Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20190005 | Primary Site--Bladder: Does instruction #4 in the Urinary Sites Solid Tumor Rules Instructions for Coding Primary Site apply to a mix of in situ and invasive urothelial tumors? Instruction #4: Code Urinary System NOS C689 when there are multiple non-contiguous tumors in multiple organs within the urinary system. See Discussion. |
Example: Patient has multiple biopsies with final diagnosis of in situ papillary urothelial carcinoma in the prostatic urethra and invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma in the bladder. How should primary site be coded in this type of mixed in situ and invasive situation? |
Code Urinary System NOS C689 for this case since there are two separate urinary sites involved. Apply instruction #4 when there is a mix of in situ and invasive urothelial tumors. |
2019 |
20021147 | Other Cancer Directed Therapy--Hematopoietic, NOS: Is "aspirin" treatment for primary polycythemia? See discussion. |
Aspirin is listed as treatment for "thrombocythemia" in the Abstracting and Coding Guide for the Hematopoietic Diseases but not for "primary polycythemia." |
Do not code aspirin as treatment for primary polycythemia (polycythemia vera). |
2002 |
20160045 | Neoadjuvant treatment/Grade--Prostate: How should the grade/differentiation field be coded when hormone therapy is given prior to radiation for metastatic prostate cancer? Is hormone treatment "neoadjuvant treatment" in this situation? Per NCCN guidelines, neoadjuvant hormone therapy is strongly discouraged outside of a clinical trial for localized disease. However for metastatic disease, hormone is recommended (gold standard). See discussion. |
8/1/15 CT Exam showed enlarged prostate and left seminal vesicle with multiple enlarged pelvic LNs. Findings: suspicious for prostate cancer with invasion of seminal vesicle. Bone scan findings: positive bone mets in multiple sites. PSA 169.0 (elevated). Patient was started on casodex 8/12/15. A prostate biopsy was performed on 9/16/15 to confirm diagnosis, adenocarcinoma Gleason 4+5. Patient's treatment continued with radiation to bone. |
For cases diagnosed prior to 2018 Code the grade/differentiation field from the biopsy for this situation. According to experts consulted, hormone therapy does not alter the grade in this case and grade should be coded based on information after hormone therapy when that is the only grade information available. |
2016 |
20091002 | Multiplicity Counter--Ovary: Given the diffuse nature of ovarian cancer, should we count bilateral parenchymal involvment of ovaries as two tumors? See Discussion. |
Are peritoneal implants mets and not counted as separate tumors, even though they're not stated to be metastatic in the path report, and are not coded as distant mets? |
Code Multiplicity Counter to 02 [Two tumors present] for an epithelial ovarian primary involving both ovaries. Do not count the peritoneal implants; they are regional metastasis and not included in the multiplicity counter. An example like this will be added to the manual in the next revision. |
2009 |
20130100 | Multiple primaries/Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How many primaries are there and how should I code the primary site(s)? See discussion. |
Patient had a hemicolectomy and a salpingo-oophorectomy and was found to have diffuse large B cell lymphoma in the colon (10 cm cecal mass), 3/16 regional lymph nodes involved with lymphoma. Fallopian tube showed involvement with diffuse large B Cell lymphoma.
Multiple primaries - Colon and fallopian tube?
One primary - Colon? Stage IV, or lymphoma from an unknown primary? Note: There were no other lymph nodes involved. |
Use Rule M2. Abstract as a single primary when there is a single histology.
When you have questions about how to code the primary site, start with the abstractor notes. If the answer isn't found there go to Module 7 (a specific module to help code primary site for lymphomas).
The abstractor notes for DLBCL in this case do not provide information you can use for this case. Go to Module 7 in the PH rules.
Use Rule PH25 Code the primary site to the organ when lymphoma is present in an organ and that organ’s regional lymph nodes. Code the primary site to colon (organ and regional lymph nodes involved). The fallopian tube is secondary involvement. As is common with lymphomas, there can be more than one organ involved. You can differentiate the primary site from the secondary site(s) because of the large colon mass with regional lymph node involvement. |
2013 |
20180007 | Multiple primaries/Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: Are plasmacytomas in thyroid and laryngeal masses one primary based on rule M2, abstract a single primary when there is a single histology? If so, what is the primary site? See Discussion. |
Patient presented with hoarseness and palpable neck mass. No palpable adenopathy (per hospital abstract). 02/19/16 Thyroid Ultrasound: Right thyroid lobe with mass, 63X35X44XMM (per hospital abstract). 06/01/16 Right thyroid lobectomy, radical resection right laryngeal tumor (per hospital abstract). 06/01/16 Operative Procedure: Tumor was invading laryngeal soft tissue and cartilage anteriorly and to the right. There may be a small amount of residual tumor invading cartilage although this was not clear (per hospital abstract). GROSS DESCRIPTION: 1. The specimen is received fresh for intraoperative consultation, labeled with the patient's name and "right thyroid mass." It consists of a 3.0 x 2.2 x 2.0 cm irregular, ragged fragment of tan-red, firm, rubbery soft tissue. The specimen is serially sectioned to reveal a tan-red, gritty cut surface with focal fleshy areas. A touch prep is performed. A representative section is submitted for frozen section analysis in 1FSA. A portion of tissue is submitted for flow cytometry with the accession number MSO-16-1786. The remaining specimen is entirely submitted in 4 additional cassettes (1B-1E). 2. The specimen is received in formalin and is labeled "right thyroid lobe." It consists of a thyroid lobe measuring 4.3 x 4.0 x 1.3 cm and weighing 10.0 g. The external surface is covered by a thin fibrous capsule with a focal area of roughening on the posterior surface. The lobe is inked black posterior, blue anterior and orange isthmus margin. Serial sectioning reveals a red-brown and beefy parenchyma. A definitive nodule is not grossly identified. The entire specimen is serially submitted from superior to inferior in 9 cassettes. 3. The specimen is received in formalin, labeled with the patient's name and "right neck/laryngeal mass." It consists of an irregular, focally nodular red-tan mass measuring 7.0 x 5.5 x 4.0 cm and weighing 54 g. The convex portion of the specimen is mostly encapsulated with focal adherent red-brown striated skeletal muscle. The concave portion of the specimen is focally ragged and disrupted. The convex portion of the specimen is inked black and the concave portion is inked blue. The specimen is serially sectioned to reveal a white-grey to red, granular, gritty cut surface with focal fleshy areas. Representative sections are submitted in 12 cassettes. Final DX DIAGNOSIS: 1. Right thyroid mass excision Plasma cell tumor /plasmacytoma 3 cm. Tumor cells are positive for kappa and negative for lambda immunostains. Recommend correlation with flow cytometry MSO-16-1786, monoclonal plasma cell population with cytoplasmic kappa positivity. Ki-67 stains 7 percent of cells. Focal stromal hyalinization. Congo red stain for amyloid negative. No thyroidal tissue identified. 2. Right thyroid lobe excision Benign thyroid tissue with focal solid cell nest negative for malignancy. One out of two 1/2 perithyroidal lymph nodes positive for plasma cell tumor. 3. Laryngeal mass excision Plasma cell tumor /plasmacytoma 7 cm involving soft tissue and skeletal muscle. Tumor cells are positive for kappa and negative for lambda immunostains. Ki-67 stains 7 percent of cells. Focal stromal hyalinization and calcification. Congo red stain for amyloid negative |
Abstract this case as a single primary. Hematopoietic Multiple Primary Rule M2 applies. Code to unknown primary, C809, based on rule PH27. There is no indication in the information provided of the site of origin; therefore, PH2 cannot be used. We recommend a thorough review of the case to determine if the site of origin is identified in the medical record. |
2018 |
20081121 | Multiple primaries/Histology--Lymphoma: How many primaries should be abstracted and how should the histology field(s) be coded in this situation? How would the bone marrow involvement by only NHL be handled? Composite lymphoma (9596) as defined by SEER and ICD-O is NHL and HD in one node which fits the final impression on the removed cervical node. See Discussion. |
Patient presented with cervical, supraclavicular & superior mediastinal lymphadenopathy. A cervical node was excised for pathological review. The final impression on that node was Composite lymphoma characterized by (1) Nodular Lymphocyte Predominant Hodgkin Lymphoma [HD] (2) CLL/SLL [NHL]. Then, a bone marrow aspirate/bx was performed revealing CLL/SLL [NHL]. | For cases diagnosed prior to 1/1/2010:This is a single primary. The histology code is 9596/3 [composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma]. According to the Single Versus Subsequent Primaries of Lymphatic and Hematopoietic Diseases table, 9596/3 followed by 9670/3 is one primary. For cases diagnosed 1/1/10 and later, refer to the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasm Case Reportability and Coding Manual and the Hematopoietic Database (Hematopoietic DB) provided by SEER on its website to research your question. If those resources do not adequately address your issue, submit a new question to SINQ. |
2008 |
20120011 | Multiple primaries/Histology--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: Is there a timing rule used to recode histology should a more specific diagnosis of refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB) be confirmed after an initial diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)? How many primaries are abstracted if RAEB subsequently evolves toward an acute myeloid leukemia? See Discussion. |
Facility A: 4/8/2010 Bone Marrow biopsy: Features most compatible with MDS. (No treatment administered.) 7/2/2010 Peripherial Blood: Transforming Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). COMMENT: Clonal abnormality compatible with MDS/acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in all metaphases examined. (Still no treatment administered.) Facility B: 10/6/2010 Patient now presents for evaluation and treatment. Patient started on Vidaza. 10/07/10 Bone Marrow biopsy: Refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB-2) COMMENT: Evolution towards AML with myelodysplasia related changes considered; cytogenetic analysis reveals abnormalities most compatible with MDS and/or AML. Based on the Heme Manual and DB, the 4/8/2010 diagnosis of MDS, NOS (9989/3) is the first primary. Should the 7/2/2010 diagnosis of transforming MDS to AML (9861/3) be a new, second primary? Based on the Abstractor Note for MDS in the Heme DB for MDS, "If the characteristics of a specific subtype of MDS develop later in the course of the disease, change the histology code to the more specific diagnosis." Based on this note, should the MDS histology code [9989/3] be changed to refractory anemia with excess blasts (RAEB-2) [9983/3] from the biopsy taken on 10/7/2010 (one day after treatment began) that revealed RAEB-2 with evolution towards AML? |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at There is no time limit set to update histology to a more specific disease process if a patient has an initial NOS histology identified. Unlike solid tumors, hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms may take a year or more to manifest the specific disease. This is simply a part of the "disease characteristics." Abstract a single primary per M2, a single histology represents a single primary. Code the histology to 9983/3 [MDS/RAEB-2.] The Heme DB guidelines were interpreted correctly. MDS/RAEB can transform to AML and would be two separate primaries there had also been a reportable diagnosis of AML. The 7/2/2010 peripheral blood showed MDS and a clonal abnormality that was "compatible with MDS/AML." The 10/7/2010 bone marrow biopsy showed only RAEB-2 with "evolution towards AML with myelodysplasia related changes." Ambiguous terminology is only used to help determine reportability; it not used to code a more specific histology. In this case, there was only ambiguous terminology used to describe the AML. It is important to understand the implication of incorrectly assigning histology codes for hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasm using ambiguous terminology. Using this case as an example, the patient was not treated until three months after the 7/2/2010 peripheral blood diagnosis of MDS compatible with MDS/AML. The medical literature indicates that AML, if left untreated, is usually fatal within 1-3 months. The treatment given 10/6/2010, 3 months after the "compatible with" diagnosis, was a drug used to treat MDS and not AML. The other issue with this case is that the bone marrow examination, which is more reliable than peripheral blood, showed only "evolution towards AML." This means that the bone marrow is exhibiting the changes seen in the final stages of MDS prior to progression to AML. Wait for a definitive diagnosis of AML and/or treatment for AML before abstracting the second primary. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2012 |
20100037 | Multiple primaries/Histology--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How many primaries should be accessioned for a patient diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia [9962/3] in 2002 who had a 2010 biopsy consistent with the fibrotic stage for a chronic myeloproliferative disorder that "suggests the patient is transforming to an acute myeloid leukemia"? See Discussion. |
Patient had a diagnosis of essential thrombocythemia [9962/3] in 2002 and was treated with Hydroxyurea. In 2010, the patient was admitted with severe bone pain and a diagnosis described as, "The overall features of the biopsy are consistent with a fibrotic stage of a chronic myeloproliferative disorder. The presence of up to 15% CD34+ immature cells seen in the biopsy suggests that the patient is transforming to an acute myeloid leukemia." In addition, cytogenetic studies and molecular testing for JAK2 were ordered. These findings confirmed a myeloproliferative disorder. JAK2 mutation was not detected. The patient died within 2 weeks. Is this a new primary?
Was this patient diagnosed with AML (which requires 20% or more blasts and this is only 15%)? If this is a new primary, is the histology 9861/3 [AML, NOS] or 9895/3 [AML with myelodysplasia-related changes]? Was the second diagnosis of AML definitively diagnosed? |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at
This case is a single primary, essential thrombocythemia [9962/3] in 2002. The 2010 diagnosis is chronic myeloproliferative disorder [9960/3].
According to Rule M15, the Multiple Primaries Calculator is to be used to first determine the number of primaries. Per the calculator, essential thrombocythemia and chronic myeloproliferative disorder are the same primary. (Acute myeloid leukemia is not used as the second histology because it is preceded by a non-reportable ambiguous term, "suggests." "Suggests" is not on the list of reportable ambiguous terms in the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasm Coding Manual.
In 2010, this patient was in a late stage of ET. When any of the specific MPN neoplasms such as ET are in the late stage of disease, the characteristics of the specific disease (ET) will no longer be detectable. Accordingly, for this patient the diagnostic testing was positive for MPN, unclassifiable. In this case, do not change the diagnosis from the more specific disease (ET) to the NOS (MPN, unclassifiable).
SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2010 |
20130142 | Multiple primaries/Histology--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How many primaries are reported if a 2010 inguinal lymph node biopsy diagnosis of follicular lymphoma, grade 1 is subsequently diagnosed in 2012 with a 50% follicular, grade 3 and 50% diffuse large B-cell via a biopsy of an axillary mass? |
In 2010 a left inguinal lymph node biopsy revealed follicular lymphoma, grade 1. There were no other suspicious lymph nodes in the body. In 2012 a biopsy of a large axillary mass revealed a a 50% follicular, grade 3 and 50% diffuse large B-cell. According to the rules, the transformation to a B-cell is new primary. Is the mixed cell neoplasm a single primary? |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at There are two reportable primaries for this case -- follicular lymphoma in 2010 and DLBCL in 2012. First determine the histologies needed to to determine the number of primaries to report. We determined the histologies are follicular lymphoma, grade 1 for 2010 and DLBCL for 2012 as follows:
Per the Hematopoietic database, follicular lymphoma (all types are chronic) transforms to DLBCL (acute). Per Rule M 10 instructions, "Abstract as multiple primaries when a neoplasm is as a neoplasm there is a of an neoplasm after the chronic diagnosis." Therefore, abstract the DLBCL as a second primary. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2013 |