SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 03/08/2025 9:33 PM
Question 20220040
Inquiry Details
#1: 2022 SEER Manual, 97-99. Laterality
#2: ICD-O-3. Topography
Laterality--Brain and CNS: Can Laterality be coded as 5 (midline) for a sella turcica meningioma (or tuberculum sellae meningioma) when no other statement regarding tumor laterality is documented? See Discussion.
Laterality is often not noted for these sella turcica meningiomas; therefore, Laterality is often coded as 9 (Unknown). Because the sella turcica appears to be a midline structure in the base of the skull, is Laterality code 5 (midline) more appropriate when additional information is unavailable?
You may assign code 5 (Paired site: midline tumor) for laterality of a meningioma of the sella turcica (C700).
The 2022 SEER manual states in Laterality coding instruction 5: Assign Laterality code 5 only when the primary site is C700, C710-C714, C722-C725, C443, C445. Do not assign code 5 to sites not listed in 5.a.
Note that code 9 is for paired sites and there is no information concerning laterality.
Document laterality information in the appropriate text field. Note: Laterality does not factor into the CNS Solid Tumor rules.