Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20150033 | MP/H/Histology--Lung: Would you code a lung primary of "non-small cell carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation" to non-small cell carcinoma (8046/3) or carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation (8574/3)? See discussion. |
The pathology report states "Right mediastinal mass: poorly differentiated non-small cell carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation." This is the only histologic confirmation of this lung primary that is collected. |
Code carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation (8574/3). MP/H rule H7 applies: code the higher ICD-O-3 code. There is non-small cell lung carcinoma (8046/3) and a carcinoma, NOS with neuroendocrine differentiation present (8574/3). |
2015 |
20031120 | Primary site: How is this field coded for a malignant spindle cell neoplasm in a subcutaneous mass of the right knee? See Description. |
The pathology report says: Right knee tumor: A. discrete subcutaneous mass 3.5x5.2x1.4 cm malignant spindle cell neoplasm (see Comment) B. A focus of subcutaneous malignant neoplasm is identified in the superior resection margin. C.All other margins are clear. The comment mentions that the specimen has been sent to Mayo Clinic and the Mayo clinic consult says, "we still believe that the diagnosis of spindle cell carcinoma is correct. Obviously the differential diagnosis involves melanoma and sarcoma also. The results of the immunoperoxidase stains strongly support the prior diagnosis of a carcinoma." |
Code the site to C49.2 [Connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues of lower limb and hip]. The site is a subcutaneous mass. C49 with 8032/3 will not be impossible following the next updates to the SEER edits. |
2003 |
20190010 | Reportability/Histology--Bladder: Is papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP) (8130/1) reportable when also referred to as papillary transitional cell carcinoma, grade 1, no invasion (8130/2) previously? See Discussion. |
The pathology report reads: Urinary bladder, tumor over right ureteral orifice, biopsy: Urinary bladder mucosa (urothelium) and submucosa (lamina propria), with papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (previously known as papillary transitional cell carcinoma, grade 1 of 3), no invasion identified. |
This case is not reportable. PUNLMP (8130/1) is the diagnosis stated by the pathologist for this case and PUNLMP is not reportable. The information in parentheses is informational in this case and does not change the pathologist's diagnosis. According to WHO Classification of Tumors of the Urinary System and Male Genital Organs, 4th edition, there is variation of architectural and cytological features between PUNLMP and papillary urothelial carcinoma, low grade, reflecting grading changes from an older classification system. |
2019 |
20120024 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Breast: How many primaries are abstracted and what histology codes are used when a patient has two tumors, one reported as duct and lobular carcinoma and another reported as pleomorphic lobular and duct carcinoma? See Discussion. |
The pathology report indicated two tumors in the upper outer quadrant of the breast. One tumor has duct and lobular carcinoma and the other tumor has pleomorphic lobular and duct carcinoma. Per a web search, pleomorphic lobular carcinoma is a recently recognized subtype of lobular cancer. According to the MP/H Rules, Breast Equivalent Terms, Definitions, Tables and Illustrations, "pleomorphic carcinoma" is a specific type of duct carcinoma [8022/3]. This is not listed as a combined histology in Table 3. Should this be abstracted as a single primary per Rule M10, with the histology coded 8523/3 [infiltrating duct mixed with other types of carcinoma]? Or should this be abstracted as two primaries per Rule M12, with the histologies coded as 8022/3 [pleomorphic carcinoma] and 8522/3 [infiltrating duct and infiltrating lobular carcinoma]? |
This is a single primary with the histology coded as infiltrating duct and infiltrating lobular carcinoma [8522/3]. For cases diagnosed 2007 or later, the steps used to arrive at this decision are: Open the Multiple Primary and Histology Coding Rules manual. For a breast primary, start with the Breast Multiple Primary Rules because there are site specific rules for breast primaries. Start at Rule M4 because this patient has multiple tumors in the same breast. The rules are intended to be reviewed in consecutive order within the applicable Module. Abstract a single primary as tumors that are lobular [8520] and intraductal or duct are a single primary. Use the Breast Histology Coding Rules to determine the correct histology for these multiple tumors abstracted as a single primary. Start at Rule H20 as there were multiple tumors present but it is a single primary. Code the histology to 8522 [duct and lobular] when there is any combination of lobular [8520] and duct carcinoma. The Note for Rule M10 indicates Table 1 and Table 2 are used to identify specific intraductal and duct carcinomas. Referring to Table 2 (Duct 8500/3 and Specific Duct Carcinomas) note that pleomorphic carcinoma is listed as a specific type of duct carcinoma. Pleomorphic is a word that describes the cellular appearance rather than a specific histology. It is coded when that is the only description/diagnosis given (pleomorphic carcinoma/pleomorphic duct carcinoma). In this case, both duct and lobular are describing the actual histologic types. Ignore the term "pleomorphic" and code the actual histologic descriptors, ductal and lobular. We will make appropriate changes to the breast rules in the MP/H revisions so this distinction is clear. |
2012 |
20100028 | Primary site/Histology--Head & Neck: How are these fields coded when the final diagnosis for a skull based mass is "neuroendocrine carcinoma" and the IHC studies are incompatible with a brain/spinal cord primary (ependymoma)? See Discussion. |
The pathology report final diagnosis is, "skull base mass, biopsy: neuroendocrine carcinoma, see note. NOTE: Ancillary IHC studies reveal ...the IHC signature is incompatible with ependymoma. The constellation of findings is diagnostic of well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma." The site/histology combination of C410 and 8246/3 is 'impossible' by SEER edits. There is no override. What is the correct primary site and histology? |
According to our subject matter expert physician, this unusual case is most likely a sino-nasal tumor (some variant of esthesioneuroblastoma [olfactory neuroblastoma]). Code to nasal cavity [C300] as indicated in ICD-O-3 by site-associated topography code attached to the morphology code for olfactory neuroblastoma [9522/3]. |
2010 |
20130073 | Reportability--Brain and CNS: Is Rosai-Dorfman disease a neoplastic reportable disease process if it occurs in the brain? See Discussion. |
The pathology report diagnosis is: Cranium, right temporal area, resection of intradural, extra-axial mass: Severe acute and chronic inflammation, histiocytic reaction, and proliferative fibrosis. See comment. Comment: Among potential alternative considerations are an infectious process, or non-infectious inflammatory CNS lesions such as inflammatory pseudotumor, Rosai-Dorfman disease, plasma cell granuloma, idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis, and inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. The clinicians discuss this and review other chart information and conclude the patient has a clinical diagnosis of Rosai-Dorfman disease. This is a rare disorder characterized by proliferation of histiocytes. |
This case is not reportable. Rosai-Dorfman disease is not listed in the ICD-O-3. To be reportable, a neoplasm must be listed in the ICD-O-3 and originate in a reportable brain/CNS site. |
2013 |
20160048 | Reportability--Kidney: Is renal cell neoplasm of oncocytosis reportable based on the pathology from a nephrectomy? See Discussion. |
The pathology diagnosis reads: Diagnosis Right Kidney, Laparoscopic Nephrectomy:
-Renal Cell Neoplasm of Oncocytosis (pT1a, pNX See Comment and Template).
-Surgical margins free of tumor.
Kidney, right, nephrectomy:
Tumor histologic type: Renal cell neoplasms of oncocytosis (see Note)
Sarcomatoid features (%) Not identified
Tumor size: 4 cm (greatest dimension largest tumor)
Other dimensions: 2.7 x 2.5 cm
Macroscopic extent of tumor: Limited to kidney
Focality: Multifocal
Number of tumors: 11 grossly visible, range 0.2 4 cm
Fuhrman grade: 2 of 4
Microscopic extent of tumor:
Perinephric fat invasion: Not identified
Renal sinus invasion: Not identified
Other: N/A
Renal vein involvement: Not identified
Adrenal gland present: No
Involved by tumor: N/A
Direct invasion or metastasis: N/A
Cancer at resection margin: Not identified
Location(s): N/A
Pathologic findings in nonneoplastic kidney: Multiple collections of oncocytic cells
Hilar lymph nodes present: No
Number of involved/number present: N/A
"Thank you for sending this fascinating case. In reviewing the H&E-stained slides, we recognize that multiple lesions of varying sizes are present within the specimen, some with features of oncocytoma, some with those of chromophobe RCC, and yet others with features of both. The immunohistochemical studies for CK7 performed at your institution serve to highlight this point with "mass #1" showing focal single cell staining typical of oncocytoma and "mass #2" showing a patchy and confluent staining pattern typical of chromophobe RCC. This second mass was also positive with special stain for Hales colloidal iron. As mentioned, the morphology varies somewhat in each tumor, however, every single mass is comprised of cells with eosinophilic (pink to bright red) cytopolasm. Some tumors show more tightly nested or sheet like growth, others are more tubular or microcystic. Another important feature, present on slides of renal cortex are microscopic tumorlets seemingly emanating from eosinophilic tubules. This finding, along with the presence of numerous oncocytic neoplasms is supportive of the above diagnosis. The absence of clinical features to suggest Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome is noted. Although these tumors are not recognized in the current classification of renal tumors, we regard these neoplasms as being a distinct entity, unrelated to both oncocytoma and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma, and have applied the designation "renal tumor of oncocytosis" to such lesions (Gobbo S, et al. Renal cell neoplasms of oncocytosis have distinct morphologic, immunohistochemical, and cytogenetic profiles. Am J Surg Patholl 34:620-626, 2010). We concur that the expected behavior in these cases is one of indolence." |
Do not report Renal cell neoplasms of oncocytosis. According to our expert pathologist consultant, these neoplasms do not behave "in a malignant fashion." They are not currently classified as malignant and are not reportable to cancer registries. |
2016 |
20170046 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Brain and CNS: What is the histology code for a patient with a pathology report Final Diagnosis indicating, mucin-rich neuroepithelial neoplasm, favor low-grade? See Discussion. |
The pathologist noted this was a challenging brain neoplasm that did not easily fit into a specific WHO diagnostic classification. Multiple differential diagnoses were given including pilomyxoid astrocytoma, ganglioglioma and dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor (DNET), but there were no definitive features characteristic of any of these tumors. In the Comment section following the Final Diagnosis, it further states: "In summary, the tumor appears to be a difficult to classify non-infiltrating glial/glioneuronal neoplasm without definitive high-grade features." |
Code as 9505/1, Ganglioglioma, NOS. The Multiple Primaries/Histology Rules for Benign and Borderline Intracranial and CNS Tumors Chart 1 lists several histology codes for neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumors. Ganglioglioma, formerly Glioneuroma that is now obstolete in ICD-O-3, is the most applicable in this situation. |
2017 |
20160013 | Reportability--Breast: Is mammary fibromatosis reportable and if so, what histology code is assigned? See discussion. |
The pathologist completed a CAP protocol using soft tissue. Pathology revealed a 2.5 cm tumor with invasion of skeletal muscle with deep margins positive for tumor. |
Mammary fibromatosis is not reportable. The WHO classification for breast tumors assigns mammary fibromatosis a behavior code of /1. According to WHO, mammary fibromatosis "is a locally infiltrative lesion without metastatic potential…" |
2016 |
20071001 | CS Site Specific Factor/Melanoma: How is CS SSF1 (depth of invasion) coded for a melanoma that demonstrates dermal invasion to a depth of "less than .2 mm" be coded to 999 [unknown]? See Discussion. | The path report says "superficial spreading malignant melanoma; 2 areas of papillary dermal invasion to depth of less than .2mm." The revised CS pages include codes for "less than" a certain tumor size, but these are not included in the depth of invasion SSF. Using 999 results in an unstageable melanoma, when we know it is "less than .2mm". |
This answer was provided in the context of CSv1 coding guidelines. The response may not be used after your registry database has been converted to CSv2. Code SSF1 (depth of invasion) to 019 [.19mm]. For any case with an SSF1 code in the range of 001-100 mm, the T category will be determined using CS extension and SSF2 [ulceration]. All cases with an SSF1 code in the range of 001-100 mm will map to a T1 (either T1NOS, T1a or T1b). |
2007 |