Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20120067 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Thyroid: How is the histology coded for a poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma with rhabdoid phenotype arising in a papillary carcinoma? | For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code the histology as papillary carcinoma, poorly differentiated [8260/33].
The WHO classification lists grade III papillary carcinoma as one of the synonyms for poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma.
The steps used to arrive at this decision are: Open the Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules Manual. Choose one of the three formats (i.e., flowchart, matrix or text). Go to the Other Sites Histo rules because site specific rules have not been developed for this primary. Start with the SINGLE TUMOR: INVASIVE ONLY module, rule H8. The rules are intended to be reviewed in consecutive order within a module. Per rule H13 "phenotype" is not a term used to code a more specific histology. Moving to Rule H14 the histology is coded 8260/3 [papillary adenocarcinoma]. |
2012 | |
20120051 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Breast: What histology code for a diagnosis of pleomorphic lobular carcinoma in situ? | For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code the histology as lobular carcinoma, in situ [8520/2].
The steps used to arrive at this decision are:
Open the Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules Manual. Choose one of the three formats (i.e., flowchart, matrix or text). Go to the Breast Histo rules because site specific rules exist for this primary.
Start at the SINGLE TUMOR: IN SITU CARCINOMA ONLY module, Rule H1. The rules are intended to be reviewed in consecutive order. Stop at the first rule that applies to the case you are processing. Code the histology to lobular carcinoma in situ [8520/2] because this is the only histologic type identified.
Pleomorphic lobular carcinoma is a variant of lobular carcinoma which does not have an ICD-O-3 code. It is still a lobular carcinoma. The identification of the variants of lobular carcinoma was a relatively recent discovery and the information was not available when the 2007 MP/H Rules were written. All of the lobular variants will be included in the next revision of the MP/H Rules. |
2012 | |
20120089 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Colon: The final diagnosis on a path report for a colon specimen says: Is a colon specimen final diagnosis of carcinoma in situ in a serrated adenoma coded to 8010/2, 8210/2 or 8213/2? | For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code the histology as 8213/2 [carcinoma in situ in a serrated adenoma].
The steps used to arrive at this decision are:
: Apply ICD-O-3 rule F (Matrix principle) and assign the behavior code /2 when the behavior assigned by the pathologist differs from the usual behavior as given in the ICD-O-3.
: Open the Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules Manual. Choose one of the three formats (i.e., flowchart, matrix or text) and go to the Colon Histology rules.
: Start at the SINGLE TUMOR module, Rule H1. The rules are intended to be reviewed in consecutive order within a module. Stop at rule H4. Code the histology as 8213/2.
Note: The histology 8213 (adenocarcinoma in serrated adenoma) will be added to rule H4 in the next revision. |
2012 | |
20071073 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Breast: How is histology coded for a single tumor with ductal and tubular features in only the invasive component and not in the in situ component? See Discussion. | A breast tumor diagnosed in Feb. 2007 is a single tumor with in situ and invasive components. The invasive component is diagnosed as ductal with tubular features. The only rule that applies is H9 which says 'code the invasive histology.' Is it ductal (8500) or tubular (8211)? If you continue through the H rules, then H12 does not apply, because tubular is not a type of ductal. So then you end up at H17, which would make this 8523. Which code is correct? |
For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code the histology 8523 [duct mixed with other types of carcinoma]. After determining that the invasive histology is to be coded using rule H9, there is another decision to make in this case -- which invasive histology should be coded? Make a second pass through the histology rules, begining with rule H10. Stop at H17 and code 8523. This advanced concept of a "second pass" through the rules is discussed in an online web training session called "Beyond the basics." Go to the SEER website to view this session |
2007 |
20081098 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Colon: How do you use Rule H5 or H6 to code "moderately diff adenoca with mucinous component"? | For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code the histology 8140 [Adenocarcinoma]. Rule H6 applies because the final diagnosis is not "mucinous adenocarcinoma" and the percentage of mucinous adenocarcinoma is not stated. Rule H13 does not apply because "component" is not a term that indicates a specific histology. |
2008 | |
20110140 | MP/H Rules/Behavior--Breast: How are behavior and histology coded when the pathology report final diagnosis is "ductal carcinoma in situ and lobular carcinoma in situ" if the microscopic examination section of the same pathology report states there are "foci suspicious for microinvasive carcinoma"? See Discussion. | The pathology report microscopic examination states, "focally, between ducts involved by DCIS, there are minute tubular structures associated with stromal fibrosis and chronic inflammation. These foci are suspicious for microinvasive carcinoma." | For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code one primary with histology and behavior coded to 8522/2 [intraductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma in situ].
The steps used to arrive at this decision are as follows
Open the Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules manual. Choose one of the three formats (i.e., flowchart, matrix or text) under the Breast Histology rules. The module you use depends on the behavior and number of tumors identified in the primary site. The information provided does not specify whether this was a single tumor with DCIS and LCIS or multiple tumors with DCIS and LCIS. In this case, the number of tumors does not change the histology code for this patient. For this example, assume this disease process was a single tumor.
Start at the SINGLE TUMOR: In Situ Carcinoma Only module. The rules are intended to be reviewed in consecutive order from Rule H1 to Rule H8. Stop at the first rule that applies to the case you are processing. Code the histology as 8522/2 (intraductal carcinoma and lobular carcinoma in situ) when there is a combination of in situ lobular (LCIS) [8520] and intraductal carcinoma (DCIS).
Do not code the behavior as invasive in this case. The pathologist indicated that these findings were "suspicious" but not definite in the microscopic examination. If the pathologist decided that this was truly an invasive tubular element, it would have been included in the final diagnosis.
2011 |
20071010 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Prostate: While cases of "acinar adenocarcinoma" of the prostate are required to be abstracted with the histology code 8140/3 [adenocarcinoma, NOS] for cases diagnosed 1/1/07 or later, can 8550/3 [acinar adenocarcinoma] be used for cases diagnosed prior to 1/1/07? See Discussion. | The SEER Multiple Primary and Histology manual, effective with 2007 forward diagnosis dates, indicates that this histology should be coded to 8140/3 [adenocarcinoma, NOS]. Does this contradict ICD-O-3? Can acinar adenocarcinoma be coded for other primary sites? | For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code acinar adenocarcinoma of the prostate as 8140/3. Prior to diagnosis year 2007, code 8550/3 [acinar adenocarcinoma] may be used for prostate cases and for acinar adenocarcinoma of other sites, such as pancreas. |
2007 |
20091130 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Breast: What is the correct histology code and MP/H rule used for 1) infiltrating ductal carcinoma, mucinous type and 2) infiltrating ductal carcinoma with features of tubular carcinoma? See Discussion. |
There is confusion as to which rule applies. Should the histologies be coded to 8480/3 [mucinous adenocarcinoma] and 8211/3 [tubular adenocarcinoma] respectively per rule H12? Rule H12 states to code the most specific histologic term; "type" and "with features of" are used in the pathologic diagnosis and are both terms that can be used to code the specific histology. Or would the histology be coded 8523 for both examples per rule H17 because neither histologic codes 8480/3 or 8211/3 are included as examples of duct carcinomas, nor are they included in Table 2? |
For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, code 8523 [infiltrating duct mixed with other types of carcinoma] for
1. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma, mucinous type and 2. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma with features of tubular carcinoma
The infiltrating ductal types in Rule H12 are listed (8022, 8035, 8501-8508) and do not include mucinous or tubular. We cannot use this rule. The first rule that applies to these single tumors is H17, code to 8523. If you look up 8523 in the numerical morphology section of ICD-O-3, you will see similar examples included in the definition of this code. |
2009 |
20091037 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Brain: How is histology coded for a "low grade neuroglial tumor" of the fourth ventricle? | For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, assign histology code 9505/1 [Ganglioglioma, NOS].
According to our pathologist consultant, low grade neuroglial tumor of the fourth ventricle correlates best to the "rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor of the 4th ventricle" which is a new WHO entity. There is no current ICD-O-3 code for this. The best code available at this time is 9505/1. |
2009 | |
20091040 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Breast: How is histology coded for an "infiltrating papillary carcinoma" of the breast when there is no mention of ductal or adenocarcinoma in the pathology report? | For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, assign histology code 8503 [Papillary adenocarcinoma]. Rule H14 applies. ICD-O-3 code 8050 does not apply in this case. Refer to the numeric listing in ICD-O-3. 8050 is a squamous cell neoplasm. Papillary carcinoma of the breast is NOT a squamous cell neoplasm. It is a neoplasm of the breast parenchyma - ducts, lobules or connective tissue. 8503 is the correct code in this case. |
2009 |