Grade, Differentiation: Are anaplastic tumors always coded to grade 4, even for anaplastic brain primaries?
Yes. Always code the Grade, Differentiation field to for 4 [Grade IV] for "anaplastic" tumors. Anaplastic is synonymous with undifferentiated. Refer to the example in the SEER Program Code Manual, 3rd Ed.
EOD-Pathologic Review of Number of Regional Lymph Nodes Positive and Examined/Surgical Procedure of Other Site--Kaposi Sarcoma: How do you code these fields for a groin mass excision containing 4 lymph nodes for a Kaposi sarcoma case that presented with multiple skin lesions?
Code the EOD-Pathologic Review of Number of Regional Lymph Nodes Positive and Examined fields to 99 99 for Kaposi cases that present systemically and for those that present in more than one site (which includes cases with more than one skin subsite involved at diagnosis). There are no "regional" lymph nodes for such cases. This represents a majority of currently diagnosed Kaposi cases. However, for localized Kaposi cases, you can count the number of regional lymph nodes positive and examined if the primary site selected has a regional lymph node chain(s) associated with it (e.g., soft palate, hard palate, or a skin subsite).
For cases diagnosed 1/1/2003 and after: Code the groin mass excision in the Surgical Procedure of Other Site field to 1 [Non-primary surgical procedure performed; Non-primary surgical resection to other site(s), unknown if whether the site(s) is regional or distant].
Multiple Primaries/Histology (Pre-2007)--Bladder: What code is used to represent the histology and how many primaries should be coded for a TURB specimen that demonstrates carcinoma in situ, Grade I to II papillary transitional cell carcinoma, and high grade transitional cell carcinoma? See discussion.
Pathology report:
A. Biopsy, bladder neck, @ 6:00: Carcinoma in situ
B. Biopsy, Bladder wall, lateral, left:
1. Papillary carcinoma (Grade I-II)
2. Loose fragments of high-grade transitional carcinoma
C. Biopsy, Bladder neck @ 5:00: Carcinoma in situ
D. Biopsy, Bladder neck @ 7:00: Cystitis Glandularis
E. Biospsy, Bladder wall, posterior: Papillary carcinoma (Grade I)
For tumors diagnosed prior to 2007:
Code this case as one primary and code the Histology and Grade, Differentiation fields to 8130/34 [papillary transitional cell carcinoma, high grade].
For tumors diagnosed 2007 or later, refer to the MP/H rules. If there are still questions about how this type of tumor should be coded, submit a new question to SINQ and include the difficulties you are encountering in applying the MP/H rules.