specified as either small cell or large cell.
3. Code to 8523/2 per MP/H Rule H6 as intraductal mixed with other types of carcinoma present.
Note that while neuroendocrine differentiation can be identified, it seems to have no prognostic implications. We have consulted with our site specific Subject Matter Experts on how best to capture neuroendocrine, NOS when combined with other histologies. These instructions will be included in the revision of the MP/H rules including the wording of MP/H breast rule H6.