Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20230041 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Breast: Is an in situ tumor followed by an invasive tumor a single or multiple primaries? See Discussion. |
In the examples below, are these a single or multiple primaries? Example 1: Tumor 1: C509/left breast, 8520/2 (in situ lobular carcinoma), dx date-01/10/2019 Tumor 2: C509/ left breast, 8500/3 (carcinoma NST), dx date-08/19/2021 Example 2: Tumor 1: C509, right breast, 8520/2, dx date 06/26/2014 Tumor 2: C508, right breast, 8500/3, dx date-05/23/2019 There seems to be some conflicting info on this. In the 2020 Breast Rules there was a note add to the revision history. “M10 Same behavior requirement re-added.” Which is not in the rules now, nor was it noted to the revision changes in the last two change logs. Inquiry 20200070 would seem to indicate that this is multiple primaries, but that contrasts with 20230010 which would seem to indicate a single primary, and an ASK A SEER Registrar question that we received a response to. I don’t see a scenario where rule M17, an invasive tumor DX more than 60 days after an in situ tumor would come into play. If behavior no longer applies to rule M10, at what point did that change get made? Please advise. |
Abstract a single primary when there are multiple tumors of carcinoma NST/duct and lobular using the current Breast Solid Tumor Rules, Rule M10, May 2023 Update, for cases diagnosed 01/01/2018 and forward in the examples provided. The rule also notes to follow the H rules to determine the correct histology code when a mixture of behaviors is present in carcinoma, NST and lobular carcinoma. Rule M5 does not apply as the timeframe is less than 5 years in both examples. The 2023 update for the Breast Solid Tumor Rules (released November 2022) states: The rules for determining single versus multiple primaries in tumors with carcinoma NST/duct and lobular carcinoma have been revised and now align with ICD-O-3.2. Applicable Histology Rules have also been revised to reflect ICD-O-3.2 histology terminology and corresponding ICD-O codes. |
2023 |
20230024 | SEER Manual/Reportability--Brain and CNS: Is microadenoma reportable? A pituitary mass seen on imaging was "consistent with Microadenoma" on 11/15/2022. There was no histologic confirmation or treatment given. |
Pituitary microadenoma is reportable. Assign 8272/0. "Micro" refers to size of the adenoma. Per the SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual 2022, a reportable intracranial or CNS neoplasm identified only by diagnostic imaging is reportable, and "consistent with" is listed on the Ambiguous Terms to be used for Reportability list. As a result, this case is reportable. |
2023 | |
20230040 | First Course Treatment/Hormone Therapy--Prostate: Is Lupron first course therapy in a patient who initially elected active surveillance for prostate cancer and then consented to treatment with Lupron? See Discussion. |
in March, the patient with stage cT1c, Gleason grade 7, prostate cancer elected active surveillance. In April, the patient consented to treatment with Lupron. There was no evidence of disease progression. According to the rules on page 161 of the 2023 SEER manual, we think the answer is yes, but the reporting hospital states that this is second course therapy. |
Code Lupron as second course therapy and code active surveillance as first course therapy in this scenario. The 2023 SEER Manual states to code all treatment data items to 0 or 00 (Not done) when the physician opts for active surveillance, deferred therapy, expectant management, or watchful waiting. Assign code 2 to Treatment Status. Active surveillance is not the same as "refusing treatment." Active surveillance is a valid option offered to the patient. The patient chose this option and later changed their mind. This is not a refusal of recommended treatment. Document all the details in the appropriate treatment text fields. |
2023 |
20230026 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Prostate: How many primaries should be abstracted, and which M rule applies when a patient is diagnosed with intraductal carcinoma of the prostate on biopsy followed by invasive adenocarcinoma on radical prostatectomy more than 60 days later? See Discussion. |
Example: A prostate core biopsy showed intraductal carcinoma in 09/2022, which is an in situ tumor. A core biopsy again showed intraductal carcinoma in 12/2022. The subsequent radical prostatectomy in 04/2023, revealed multiple foci of invasive prostate adenocarcinoma with extensive intraductal carcinoma. Per Solid Tumor Rules, Other Sites, Rule M3, acinar adenocarcinoma of the prostate is always a single primary. Note 4, this rule applies to subtype variants of acinar adenocarcinoma listed in Table 3, which has intraductal/ductal as a variant subtype of acinar adenocarcinoma. Does rule M3 apply to incidence cases (an invasive tumor following an in situ tumor)? |
Rule M1 applies because we don't know if there are separate tumors or separate foci within a single tumor. This is a single primary coded 8140/3. The prostate rules will be reviewed for an addition to cover this situation. |
2023 |
20230003 | SEER Manual/Reportability--Ambiguous Terminology: Please clarify the reportability and relevant date ranges of the following ambiguous terminology: almost certainly, most certainly, and malignant until proven otherwise. See Discussion. |
SINQ 20180104 indicates, in the absence of further info, the terms “almost certainly” and “until proven otherwise” are NOT reportable. There is no date range provided for this answer. SINQ 20200027 indicates, in the absence of further info, the term “most certainly” IS reportable. There is no date range provided for this answer. SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual 2022 indicates, in the absence of further info, the terms “until proven otherwise” and “most certainly” ARE reportable. Essentially, we are hoping for an update of SINQ 20180104 due to 2022 reportability change. Clarification to the equivalence of “almost certainly” and “most certainly” would also be helpful. |
Use the ambiguous terminology list as a guide in the absence of additional information after reviewing all available information and consulting the physician who diagnosed and/or staged the tumor. Equivalent to "Diagnostic for" malignancy or reportable diagnosis
Not Equivalent to "Diagnostic for" malignancy or reportable diagnosis
We will update SINQ 20180104. |
2023 |
20230066 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Lung: Table 3 in Lung Solid Tumor Rules, 2023 Update, lists neuroendocrine carcinoma, NOS 8246 as a specific subtype/variant for small cell carcinoma 8041/3. Should the table be updated? See Discussion. |
Small cell carcinoma is a specific type of neuroendocrine carcinoma for the lung. However, Table 3 lists neuroendocrine carcinoma, NOS as the more specific subtype/variant in Column 3. Using Lung Solid Tumor Rules, Rule H6, a diagnosis of poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (small cell carcinoma)” would be coded as 8246, instead of 8041, because there are two histologies under consideration (an NOS and a subtype/variant in Table 3), and the rule tells us to code the subtype/variant. However, small cell carcinoma is more specific than the NOS diagnosis (neuroendocrine carcinoma, NOS). Should Table 3 be updated to reflect which histology is the NOS and which is the more specific? |
The Solid Tumor Rules for Lung have been updated for 2024. The row for Small cell carcinoma 8041/3 has been deleted and new separate rows have been added for Neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) 8246 and Neuroendocrine tumor, NOS (NET) 8240. This change is based on the WHO Classification of Thoracic Tumors, 5th edition, and current concepts. In addition, Table 3 now reflects that Small cell carcinoma/small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma 8041 (located in Column 3) is a subtype/variant of neuroendocrine carcinoma, NEC 8246 (Column 1). As a result, application of Rule H6 to a diagnosis of poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (small cell carcinoma)” would be coded as 8041, instead of 8246. Please note: the 2024 updates may be used for cases diagnosed prior to 1/1/2024 unless otherwise noted in the rules. |
2023 |
20230008 | SEER Manual/Surgery of Primary Site 2023--Breast: What instructions should be followed when the 2023 SEER Manual Appendix C 2023 Breast Surgery Codes advise to code 1 in Surgical Procedure of Other Site for a simple bilateral mastectomy but the 2023 STORE Manual does not. See Discussion. |
The 2023 SEER Manual, Appendix C 2023 Breast Surgery Codes, note reads: SEER Note: Assign code A760 for a more extensive bilateral mastectomy. Assign code 0 in Surgical Procedure of Other Site (NAACCR #1294). For a simple bilateral mastectomy, assign code A410 with code 1 in Surgical Procedure of Other Site (NAACCR #1294). In the 2023 STORE Manual, these notes are not mentioned and we are instructed not to code surgery to other site. Other education related to 2023 breast coding provided by NAACCR states to not code surgery to other site. |
Assign code 1 in Surgical Procedure of Other Site (NAACCR #1294) when a simple bilateral mastectomy is performed for a single tumor involving both breasts. This statement was inadvertently omitted from the STORE manual and will be added back in: For single primaries only, code removal of contralateral breast under the data item Surgical Procedure/Other Site (NAACCR Item #1294) or Surgical Procedure/Other Site at This Facility (NAACCR Item #674). The information presented by NAACCR was intended to be consistent with what is in the SEER manual. It may have been misuderstood. |
2023 |
20230061 | EOD (2018)/EOD Primary Tumor--Prostate: How is Extent of Disease (EOD) Prostate Pathologic Extension coded when no residual cancer is found? See Discussion. |
Patient was diagnosed with a pT1c prostate cancer in 2022. Patient was then treated with radical prostatectomy. No residual disease was found. Would the correct EOD prostate path extension code be 999 based on Note 8 (code 999 when radical prostatectomy is performed, but there is no information on the extension); or, would we use code 300 (confined to prostate) because the data item "…is used to assign pT category for prostate cancer based on radical prostatectomy specimens" and we know it was limited to the prostate because no residual was found? |
Assign code 300 for EOD Prostate Pathologic Extension. In this scenario, the patient has a localized cancer confirmed by radical prostatectomy; the needle core biopsies likely removed all the cancer. Unlike prostate, other sites’ extension information is collected in EOD Primary Tumor, as seen commonly with breast tumors where the results from the surgical resection are recorded with tumor confined to primary site. |
2023 |
20230013 | Reportability/Histology--Skin: Is dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP) with fibrosarcomatous overgrowth, DFSP with fibrosarcomatous component Grade 2, or DFSP with focal myxoid features (2022) reportable for 2021-2022 diagnoses? |
Yes. DFSP with fibrosarcomatous overgrowth and DFSP with fibrosarcomatous component Grade 2 are synonymous with fibrosarcomatous DFSP (8832/3). Our expert pathologist also advises that DFSP with focal myxoid features is the same as DFSP, myxoid (8832/3). |
2023 | |
20230051 | First Course Treatment/Surgical Margins of the Primary Site--Melanoma: Is margin status positive or negative when the lesion “approximates” margins? This was noted in the pathology report comment on a malignant melanoma in-situ shave biopsy. Follow-up with physicians is not possible in this situation. |
Assign margin status as “positive” when stated as approximates margins as recommended by our expert pathologists. Approximating means coming right up to inked margin without the margin transecting the tumor. |
2023 |