Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20170005 | Reportability/Histology--Testis: Is neoplasm consistent with carcinoid type of monodermal teratoma reportable as a teratoma, NOS, and if yes, what is the histology code? |
Carcinoid type of monodermal teratoma or well differentiated neuroendocrine tumor (carcinoid), monodermal teratoma of the testis is reportable. Assign 8240/3 according to the WHO classification for this neoplasm. |
2017 | |
20170006 | Diagnostic confirmation--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms (Lymphoma): To code "3" in Diagnostic Confirmation, does the genetic testing need to confirm a specific histology or is it enough that is simply rules out others? See Discussion. |
For example, pathology states: Right axillary lymph node, excision: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (see note). COMMENT: FISH studies were performed that were negative for BCL-6, c-Myc/IgH, CCND1/IgH and IgH/BCl-2 gene rearrangement, ruling out the most common forms of double-hit lymphoma. Flow cytometry studies demonstrated positivity for CD45, CD20, HLA-Dr, CD19, CD11c, CD22, CD30, CD38, CD79b, and FMC7. Low positivity was seen for CD5. No reactivity was seen for CD10, CD23, CD25, CD103 or CD123. |
Both histologic plus immunophenotyping or genetic testing should be positive to assign code 3 for Diagnostic Confirmation. The Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasm Coding Manual Diagnostic Confirmation instructions state, assign 3 for Cases positive for neoplasm being abstracted (including acceptable ambiguous terminology and provisional diagnosis) AND Immunophenotyping, genetic testing, or JAK2 is listed in the Definitive Diagnosis in the Heme DB AND a.) Confirms the neoplasm OR b.) Identifies a more specific histology (not preceded by ambiguous terminology). Because the patient was diagnosed with DLBCL by histology, and flow cytometry was positive for CD antigens (immunophenotyping) 20, 22, and 30 for DLBCL, code 3 is appropriate. |
2017 |
20170007 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Urinary System: How should histology be coded when there are multiple bladder, ureter and renal pelvis urothelial tumors including non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma in the left ureter, invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma invading the lamina propria in the bladder, and an invasive sarcomatoid urothelial carcinoma of the renal pelvis that invades the muscularis? See Discussion. |
Per Rule M8, this is a single primary as there are multiple urothelial tumors as outlined in Table 1 (papillary urothelial carcinoma [8130] and sarcomatoid urothelial carcinoma [8122]) simultaneously present in multiple urinary organs (bladder, ureter and renal pelvis). As Rule M8 indicates these are a single primary, despite the histologies differing at the third digit (8130 vs 8122), then Rule H14 (Code the histology of the most invasive tumor) seems to be the most applicable histology rule. Following Rule H14 (in the Text version of the MP/H Rules), the histology would be coded as 8122 (sarcomatoid urothelial carcinoma) since the renal pelvis tumor was the most invasive tumor present. However, in both the Matrix and Flowchart versions of the MP/H Rules, Rule H14 contains a note (missing from the Text version) that states that this rule should only be used when the first three numbers of the histology codes are identical (This is a single primary). Rule M8 clearly tells us these are a single primary, despite the differences at the third digit of the histology. Further defaulting to Rule H15 (Code the numerically higher histology code) in this case would ignore the histology of the tumor with the worse prognosis (the most invasive tumor). Was this note included in the Matrix and Flowchart versions in error? |
Code the histology as 8122 according to the MP/H rules for Renal Pelvis, Ureter, Bladder, and Other Urinary, M8 and H14. Rule M8 states urothelial tumors in two or more of urinary sites including bladder and renal pelvis are a single primary. Rule H14 states code the histology of the most invasive tumors for multiple tumors abstracted as a single primary. |
2017 |
20170008 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Colon: Is the code for invasive adenocarcinoma in a serrated adenoma 8213/3? The NAACCR Guidelines for ICD-O-3 Update Implementation, effective 1/1/14, provides new terms including 8213/0 for sessile serrated adenoma/sessile serrated polyp and 8213/3 for serrated adenocarcinoma. This would cause Site/Type and Histology overrides to be set. Coding 8210/3 would allow the case to be reported without overrides. See Discussion. |
Pathology report 1/13/15, Histology - Transverse colon resection pathology = Invasive moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. The invasive adenocarcinoma arises in a sessile serrated adenoma. |
Assign 8213/3 to invasive adenocarcinoma arising in a sessile serrated adenoma. The instruction in SINQ 20120089 is still valid. The 2014 ICD-O-3 Update does not change this SINQ answer. |
2017 |
20170009 | MP/H Rules/Multiple primaries--Lung: How many primaries should be accessioned if patient has a LUL lung biopsy with squamous cell carcinoma and subsequently a station 4L node biopsy with small cell carcinoma? See Discussion. |
Patient has only a LUL tumor on imaging. The tumor board initially states, possibly a mixed tumor, likely IIIA SCC and/or IIIA or B small cell. Later, the physician refers to it as "Stage III lung cancer, mixed histology with small cell in the lymph node and squamous cell in the LUL mass." Patient has no further workup and has declined therapy. |
Accession the case as a single lung primary since there is only a mixed tumor noted by the tumor board. Code the histology as 8045, combination/mixed small cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, per Table 1 of the Multiple Primaries/Histology Rules. |
2017 |
20170010 | CS Site Specific Factor--Breast: What estrogen receptor/progesterone receptor (ER/PR) values should be coded in a case with two separate tumors (1 ductal, 1 lobular) diagnosed simultaneously in the same breast (single primary) with differing ER/PR values for each tumor? One is ER/PR positive; the other is ER/PR negative. |
In cases where ER (or PR) is reported on more than one tumor specimen, record the highest value. If any sample is positive, record as positive. Guidance on Collaborative Stage (CS) site-specific factors (SSFs) in the breast schema can be found in the SEER Registrar Staging Assistant (SEER*RSA): SSF1-Estrogen Receptor (ER) Assay and SSF2-Progesterone Receptor (PR) Assay. The SEER* RSA breast schema is found at: |
2017 | |
20170011 | MP/H Rules/Multiple primaries--Breast: Can we accession two breast primaries when imaging is "suspicious for malignancy" on both breasts but only one biopsy is taken and is histologically confirmed, and assume bilateral complete response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with bilateral mastectomies negative for residual cancer? See Discussion. |
The patient is diagnosed by bilateral mammograms suspicious for malignancy in both breasts. A biopsy is done on one breast and is positive. The physician states that he will not biopsy the contralateral breast, as the patient has consented to bilateral mastectomy. The patient receives neoadjuvant chemo, follow by bilateral mastectomies. Both breasts are negative for residual cancer, stated as a complete response. Based on "suspicious for malignancy" can we accession two primaries and assume bilateral complete response? |
Accession two breast primaries, one right and one left, rule M7. "Suspicious" is reportable ambiguous terminology. |
2017 |
20170012 | Primary Site/Sarcoma--Breast: How should the primary site and stage be coded for osteosarcoma of breast? Is C509 correct or should the code be a different primary site? When assigning C509, the Collaborative Stage (CS) still pertains to breast cancer and AJCC stages it as a breast cancer and not as a sarcoma. |
Code primary osteosarcoma of the breast to breast, C500-C509. Not all site and histology combinations can be staged in CS or AJCC. 9180/3 of breast cannot be staged using the CS breast schema. Breast (C500-C509) cannot be staged using the CS soft tissue schema. The same is true for AJCC. You can stage this case using SEER Summary Stage. Important: Do NOT change the primary site or histology code based on whether or not the case can be CS or AJCC staged. We need to know how many cases are unable to be staged because of their primary site and histology combinations. |
2017 | |
20170014 | Reportability/Histology--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: Is a physician statement that a patient has a malignant histiocytic disorder best described as Erdheim-Chester disease reportable? If reportable, should histology be coded to 9751/3? See Discussion. |
The patient had a mediastinal mass biopsy showing fibrosclerotic tissue with patchy lymphohistiocytic foci and scattered plasma cells, followed by a retroperitoneal mass biopsy showing fibrohistiocytic infiltrate. Erdheim-Chester disease is not reportable per the Heme Database. However, the physician specifically states this is a malignant disorder. |
Erdheim-Chester disease is not reportable. Use the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasm Database to determine reportability. The WHO Classification of Tumors of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues states that Erdheim-Chester disease is a possible adult form of disseminated juvenile xanthogranuloma with bone and lung involvement; no histology code is provided. |
2017 |
20170017 | MP/H Rules/Multiple primaries--Liver: How many primaries of the same site and histology are reported if tumors appear years apart but neither is surgically removed? See Discussion. |
Patient has an April 2009 biopsy proven diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma with a single liver mass in segment 4 that was treated with TACE and systemic chemotherapy. The treated lesion was stated to be stable in subsequent scans performed between 2010 and late 2015. December 2015 imaging identified a new mass in the left hepatic lobe consistent with cholangiocarcinoma. Is the 2015 tumorĀ a new primary? In auditing files for expected (but not received) abstracts due from facilities, we've observed these types of cases not being consistently reported as multiple primaries. |
Abstract as a single primary. The 2009 liver tumor remained "stable" following treatment and the patient was never disease free. |
2017 |