SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/11/2025 2:55 PM
Question 20160041
Inquiry Details
CoC CAnswer Forum. FORDS, 1st course, Surgery
First course treatment/Surgery of Primary Site--Skin: How are Surgery of Primary Site and Surgical Procedure of Other Site coded for an eyelid skin primary diagnosed by punch biopsy and treated with an orbital exenteration? See Discussion.
Unlike most other sites, there is no specific code for a radical surgical procedure of a skin primary. In this case, the patient was diagnosed with a sebaceous cell carcinoma of the lower eyelid skin by punch biopsy. The tumor was large and an orbital exenteration was planned. Despite the extensive surgery performed, skin margins were less than 1 cm. Is an orbital exenteration a "major amputation" (code 60) in this case? Given that the margins were not greater than 1 cm, codes 45 - 47 (which includes a minor (local) amputation) don't seem to apply. However, if this procedure cannot be classified as "minor amputation" then doesn't it seem overkill to refer to the procedure as a "major amputation"?
An alternative would be to code Surgery of Primary Site to 32 for the skin resection (punch biopsy followed by a gross excision of the lesion, margins less than 1 cm) and code Surgical Procedure of Other Site to 2 (non-primary surgical procedure to other regional sites) to record the removal of the globe and orbit as part of the orbital exenteration. Which is correct?
There is a similar question in the FORDS forum of the CoC CAnswer Forum. CoC is the curator for the surgery codes.
Surgical Procedure to Primary Site - Gross excision of the lesion, code in 30s series
Surgical Procedure to Other Site (removal of eye) - code 4