SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 03/08/2025 9:30 PM
Question 20200082
Inquiry Details
Solid Tumor Rules. Other Sites; For use with cases 2007-2021
Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Corpus Uteri: How is histology coded for cases of carcinosarcoma/malignant mixed Mullerian (MMMT) tumor diagnosed 2021 and later? See Discussion.
The ICD-O-3.2 Coding Table includes Mullerian mixed tumor as the preferred term for histology code 8950 (previously malignant mixed Mullerian tumor/MMMT). This table also includes carcinosarcoma, NOS as the preferred term for histology code 8980. Neither the ICD-O-3.2 Coding Table nor the Implementation Guidelines address the long-standing issue of coding histology for diagnoses of carcinosarcoma/malignant mixed Mullerian tumor.
These endometrial primaries are frequently diagnosed as both carcinosarcoma and MMMT. The questions regarding histology coding for carcinosarcoma and carcinosarcoma/MMMT of the endometrium date back to before the Multiple Primaries/Histology Rules, with at least three SINQ entries instructing registrars not to use code 8950/3 (MMMT) for diagnoses of MMMT. SINQ has instructed registrars that MMMT is a synonym for carcinosarcoma and these tumors should be coded to 8980 (carcinosarcoma), not to 8950 (MMMT). The most recent SINQ is partly inconsistent with the others, indicating 8950 can be used if the tumor is only described as MMMT. The other SINQ entries state carcinosarcoma should be used as it is the preferred term for MMMT. (See SINQ 20061008, 20100009, 20180071.)
The most recent SINQ (20180071) specifically indicates: According to the WHO Classification of Tumors of Female Reproductive Organs, 4th edition, MMMT (8950/3) is now a synonym for carcinosarcoma (8980/3) even though it has a separate ICD-O code. The ICD-O code for MMMT is no longer in the WHO book. However, MMMT is in the ICD-O-3.2 Coding Table and is not stated to be obsolete or a synonym. Which is correct, the clarification in the SINQ or the 2021 ICD-O-3.2 Coding Table?
For a 2021 diagnosis of carcinosarcoma/malignant mixed Mullerian tumor, how should registrars code the histology? Follow the previous SINQ entries and Rule H17 to code the histology to 8980 when the diagnosis includes both carcinosarcoma and MMMT? Do these previous SINQ entries still apply to cases diagnosed 2021 and later?
This question was prompted from preparing SEER*Educate coding exercises. We will use the answer as a reference in the rationales.
According to both the 4th and 5th Ed WHO GYN Tumors, carcinosarcoma (8980) is the preferred term and pathologists are encouraged to no longer use Mixed Mullerian Tumor (8950) in their diagnoses. WHO 4th Ed GYN now lists MMMT as synonym for carcinosarcoma. 8950/3 is no longer included in WHO 4th Ed.
Until the the Other Sites Rules can be updated with histology tables to assist in coding, use the following to determine histology.
Carcinosarcoma (8980/3) and MMMT (8950/3)
- Path diagnosis often stated as carcinosarcoma (malignant mixed Mullerian tumor)
- Per SME, when stated this way code to carcinosarcoma 8980/3.