Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20200026 | EOD 2018--Lung: How should EOD Primary Tumor be coded when imaging describes a large left upper lobe 9.1 cm mass that Also noted is no pleural effusion and normal chest wall. See Discussion. |
It is unclear if code 300 is appropriate, since technically the fissure is comprised of pleura, involvement of the fissure appears to imply a tumor that is no longer localized. An argument could be made for code 400, since the term traverses could be interpreted as crossing into adjacent lobe, however the lower lobe is not mentioned in this scan. |
Assign code 400 as the term "traverses" indicates involvement with extension to the major fissure and is no longer confined to the left lobe. |
2020 |
20230042 | First Course Treatment/Surgery of Primary Site--Rectum: What surgery code should be used for laparoscopic C/T open low anterior resection with colorectal anastomosis, loop ileostomy in diagnosis year 2020, code 30 or 40? See Discussion. |
Can you provide clarification on Rectum primary surgical code 40 Pull through WITH sphincter preservation (colo-anal anastomosis)? Would this be code 30 or 40 due to the colorectal anastomosis? |
Assign code 40, Pull through WITH sphincter preservation (colo-anal anastomosis). The National Cancer Institute Dictionary of Cancer Terms defines coloanal anastomosis as a surgical procedure in which the colon is attached to the anus after the rectum has been removed. It is also called coloanal pull-through. |
2023 |
20200067 | Summary Stage 2018/Extension--Colon: What is the Summary Stage for adenocarcinoma of cecum where the tumor extends into the proximal portion of attached vermiform appendix? See Discussion. |
2020 Diagnosis: Patient had a right hemicolectomy showing adenocarcinoma of cecum, tumor extends into proximal portion of attached vermiform appendix. Tumor invades through muscularis propria into pericolorectal tissues (NOS). Regional lymph nodes: 06/39. Primary Tumor EOD: Where does the appendix involvement come into coding or will this be based on the pericolorectal tissue (NOS) invasion? What is my Summary Stage? I know it is at least 3 due to regional ln involvement, but the appendix involvement is making me question 3 vs 4. |
Assign code 4, Regional by BOTH direct extension AND regional lymph node(s) involved. In this case, the Regional component for Summary Stage 2018 is based on Note 6, under Colon and Rectum where Regional is defined as: -Mesentery -Peritonealized pericolic/perirectal tissues invaded [Ascending Colon/Descending Colon/Hepatic Flexure/Splenic Flexure/Upper third of rectum: anterior and lateral surfaces; Cecum; Sigmoid Colon; Transverse Colon; Rectosigmoid; Rectum: middle third anterior surface] -Pericolic/Perirectal fat |
2020 |
20200029 | Systemic/Surgery Sequence: The note associated with code 4 in Systemic Treatment/Surgery Sequence in the 2018 SEER Manual says: Code 4 is intended for situations with at least two episodes or courses of systemic therapy. Does this mean two different types of systemic therapy before and after surgery? See Discussion. |
For example, chemotherapy and immunotherapy administered first, followed by surgery, then immunotherapy and hormone therapy after surgery. Or is code 4 used for two administrations of chemotherapy before surgery and two more courses after surgery? |
Assign code 4 for the example you describe. Code 4 also applies to cases with one course of chemotherapy before surgery and another course after surgery. |
2020 |
20031020 | Surgery of Primary Site--Head & Neck: Is the removal of the left tonsil during a bilateral tonsillectomy for a right tonsil primary coded in the surgery of the primary site field to 27 [Excisional bx], 30 [Pharyngectomy, NOS], 31 [Limited/partial pharyngectomy; tonsillectomy; bilateral tonsillectomy], or to code 2 under the Surgical Procedure of Other Site field? See discussion. |
Our notes document a 1/99 SEER e-mail stating that tonsillectomy/tonsillectomy with wide excision would be code to 31. Is this still correct? Some of our coders felt that code 27 or 30 would be more appropriate. Is the removal of the contralateral tonsil incidental removal or do we code it under Surgery of Other Regional Site, Distant Site, or Distant Lymph Nodes? If it is coded, would 5 be the correct code? |
Assign code 31 [Limited/partial pharyngectomy; tonsillectomy, bilateral tonsillectomy]. Do not code removal of the contralateral tonsil under Surgical Procedure of Other Site. Surgery to remove regional tissue with the primary site during the same procedure is coded in the Surgery of Primary Site field. |
2003 |
20170030 | Surgery Primary Site--Melanoma: How should Surgery of Primary Site be coded for a melanoma diagnosed on punch or shave biopsy followed by a wide excision that shows no residual disease and the gross wide excision specimen size showing no residual is greater than 1 cm in all dimensions (length, width and depth)? See Discussion. |
Discussion: Example: Shave biopsy with superficial spreading melanoma, Breslow 0.25 mm, Clark level II. Excision with no residual melanoma and gross description of specimen size is 4.0 x 1.6 cm skin ellipse excised to a depth of 1.8 cm. We have differing opinions in our registry. Opinion 1: We can assume margins are greater than 1 cm based on the excision specimen size when there is no residual tumor on excision and all dimensions of the excision specimen are more than 1 cm. Surgery would be coded in 40s range. Opinion 2: We should assume the melanoma defect was in the middle of the excision specimen, so for a skin ellipse that is 4.0 x 1.6 cm, there would be a 2 cm and 0.8 cm margin (respectively) from the middle of the specimen, thus margins are not > 1 cm. Surgery would be coded in 30s range. |
Assign code 30: Biopsy of primary tumor followed by a gross excision of the lesion. The margins are unknown. The registrar should not try to determine the margins when they are not specified. See the SEER Note at the top of page 2 in the Skin Surgery Codes section of Appendix C of the SEER manual "If it is stated to be a wide excision or reexcision, but the margins are unknown, code to 30." |
2017 |
20230061 | EOD (2018)/EOD Primary Tumor--Prostate: How is Extent of Disease (EOD) Prostate Pathologic Extension coded when no residual cancer is found? See Discussion. |
Patient was diagnosed with a pT1c prostate cancer in 2022. Patient was then treated with radical prostatectomy. No residual disease was found. Would the correct EOD prostate path extension code be 999 based on Note 8 (code 999 when radical prostatectomy is performed, but there is no information on the extension); or, would we use code 300 (confined to prostate) because the data item "…is used to assign pT category for prostate cancer based on radical prostatectomy specimens" and we know it was limited to the prostate because no residual was found? |
Assign code 300 for EOD Prostate Pathologic Extension. In this scenario, the patient has a localized cancer confirmed by radical prostatectomy; the needle core biopsies likely removed all the cancer. Unlike prostate, other sites’ extension information is collected in EOD Primary Tumor, as seen commonly with breast tumors where the results from the surgical resection are recorded with tumor confined to primary site. |
2023 |
20190004 | Systemic/Surgery Sequence: Does the Systemic/Surgery Sequence field apply to only the first surgery performed (Date of First Surgical Procedure) or does it apply to the most definitive surgery (Date Most Definitive Surgery) as well? See Discussion. |
Example: Bladder primary with transurethral resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT) on 2/17/2017 (Date of First Surgical Proc) followed by a second TURBT on 3/24/2017 (Date Most Definitive Surgery) with mitomycin C instilled on the second, most definitive TURB procedure. There is an edit failure (IFX166) when Systemic/Surgery Sequence is coded 5 (intra-operative systemic) and Systemic Date does not match Date of First Surgical Procedure. How should we capture the intra-operative systemic treatment during the second, most definitive TURB? Is the correct Surgery/Systemic Sequence code 3 (systemic after surgery) for this case because (intra-operative) chemo was technically given after the first surgery? |
Assign code 3 to Systemic/Surgery Sequence and document the intraoperative treatment in the text field. Surgery is defined as a Surgical Procedure to the Primary Site (codes 10-90), Scope of RLN Surgery (codes 1-7), or Surgical Procedure of Other Site (codes 1-5) in the 2018 SEER Manual. In this case, the treatment was after the first surgical procedure. |
2019 |
20071075 | Flag: For cases diagnosed prior to 2001, how is the ICD-O-3 Conversion Flag set if the ICD-O-2 and ICD-O-3 histology and behavior fields are both directly coded, as registrars in this region are instructed to do when submitting late cases, and as a result no conversion is necessary? Is it to 0 [Morphology (Morph--Type&Behav ICD-O-3 originally coded in ICD-O-3)] or Blank [Not converted]? | Assign code 3 [converted with review]. In your scenario above, ICD-O-2 and ICD-O-3 are being independently coded which should yield the same result as converting the case and then reviewing it. Otherwise, if there is an ICD-O-3 code which differs from the ICD-O-3 code based on the conversion criteria, it will trigger an edit. |
2007 | |
20210077 | First Course Therapy/Neoadjuvant Treatment: How are Neoadjuvant Therapy--Clinical Response and Neoadjuvant Therapy--Treatment Effect coded when the neoadjuvant therapy was not completed? Does the entire course of neoadjuvant therapy need to be completed before we can code these fields? See Discussion. |
Example: The neoadjuvant therapy was started, the patient progressed, the treatment plan was altered, and a new course of systemic therapy was started; surgery was cancelled. 01/25/21 Bile duct brushing: Malignant cells present, adenocarcinoma 01/26/21 Surgical oncology consult: Currently unresectable; recommend neoadjuvant chemo 02/22/21-3/29/21 Neoadjuvant Gemzar & Abraxane, two cycles, discontinued due to disease progression 04/17/21 Surgical oncology re-eval: CT positive for disease progression, need to change Rx 04/26/21 Second change of treatment due to progression: Irinotecan, Oxaliplatin, and 5FU 07/16/21 Surgical oncology re-eval: Unresectable, advise 4-6 months of chemo followed by radiation |
Assign code 3 (Progressive disease (PD)(per managing/treating physician statement) for Neoadjuvant Treatment--Clinical Response and code 7 (Neoadjuvant therapy completed and planned surgical resection not performed) for Neoadjuvant Treatment--Treatment Effect. These are the best choices under the circumstances. Use text fields to record the details. |
2021 |