Multiple Primaries (Pre-2007)/Recurrence--Breast: Has SEER established a priority of medical opinions to determine the number of primaries or a time parameter establishing recurrence? When a pathologist and a physician refer to the subsequent reappearence in the same breast as both "recurrence" and "new primary"? See Description.
Example 1. Patient was diagnosed with right breast cancer in 1999 and underwent lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy. In 2001, patient was again found to have right breast cancer and was admitted for mastectomy. The surgeon stated that this was recurrence. The patient's primary care physician stated the patient had a new primary. Is there a priority order if the multiple physicians involved in a patient's care do not agree on the diagnosis?
Example 2. Patient was diagnosed in 1998 with left breast cancer. In 2000, the patient again was diagnosed with left breast cancer. There was no mention of recurrence so case was accessioned as a second primary. In 2003, patient was again admitted for an unrelated disease. In the H&P, the physician stated that the patient had recurrent breast cancer in 2000. Do we remove the second primary from our file based on this statement three years later?
Example 3. Patient was diagnosed with Paget's disease with intraductal carcinoma, left breast, in 1997. In August 2002, patient underwent left mastectomy for DCIS, left breast. In November 2002, patient's oncologist stated that patient had been on Evista for 5 years and had recurrent cancer despite Evista. Do we accession this as one or two primaries?
For tumors diagnosed prior to 2007:
Use the best information available. In general, information from the time closest to the event in question is more accurate than later information. The opinion of the pathologist tends to be the most valuable. Beyond that, SEER has not established a hierarchy of physician opinions.
Be aware that a physician's use of the term "recurrence" does not always mean that the second tumor originated from cells from the first tumor.
Examples 1, 2 & 3. Follow SEER rules for determining multiple primaries. In each case, the diagnoses are more than two months apart. Abstract as two primaries.
For tumors diagnosed 2007 or later, refer to the MP/H rules. If there are still questions about how this type of tumor should be coded, submit a new question to SINQ and include the difficulties you are encountering in applying the MP/H rules.
EOD-Extension--Stomach: How is this field coded for a stomach primary that has metastases to "Sister Mary Joseph's Nodes?"
For cases diagnosed 1998-2003: For a stomach primary, code extension to 70 [Abdominal wall]. Sister Mary Joseph's nodule is a cutaneous umbilical metastasis most commonly from an intra-abdominal primary.
This rare form of cutaneous umbilical metastasis results from spread of tumor within the falciform ligament. The umbilicus is part of the abdominal wall.
EOD-Patholgic Review of Number of Regional Lymph Nodes Examined: How is this field coded when there is no lymph node count in the final pathology diagnosis and the gross description states "four possible lymph nodes are dissected"? See Description.
Patient with kidney cancer underwent nephrectomy and lymph node removal. Final path diagnosis was Lymph nodes, pericaval biopsy, lymph nodes with no evidence of carcinoma. Per Gross description: Received in formalin as pericaval lymph node is 2.5 cm piece of fibrofatty tissue, from which four possible lymph nodes are dissected.
For cases diagnosed 1998-2003: Code the number of regional lymph nodes examined as 04. This is as accurate as possible for this situation.
Primary Site--Head & Neck: What is the anatomical distinction among tonsillar fossa, tonsillar pillar, and tonsil NOS?
Operative findings describe a right tonsil three times the size of the left tonsil. Tonsil is dissected from the tonsillar fossa. There appeared to be no involvement of tumor below the tonsillar capsule.
The tonsil lies in an indentation called the tonsillar fossa. The tonsillar fossa is bordered on either side by the tonsillar pillars. The tonsillar pillars are part of the supporting structure of the throat opening.
Code C09.9 [Tonsil NOS] as the primary site for the case above.
First Course Treatment--Thyroid: Is hormone replacement following total thyroidectomy coded as first course treatment for all thyroid cases?
Code Hormone therapy as 01 [Hormone therapy administered as first course therapy] when thyroid replacement therapy is part of the first course of treatment for follicular or papillary thyroid cancer following thyroidectomy.
Thyroid hormone replacement therapy has a treatment effect on differentiated (follicular and papillary) carcinomas of the thyroid. This treatment effect is not seen for most medullary and undifferentiated thyroid cancers.
Surgery of Primary Site--Skin: When would one use codes 30-33 for this field on a skin primary?
Surgery of Primary Site codes 30-33 under "skin" are used for various types of biopsies followed by a gross excision of the lesion. The two procedures (biopsy and gross excision) may be performed on different days, at different facilities, by different physicians as long as both procedures are performed during the first course of treatment.
Answer applies to both pre-2002 and 2003+ surgury code definitions.
Surgery of Primary Site--Head & Neck: Is a composite resection performed for an oral cavity primary coded to 40 [Radical excision of tumor, NOS], 41 [Radical excision of tumor only], 42 [Combination of 41 with resection in continuity with mandibles (marginal, segmental, hemi-, or total resection], 43 [Combination of 41 with resection in continuity with maxilla (partial, subtotal, or total resection)]? See discussion.
Patient underwent composite resection of left soft palate, tonsillar fossa, medial pterygoid and lateral tongue for a primary of the retromolar trigone. There was no mention of an excision of the mandible; however, the procedure included the application of a mandibular reconstruction plate.
Use surgery codes 40-43 for composite resection of an oral cavity primary. In the case example, code Site-Specific surgery as 42 [Combination of 41 WITH resection in continuity with mandible]. Even though excision of mandible was not mentioned, there was mention of a mandibular reconstruction plate. Since the retromolar trigone is ON the mandible, resection of the mandible is likely.
Surgical Fields--Head & Neck: How does one code the removal of benign submandibular and sublingual glands performed during a neck dissection for a head and neck cancer? See discussion.
Should the removal be coded as incidental in the surgical Procedure if the Other Site field? Does it make a difference if the submandibular gland is removed en toto with lymph nodes or if the gland is submitted as a separate specimen? Does it make a difference if the glands are involved?
Removal of the lower salivary glands is part of a radical neck dissection and is not recorded in Surgery of Primary Site or Surgery of Other Site. Radical neck dissection is coded under "Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery."
It does not matter whether or not the gland is submitted as a separate specimen. It does not matter whether or not the gland is involved.
Ambiguous terminology/EOD-Extension: Is the term "within" a term of involvement in coding extent of disease? See Description.
For example: a kidney tumor is described as "completely encased within the renal capsule with no extension into perirenal fat." Does this mean the renal capsule has been invaded (extension code 20) or that the tumor is totally contained within an area surrounded by the renal capsule (extension code 10)?
For cases diagnosed 1998-2003: The term "within" is not one of the listed ambiguous terms for EOD. Determine extent of involvement from the context in which "within" appears.
In the example, "Encased" is an ambiguous term meaning not involved. Code extension for the example to 10 [Invasive cancer confined to kidney cortex and/or medulla].