SEER Inquiry System - Report
Produced: 01/10/2025 7:58 PM
Question 20230047
Inquiry Details
2023 SEER Manual, p. 107. Behavior Code, In Situ and Invasive section
Reportability/Histology--Head & Neck: Is a 2023 mandibular biopsy showing “severe squamous dysplasia with microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion” reportable? See Discussion.
Patient had a mandibular mucosal lesion resected in June of 2023, with a diagnosis of “atypical squamous proliferation” and case was forwarded to an expert in oral pathology for best classification. Subsequent slide review final diagnosis was “moderate to severe squamous dysplasia.” That slide review diagnosis goes on to state “microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion.”
Currently there is no ICD-O code for severe squamous dysplasia, however it is unclear if this terminology is equivalent to high grade squamous dysplasia (histology code 8077/2).
Report as squamous cell carcinoma (8070/3) on the basis of “microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion.” "Severe dysplasia" is equivalent to "high grade dysplasia" in the Head and neck. As such, "severe squamous dysplasia" would be coded to 8077/2. However, in combination with the statement of "with microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion,” report as squamous cell carcinoma (8070/3) based on “microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion.” The 2023 SEER Manual instructs us to code the behavior as malignant (/3) if any portion of the primary tumor is invasive no matter how limited, i.e., microinvasion. Use text fields to record the details.