SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/11/2025 9:02 PM
Question 20190050
Inquiry Details
2021 SEER Manual, 6
Reportability/Melanoma: Is evolving melanoma reportable with a Clark's level and Breslow's thickness are cited in the pathology report? See Discussion.
How do we interpret the reportability of the following: The histological and immunohistochemical findings are most consistent with an early-evolving malignant melanoma, superficial spreading type, with Clark's level II and maximal Breslow thickness 0.33 mm, arising in association with an atypical nevus. Since a Clark's level and Breslow's thickness are included, is this reportable? Is this really an evolving melanoma?
As of 01/01/2021, early or evolving melanoma in situ, or any other early or evolving melanoma, is reportable.
For cases diagnosed prior to 01/01/2021
Do not report melanoma when described as early or evolving, regardless of dimension, per the Appendix C Melanoma Coding Guidelines in the 2018 SEER Coding Manual that states: As of cases diagnosed January 1, 2018, early or evolving melanoma of any type is not reportable. This includes both invasive and in situ melanomas; early or evolving are not reportable.