SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/15/2025 1:52 PM
Question 20190106
Inquiry Details
2018 SEER Manual, 107-109
Tumor Size--Esophagus: Can information from the endoscopy procedure that implies a size of 3 cm for Tumor Size--Clinical be used for Esophagus? See Discussion.
1-28-2018 CT Scan: 2.4 cm mass
2-15-2018 Endoscopy: Mass was present 22 to 25 cm. Biopsies were taken with cold forceps for histology; biopsy positive.
For the case you describe, we would record the clinical tumor size stated on the CT report.
The priority order for clinical tumor size is as follows.
1. Biopsy or operative (surgical exploration) report
2. Imaging
3. Physical exam
We do not recommend coding tumor size based on an inferred tumor size from a description such as "Mass was present 22 to 25 cm." Look for an actual measurement of the mass, or a stated tumor size. Use text fields to record details.