Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20210055 | Tumor Size--Pathologic/EOD 2018: How is Tumor Size--Pathologic coded when Extent of Disease (EOD) Primary Tumor is 800 (No evidence of primary tumor) and there has been no surgery to the primary site? See Discussion. |
The SEER Manual states to assign Tumor Size--Pathological code 000 when EOD Primary Tumor is coded to 800 (No evidence of primary tumor) for any schema. However, the definition of Tumor Size--Pathologic states that it records the size of a solid primary tumor that has been resected. If the primary site has not been resected (does not meet the pathologic staging criteria), then it seems that Tumor Size Pathologic should be 999 when EOD Primary Tumor is coded as 800. |
Assign code 999 for Tumor Size--Pathologic when there is no surgery of the primary site. Code 999 includes "No excisional biopsy or tumor resection done." |
2021 |
20170039 | Histology--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How should histology be coded for final bone marrow diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts? See Discussion. |
This terminology is not specifically included in either alternate names list for myelodysplastic syndrome, NOS (9989/3) or refractory anemia with excess blasts (9983/3). Example: Bone Marrow Biopsy, Final Diagnosis: Consistent with involvement by myelodysplastic syndrome with excess blasts-2 (MDS EB-2). |
Assign code 9983/3 refractory anemia with excess blasts. Refractory anemia is a type of myelodyplastic syndrome. We will add this to the Heme & Lymphoid database during the next update. |
2017 |
20230033 | Histology--Heme and Lymphoid Neoplasms: What is the histology code for a final diagnosis of features compatible with EBV-positive nodal T-/NK-cell lymphoma? See Discussion. |
This patient has only nodal involvement for this EBV positive NK/T cell lymphoma. There is no extranodal involvement, specifically no nasal involvement. Additionally, the immunophenotyping does not match the immunophenotyping listed for histology 9719. Therefore, histology 9719 (Extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type) does not seem applicable to this case. This patient is an adult, so histology 9724 (Systemic EBV-positive T-cell lymphoma of childhood) also does not seem to be a match. The most recent WHO Classification seems to classify these as 9702. Is this the appropriate histology for an EBV-positive nodal NK/T-cell lymphoma in an adult? |
Assign code 9702/3 for EBV+ nodal T- and NK-cell lymphoma. Primary nodal EBV-positive T- or NK-cell lymphoma is a rare lymphoma type introduced in the 2017 WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (4th Ed.) as a variant of peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL). It presents more commonly in elderly and/or immunodeficient patients, lacks nasal involvement, and is more often of T-cell rather than NK-cell lineage. |
2023 |
20190002 | Histology/Behavior--Brain and CNS: How should Histology and Behavior be coded for a polymorphous low-grade neuroepithelial tumor of the young (PLNTY) arising in the brain? |
Assign code 9505/1 for ganglioglioma. Per our expert neuropathologist, according to the paper that has done the most work on PLNTY cases, it appears most closely related to the ganglioglioma. It is surely a neoplasm as it has recurrent mutations and fusions seen in other tumors, again, most like gangliogliomas. |
2019 | |
20240057 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Brain and CNS: What is the histology code for angiocentric glioma? See Discussion. |
We would like to confirm that the correct histology code is 9431/1 per ICD-O-3.2, as the Non-Malignant CNS Solid Tumor Manual lists the histology code as both 9431/1 (pages 301 and 303 of the combined manual), but also shows it as a synonym for 9421/1 – Diffuse astrocytoma, MYB- or MYBL1 altered (page 304). |
Assign code 9431/1 for angiocentric glioma. This has been corrected in the 2025 update. Angiocentric glioma was removed from the 9421/1 row and remains in its own row. |
2024 |
20081117 | Histology--Brain and CNS: How is histology to be coded for a pituicytoma WHO grade I, of the pituitary? | Assign code 9380/1 [glioma, borderline]. According to our pathologist consultant, the term pituicytoma is restricted to low-grade glial neoplasms of the neurohypophysis or infundibulum. The best category currently available for these is glioma. |
2008 | |
20180021 | Solid Tumor Rules (2018)/Histology--Corpus uteri: What is the correct histology code for "Mesophrenic-like adenocarcinoma" of the corpus uteri?" See Discussion. |
The article I read ( makes the distinction between mesophrenic adenocarcinoma and mesophrenic-like adenocarcinoma. The authors propose the term mesonephric-like Mullerian adenocarcinoma. So would this be coded as Mullerian adenocarcinoma? |
Assign code 9110/3, mesonephric adenocarcinoma. These tumors commonly arise in the cervical wall and more commonly involve the lower uterine segment than do other cervical adenocarcinomas. |
2018 |
20180039 | Solid Tumor Rules 2018/Histology--Testis: What is the histology code for a 2018 diagnosis of left testis tumor diagnosed as mixed germ cell tumor with secondary malignant components: primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) and rhabdomyosarcoma? See Discussion. |
The patient has testicular cancer with bilateral lung metastases and possible liver metastasis. The left orchiectomy final diagnosis was The Summary describes a single tumor that is, Germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS) is also present. Although there is mixed germ cell tumor present, the PNET component of the tumor is locally invasive extending into the epididymis, hilar soft tissues, spermatic cord, and tunica vaginalis. The mixed germ cell tumor is limited to the testis only. We are instructed not to use to the term to code histology in the MP/H Rules General Instructions (Other Site Rules not updated for 2018), however the PNET comprises the majority of this tumor and represents the most extensive disease. Should the PNET histology be ignored in this case as its a ? |
Assign code 9084/3. According to our expert pathologist consultant, this is a teratoma with a somatic-type malignancy. This code is the best choice even though it does not capture the mixed germ cell elements of the tumor, or the character of the somatic component (rhadomyosarcoma, PNET).There aren't enough histology code numbers to cover all of the possibilities. Use text fields to describe the specifics of this case. |
2018 |
20230048 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Uterine Corpus: How is histology coded for an epithelioid and myxoid leiomyosarcoma of the myometrium? See Discussion. |
Patient had a total abdominal hysterectomy-bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy performed in January 2023 with final diagnosis of myxoid and epithelioid leiomyosarcoma. Diagnosis comment states: The tumor is 15 cm per report. It grows in nests and poorly formed interanastomosing trabeculae and cords that are separated by abundant myxoid background. The cells have an epithelioid morphology with eosinophilic cytoplasm, large nuclei, and very prominent nucleoli. The mitotic activity is overall low ranging from 1 to 3/10 HPFs. Immunohistochemical stains performed at the outside hospital showed diffuse positivity for SMA, desmin, caldesmon, and PR. They are negative for CD10, claudin-4, calretinin, HBM45, MART1 (rare weakly positive cells), PANCK, and SOX10. This immunohistochemical profile supports a smooth muscle derivation of this neoplasm. As this tumor is extensively myxoid, diagnostic criteria differ from the spindle cell leiomyosarcoma. Per Solid Tumor Rules Other Sites, Table 16: Uterine Corpus Histologies, Epithelioid Leiomyosarcoma (8891/3) and Myxoid Leiomyosarcoma (8896/3) are both subtypes of Sarcoma, NOS (8800/3). Per Rule H21, use a combination code when there are multiple specific histologies AND the combination is listed in Table 2 OR there are coding instructions for the combination in the applicable histology Tables 3-21 OR you receive a combination code from Ask A SEER Registrar. Since there is no combination listed in Table 2 and there is no instruction for the combination in Table 16, how should the histology be coded for this tumor? |
Assign code 8891/3 (epithelioid leiomyosarcoma) as cells were described as have an epithelioid morphology; whereas, myxoid was used as a descriptive term and not a specific histologic type. |
2023 |
20140050 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Sarcoma: What would be the morphology code for a low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma of the left distal forearm? I tried several different combinations but the closest I could come up with is myosarcoma. |
Assign code 8825/3. Apply the ICD-O-3 Matrix Concept, Rule F, page 29 of the hardcover ICD-O-3. The WHO Classification of Soft tissue and Bone, page 85, lists low grade myofibroblastic sarcoma, also called myofibrosarcoma, 8825/3. |
2014 |