SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/10/2025 9:55 PM
Question 20160060
Inquiry Details
2016 SEER Manual. Section V
Mets at diagnosis fields--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms (Lymphoma): How are Mets at Diagnosis -- Bone, Brain, Liver, Lung, Lymph Node, and Other -- to be coded for lymphomas in 2016? Are they always 0 if the TNM Stage is I, II, or III? How is bone marrow involvement coded -- in which Mets at Diagnosis field?
Note: Answer verified Sept. 2019, still valid for current cases.
Code all mets at diagnosis fields to 0 when the Stage is I, II, or III.
When the lymphoma is Stage IV, one of the mets at dx fields (other than Mets at Dx-Distant lymph nodes) needs to be coded to 1. Stage IV indicates that there is multiple extralymphatic organ involvement, diffuse involvement of an organ; liver, brain, lung or bone involvement, or bone marrow involvement.
For bone, brain, liver, and lung, code these as 1 when these sites are involved and they are not the primary site. This is the same instruction for solid tumor neoplasms.
For mets at dx-distant lymph nodes, always code to 0. For lymphomas, lymph node involvement is included in stage and not based on whether they are regional or distant.
For mets at dx-other, code to 1 for bone marrow involvement or if there is multi extralymphatic organ involvement.