Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20150017 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Head and Neck: What is the histology code for salivary duct carcinoma of parotid gland? |
Code salivary duct carcinoma to invasive ductal carcinoma (8500/3). Salivary duct carcinoma is an aggressive adenocarcinoma which resembles high-grade breast ductal carcinoma according to the WHO Classification of Tumors of Head & Neck. |
2015 | |
20140067 | MP/H/Histology--Kidney, renal pelvis: What is the histology code for renal cell carcinoma translocation type? |
Code renal cell carcinoma translocation type as renal cell carcinoma, NOS, 8312. While WHO recognizes renal cell carcinomas with associated translocations, there is no specific ICD-O-3 code for this variant of renal cell carcinoma. |
2014 | |
20200014 | Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Brain and CNS: How are histology and primary site coded when a resection of a spine, designated intramedullary lesion, shows primary intramedullary melanocytoma? See Discussion. |
Patient has a resection labeled as: Spine, designated intramedullary lesion. The Final Diagnosis is: Melanocytic neoplasm with features most consistent with primary intramedullary melanocytoma. The Diagnosis Comment states: The overall immunophenotypic and morphologic impression is a primary central nervous system melanocytoma. The ICD-O-3 lists melanocytoma, NOS histology code as 8726/0, but does not provide a site-associated code. If the ICD-O-3 is used, the histology would be 8726/0 and the primary site presumably would be C720 since the tumor was specifically described as being intramedullary (i.e., within the spinal cord medulla). Table 6 (Solid Tumor Rules, Non-Malignant CNS Equivalent Terms and Definitions) does not list either an intramedullary melanocytoma or melanocytoma (NOS). However, Table 6 does include meningeal melanocytosis 8728/0 and meningeal melanocytoma 8728/1. If Table 6 is used and the histology is coded 8728/1, then the primary site would presumably be C701 per the ICD-O-3 site-associated listing for this histology (C709). |
Code primary site to spinal meninges (C701) and histology to meningeal melanocytoma (8728/1). According to the WHO Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System, 4th ed., primary melanocytic neoplasms of the central nervous system are diffuse or localized tumors that presumably arise from leptomeningeal melanocytes. Benign or intermediate grade lesions are termed melanocytomas. Meningeal melanocytoma is defined as a well-differentiated, solid, and non-infiltrative melanocytic neoplasm that arises from leptomeningeal melanocytes. Most arise in the extramedullary, intradural compartment at the cervical and thoracic spine though they can be dural-based or associated with nerve roots or spinal foramina. |
2020 |
20130050 | Multiple Primaries/Primary site/Histology--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How many primaries are accessioned and what is the primary site and histology for each if a 6/12/12 left shoulder mass specimen suspicious for large B-cell lymphoma is followed on 7/10/12 with three skin nodules excised from the back with a diagnosis of "composite lymphoma? See Discussion. | 6/12/12 Excisional biopsy left shoulder soft tissue mass: Suspicious for large B-cell lymphoma.
7/10/12 Excisional biopsy three skin nodules of back: "Composite lymphoma" - primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma (CD3 pos, CD4 pos, CD30 pos, ALK neg with partial loss of CD5) and CONCURRENT cutaneous follicular center lymphoma (CD20 pos, PAX5 pos, BCL-6 pos, partially CD10 pos) and flow cytometry revealed results compatible with involvement by a lymphoproliferative disorder of T-cell lineage.
Per imaging performed, there was no involvement of lymph nodes or other organs.
Is the primary site C449 Skin, NOS and histology 9718/3 [Lymphoma, primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell] be correct? |
Code primary site to C445 [skin, back] and histology to 9718/3 [cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma] .
Per Rule M6, abstract a single primary when two or more types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma are simultaneously present in the same anatomic location. For this case, there is cutaneous follicular (follicle) center lymphoma (9597/3) and cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma (9718/3).
Per Rule PH22, code the primary site to the site or origin (skin, back) and the histology to the NHL with the numerically highest ICD-O-3 code. In this case, that would be 9718/3. |
2013 |
20230029 | Primary Site--Skin: Are perianal skin primaries within 5 cm of the anus coded as perianal skin (C44.5) or anus (C21.0). See Discussion. |
ICD-O-3 tells us that perianal skin is C445 and we do not capture basal or squamous cell skin cancers in our registry. The AJCC manual stages perianal skin cancers within 5 cm of the anus with the anus chapter. We cannot AJCC stage them as an anus if we are not capturing them as C445. I realize we do not code a site in order to stage. We have been following the reportability rules and not capturing. Is this correct? I do not see this addressed in the new Other Sites Solid Tumor Rules. |
Code primary site based on the site of origin as determined by the physicians. If the physicians state the site of origin is anus, code anus; the same as with skin. As you state, squamous cell cancer of sites coded to C44 is not reportable. The AJCC instruction for physicians to stage perianal neoplasms within 5 cm of the anus using the Anus chapter does not change cancer registry instructions for coding primary site, nor does it affect cancer registry reportability instructions. |
2023 |
20200051 | Primary site/Unknown and ill-defined site--Melanoma: What is the primary site for a case of metastatic melanoma with an unknown primary site? See Discussion. |
A patient had posterior cervical lymphadenopathy status post biopsy and subsequent lymph node dissection showed metastatic melanoma in 2018. Workup showed no skin lesions or primary site. Final diagnosis is melanoma of unknown primary (unknown if cutaneous or non-cutaneous). Should C760 be used as the primary site for this case since the histology codes of 8700-8790 are included in the Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumors of the Head and Neck schema in SEER*RSA? |
Code primary site C449. C449 is the default primary site code for melanoma of unknown primary site. C760 should not be assigned for this case. Updates will be made to SEER*RSA to remove the melanoma histology codes from the Cervical Lymph Nodes and Unknown Primary Tumors of the Head and Neck schema. |
2020 |
20170012 | Primary Site/Sarcoma--Breast: How should the primary site and stage be coded for osteosarcoma of breast? Is C509 correct or should the code be a different primary site? When assigning C509, the Collaborative Stage (CS) still pertains to breast cancer and AJCC stages it as a breast cancer and not as a sarcoma. |
Code primary osteosarcoma of the breast to breast, C500-C509. Not all site and histology combinations can be staged in CS or AJCC. 9180/3 of breast cannot be staged using the CS breast schema. Breast (C500-C509) cannot be staged using the CS soft tissue schema. The same is true for AJCC. You can stage this case using SEER Summary Stage. Important: Do NOT change the primary site or histology code based on whether or not the case can be CS or AJCC staged. We need to know how many cases are unable to be staged because of their primary site and histology combinations. |
2017 | |
20190058 | Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Cervix Uteri: What is the histology code and what H Rule applies for a diagnosis of papillary squamotransitional cell carcinoma of the cervix? See Discussion. |
It appears that the first Other Sites applicable rule is H16 (and Table 2) instructing the use of histology code 8323 (mixed cell adenocarcinoma). However, this really is not an adenocarcinoma tumor but is a mixed squamous and transitional cell carcinoma. The 2018 ICD-O-3 Histology Update Table provides a new term for a but does not indicate whether that new term would also include a papillary squamotransitional cell carcinoma of the cervix. |
Code papillary squamotransitional cell carcinoma (PSCC) as 8120/3 using the 2018 Other Sites Solid Tumor Rules, Rule H11. PSCC is a distinctive subcategory of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. WHO Classification of Tumors of Female Reproductive Organs say that squamotransitional cell tumors show papillary architecture with fibrovascular cores lines by multilayered atypical epithelium. |
2019 |
20220017 | Histology--Thyroid: What is the correct histology code for a thyroid resection showing papillary carcinoma, tall cell variant with oncocytic features with 30% of largest tumor (right) is tall cell variant and both foci contain benign multinucleated giant cells? See Discussion. |
There is an ICD-O histology code for papillary carcinoma, tall cell (8344/3) as well as papillary carcinoma, oxyphilic cell (8342/3). Per SINQ 20150045, the term oncocytic is synonymous with oxyphilic in this context. The term “variant” can be used for the Other Sites (non-updated STR sites) primaries when the ICD-O-3.2 (or ICD-O-3 for older cases) includes the term “variant” in the histology name. The MPH General Instructions did not include the term “variant” as a term that can be used to code histology. |
Code papillary carcinoma, tall cell variant with oncocytic features to papillary carcinoma, tall cell (C73.9) (8344/3). The WHO Classification of Endocrine Organs states that this variant is composed of cells that are as tall as they are wide, and show abundant eosinophilic (oncocytic-like) cytoplasm. Tall cells must account for greater than or equal to 30% of all tumor cells. |
2022 |
20140024 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Bladder:What is the correct histology code for the following bladder histology? High grade urothelial cancer with extensive neuroendocrine differentiation. |
Code neuroendocrine carcinoma, 8246/3. Note 2 under Rule H7 applies.
We are reviewing mixed histologies for the next version of the rules. |
2014 |