Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20230020 | First Course Treatment/Reason for No Surgery of Primary Site: How should Reason for No Surgery of Primary Site be coded for cases when surgery was planned but aborted due to extent of disease seen during planned procedure? See Discussion. |
Lung abnormality on imaging prompted diagnosis on subsequent biopsy and clinical staging was documented as cT1b N0 M0. There was an attempt at resection, but the patient was found to have chest wall involvement and the procedure was aborted. How would Reason for No Surgery of Primary Site be coded in these types of scenarios when the surgery is aborted and the treatment plan changes due to the extension seen during surgery? |
For the example provided: For 2023 cases and forward, if no part of the surgery was performed, code Surgery of Primary Site 2023 (NAACCR Item #1291) as code A000 or B000 (no surgical procedure of the primary site). Code Reason for No Surgery of Primary Site (NAACCR Item #1340) as code 2 (surgery of the primary site was not recommended/performed because it was contraindicated due to patient risk factors (comorbid conditions, advanced age, progression of tumor prior to planned surgery, etc.). In contrast, if any part of the surgery was performed, assign the Surgery of Primary Site 2023 (NAACCR Item #1291) code that best reflects the extent of the surgery performed. Code Reason for No Surgery of Primary Site (NAACCR Item #1340) as code 0 (surgery of the primary site was performed). Use text fields to record the details. For cases prior to 2023, apply the same approach using Surgery of Primary Site (NAACCR Item #1290) instead of Surgery of Primary Site 2023 (NAACCR Item #1291). |
2023 |
20230001 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Lung: How many primaries should be reported when two separate squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) tumors, one in the left upper lobe (LUL) and one in the right lower lobe (RLL), are diagnosed? The tumors are separated by an interval occurring right hilar lymph node biopsy proving metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma without a clear description of a corresponding interval occurring lung tumor. See Discussion. |
The patient was diagnosed with a biopsy-proven 12/2020 LUL SCC treated with radiation only, followed by a right hilar lymph node biopsy in 07/2022, that proved “metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma” per pathology and treated with radiation, followed by a biopsy-proven 12/2022 RLL SCC to be treated with immunotherapy only. The imaging never definitively identified a lung tumor that can be assumed to be a primary adenocarcinoma tumor. In 06/2022, a PET scan only described a “strongly PET positive Rt inferior hilar LN vs infrahilar pulmonary mass,” as well as the subsequently biopsy-proven SCC in the RLL (12/2022 SCC primary). The biopsy path indicates this was a right hilar lymph node metastasis and does not indicate this is an infrahilar pulmonary mass. No other PET positive pulmonary lesions were seen at the time. The oncologist’s assessment indicates the right hilar node was the only positive finding on the biopsy, and it was unclear if this right hilar node metastasis was from the left lung or if the primary was “not detectable.” The oncologist summarized this as a LUL lung lesion radiated for SCC, a right hilar lesion radiated for adenocarcinoma, and a RLL lung lesion on pathology found to be SCC. Should the interval occurring metastatic adenocarcinoma be accessioned as a separate lung, NOS primary based on the histology difference? While the Solid Tumor Rules do not apply to metastasis, the oncologist did treat these three malignancies separately and does not indicate the hilar lymph node metastasis was felt to be from either SCC primary. |
Abstract three primaries based on this scenario. 1 – 2020, SCC LUL lung 2 – 2022, Adenocarcinoma lung, described as metastatic pulmonary, based on biopsy of right hilar node (Rule M8) 3 – 2022, SCC RLL lung (Rule M11) |
2023 |
20230024 | SEER Manual/Reportability--Brain and CNS: Is microadenoma reportable? A pituitary mass seen on imaging was "consistent with Microadenoma" on 11/15/2022. There was no histologic confirmation or treatment given. |
Pituitary microadenoma is reportable. Assign 8272/0. "Micro" refers to size of the adenoma. Per the SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual 2022, a reportable intracranial or CNS neoplasm identified only by diagnostic imaging is reportable, and "consistent with" is listed on the Ambiguous Terms to be used for Reportability list. As a result, this case is reportable. |
2023 | |
20230003 | SEER Manual/Reportability--Ambiguous Terminology: Please clarify the reportability and relevant date ranges of the following ambiguous terminology: almost certainly, most certainly, and malignant until proven otherwise. See Discussion. |
SINQ 20180104 indicates, in the absence of further info, the terms “almost certainly” and “until proven otherwise” are NOT reportable. There is no date range provided for this answer. SINQ 20200027 indicates, in the absence of further info, the term “most certainly” IS reportable. There is no date range provided for this answer. SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual 2022 indicates, in the absence of further info, the terms “until proven otherwise” and “most certainly” ARE reportable. Essentially, we are hoping for an update of SINQ 20180104 due to 2022 reportability change. Clarification to the equivalence of “almost certainly” and “most certainly” would also be helpful. |
Use the ambiguous terminology list as a guide in the absence of additional information after reviewing all available information and consulting the physician who diagnosed and/or staged the tumor. Equivalent to "Diagnostic for" malignancy or reportable diagnosis
Not Equivalent to "Diagnostic for" malignancy or reportable diagnosis
We will update SINQ 20180104. |
2023 |
20230047 | Reportability/Histology--Head & Neck: Is a 2023 mandibular biopsy showing “severe squamous dysplasia with microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion” reportable? See Discussion. |
Patient had a mandibular mucosal lesion resected in June of 2023, with a diagnosis of “atypical squamous proliferation” and case was forwarded to an expert in oral pathology for best classification. Subsequent slide review final diagnosis was “moderate to severe squamous dysplasia.” That slide review diagnosis goes on to state “microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion.” Currently there is no ICD-O code for severe squamous dysplasia, however it is unclear if this terminology is equivalent to high grade squamous dysplasia (histology code 8077/2). |
Report as squamous cell carcinoma (8070/3) on the basis of “microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion.” "Severe dysplasia" is equivalent to "high grade dysplasia" in the Head and neck. As such, "severe squamous dysplasia" would be coded to 8077/2. However, in combination with the statement of "with microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion,” report as squamous cell carcinoma (8070/3) based on “microscopic focus suspicious for superficial invasion.” The 2023 SEER Manual instructs us to code the behavior as malignant (/3) if any portion of the primary tumor is invasive no matter how limited, i.e., microinvasion. Use text fields to record the details. |
2023 |
20230068 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Thyroid: What is the histology code for a diagnosis of poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma arising in a background of solid papillary thyroid carcinoma? See Discussion. |
Patient had a hemithyroidectomy with the final diagnosis above. There does not appear to be an Other Sites H rule or table that addresses this combination of histologies for thyroid primaries. |
Code to poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma, 8337/3. In this case the tumor is comrpised of two difffernat thyroid histologies: poorly differentiated carcinoma 8337/3 and papillary thyroid carcinoma 8260/3. WHO does not have a code for this combination. Per our endocrine pathology expert, the poorly differentiated carcinoma is the more agressive histology and will determine treatment and progrnosis. |
2023 |
20230016 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Brain: How is histology coded for an anaplastic glioneuronal tumor, BRAF p.V600E mutant, WHO Grade III, diagnosed following a right temporal lobe resection in 2021? See Discussion. |
The patient has a history of ganglioglioma, WHO grade I, involving the deep right parietal lobe diagnosed on resection in 07/2012. Tumor recurrence in 2017 was treated with radiation. The patient then had right temporal tumor biopsy and resection 06/2021 with final diagnosis of anaplastic glioneuronal tumor, BRAF p.V600E mutant, WHO Grade III. Pathologist notes that the tumor demonstrates a ganglioglioma with frequent mitoses and possible vascular proliferation. Subsequent consult findings support an anaplastic glioneuronal tumor, compatible with progression of the patient's ganglioglioma that is post-irradiation. However, the pleomorphic and epithelioid areas are also reminiscent of pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, which may occur in combination with ganglion cell components. There is no related SINQ to code this histology. |
Assign histology as 9505/3. WHO Classification of Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumors describe ganglioglioma as a well-diffferentiated and slow-growing glioneuronal neoplasm. While WHO does not recognize the histology/behavior combination 9505/3, the 2021 CNS Solid Tumor Rules identify non-malignant tumors that have the potential of transforming to a malignant tumor (new primary). Ganglioglioma (9505/1) is listed with the transformed histology and instructs us to code as anaplastic ganglioglioma (9505/3). |
2023 |
20230051 | First Course Treatment/Surgical Margins of the Primary Site--Melanoma: Is margin status positive or negative when the lesion “approximates” margins? This was noted in the pathology report comment on a malignant melanoma in-situ shave biopsy. Follow-up with physicians is not possible in this situation. |
Assign margin status as “positive” when stated as approximates margins as recommended by our expert pathologists. Approximating means coming right up to inked margin without the margin transecting the tumor. |
2023 | |
20230073 | First Course Treatment/Surgery of Primary Site--Liver/Intrahepatic Bile Ducts: For a liver/intrahepatic bile duct primary, is an alcohol embolization the same thing as a percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI)? See Discussion. |
For C220-C221 primaries, Surgery of Primary Site includes code A150 for Alcohol tumor destruction (percutaneous ethanol injection/intratumoral injection of alcohol/alcohol ablation). The SEER and STORE manuals also indicate that alcohol embolization should be coded as Other Therapy, code 1. We are trying to determine whether alcohol embolization should be coded under Surgery of Primary Site or Other Therapy. |
Code alcohol ablation under Surgery of Primary Site 2023. Code alcohol embolization as Other Therapy when tumor embolization is performed using alcohol as the embolizing agent. Alcohol ablation, also known as an ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI); is treatment that involves injecting concentrated alcohol directly into the tumor. Embolization uses special techniques to close off blood flow by introducing special medications or using other techniques designed to block blood vessels. Types of embolization are arterial embolization as with alcohol (ethanol), chemoembolization, and radioembolization. Refer to the current SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual when assigning surgery and embolization procedures. |
2023 |
20230021 | Histology--Soft Tissue: How is histology coded for malignant neoplasm with neuroectodermal differentiation and TPR-NTRK1 gene rearrangement diagnosed on left shoulder excision? See Discussion. |
March 2022, left shoulder soft tissue mass excision shows a spindle cell tumor with outside consultation diagnosis of malignant neoplasm with neuroectodermal differentiation and TPR-NTRK1 gene rearrangement. Diagnosis comments indicate the findings most closely resemble the spectrum of kinase-rearranged mesenchymal neoplasms, such as lipofibromatosis-like neural tumor. However, the expression of SOX10 and mature melanocytic markers is unusual, and does not exclude melanocytic differentiation. Should this be classified as a peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (9364) or as an "NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm (emerging)" (8990) if there is a NTRK gene rearrangement? |
NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm is a newly identified variant of sarcoma; however, WHO has not yet proposed a specific ICD-O code for this rare neoplasm. Code to spindle cell sarcoma (8801/3). WHO defines NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm as an emerging group of molecularly defined rare soft tissue tumors that span a wide group of morphologies and histological grades, and are most often characterized by a spindle cell phenotype among other characteristics. |
2023 |