Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20180007 | Multiple primaries/Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: Are plasmacytomas in thyroid and laryngeal masses one primary based on rule M2, abstract a single primary when there is a single histology? If so, what is the primary site? See Discussion. |
Patient presented with hoarseness and palpable neck mass. No palpable adenopathy (per hospital abstract). 02/19/16 Thyroid Ultrasound: Right thyroid lobe with mass, 63X35X44XMM (per hospital abstract). 06/01/16 Right thyroid lobectomy, radical resection right laryngeal tumor (per hospital abstract). 06/01/16 Operative Procedure: Tumor was invading laryngeal soft tissue and cartilage anteriorly and to the right. There may be a small amount of residual tumor invading cartilage although this was not clear (per hospital abstract). GROSS DESCRIPTION: 1. The specimen is received fresh for intraoperative consultation, labeled with the patient's name and "right thyroid mass." It consists of a 3.0 x 2.2 x 2.0 cm irregular, ragged fragment of tan-red, firm, rubbery soft tissue. The specimen is serially sectioned to reveal a tan-red, gritty cut surface with focal fleshy areas. A touch prep is performed. A representative section is submitted for frozen section analysis in 1FSA. A portion of tissue is submitted for flow cytometry with the accession number MSO-16-1786. The remaining specimen is entirely submitted in 4 additional cassettes (1B-1E). 2. The specimen is received in formalin and is labeled "right thyroid lobe." It consists of a thyroid lobe measuring 4.3 x 4.0 x 1.3 cm and weighing 10.0 g. The external surface is covered by a thin fibrous capsule with a focal area of roughening on the posterior surface. The lobe is inked black posterior, blue anterior and orange isthmus margin. Serial sectioning reveals a red-brown and beefy parenchyma. A definitive nodule is not grossly identified. The entire specimen is serially submitted from superior to inferior in 9 cassettes. 3. The specimen is received in formalin, labeled with the patient's name and "right neck/laryngeal mass." It consists of an irregular, focally nodular red-tan mass measuring 7.0 x 5.5 x 4.0 cm and weighing 54 g. The convex portion of the specimen is mostly encapsulated with focal adherent red-brown striated skeletal muscle. The concave portion of the specimen is focally ragged and disrupted. The convex portion of the specimen is inked black and the concave portion is inked blue. The specimen is serially sectioned to reveal a white-grey to red, granular, gritty cut surface with focal fleshy areas. Representative sections are submitted in 12 cassettes. Final DX DIAGNOSIS: 1. Right thyroid mass excision Plasma cell tumor /plasmacytoma 3 cm. Tumor cells are positive for kappa and negative for lambda immunostains. Recommend correlation with flow cytometry MSO-16-1786, monoclonal plasma cell population with cytoplasmic kappa positivity. Ki-67 stains 7 percent of cells. Focal stromal hyalinization. Congo red stain for amyloid negative. No thyroidal tissue identified. 2. Right thyroid lobe excision Benign thyroid tissue with focal solid cell nest negative for malignancy. One out of two 1/2 perithyroidal lymph nodes positive for plasma cell tumor. 3. Laryngeal mass excision Plasma cell tumor /plasmacytoma 7 cm involving soft tissue and skeletal muscle. Tumor cells are positive for kappa and negative for lambda immunostains. Ki-67 stains 7 percent of cells. Focal stromal hyalinization and calcification. Congo red stain for amyloid negative |
Abstract this case as a single primary. Hematopoietic Multiple Primary Rule M2 applies. Code to unknown primary, C809, based on rule PH27. There is no indication in the information provided of the site of origin; therefore, PH2 cannot be used. We recommend a thorough review of the case to determine if the site of origin is identified in the medical record. |
2018 |
20180008 | MP/H Rules/Multiple primaries--Thyroid: Is medullary carcinoma of the right lobe of the thyroid, with foci of papillary microcarcinoma in both lobes, one primary with mixed histology (8347/3) or two separate primaries? |
For cases diagnosed prior to 2018 Abstract two primaries, Medullary (8510/3) and papillary microcarcinoma (8260/3). Other sites rule M17 applies. |
2018 | |
20180009 | Reportability--Head & Neck: Is dentinoameloblastoma reportable, and if so, what is the correct histology code? See Discussion. |
Mixed odontogenic tumor consistent with dentinoameloblastoma, 9.5 cm, See Note: Tumor involves maxillary bone including hard palate, alveolar ridges, nasal cavities and maxillary sinuses bilaterally and buccal soft tissue. Lymphovascular invasion not identified. Perineural invasion not identified. Margins: Tumor involves right posterior bone (alveolar) margin. All other margins negative. Note: This is a rare hybrid tumor showing features of ameloblastoma producing pre-dentin/osteodentin matrix. Submucosal tumor is seen in the nasal cavities and palate. A congo red stain shows that the acellular dentin-like matrix fluoresces similar to collagen after polarization. Immunohistochemistry shows that the tumor cells are diffusely and strongly positive for p63, focally positive for CK19, and negative for CK5/6, SOX10, S100 and calretinin. |
Dentinoameloblastoma is not reportable. It is a variant of ameloblastoma which produces dentin and/or osteoid. It is benign. It can extend locally in a rather aggressive fashion, but is not given a malignant designation unless it metastasizes. |
2018 |
20180010 | Diagnostic confirmation--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: Is Diagnostic Confirmation coded as 5 (positive laboratory test/ marker study) or code 8 (clinical diagnosis only) for a case that has a positive JAK2 mutation, and based on the results of the JAK2, the physician diagnosed the patient with polycythemia vera? There were no blood smears or bone marrow biopsies done. |
Assign diagnostic confirmation code 5 for a positive laboratory test/marker study. A note was added to the Hematopoietic manual to state that code 5 now includes cases with no histological confirmation but there is positive immunophenotyping or genetic studies. |
2018 | |
20180012 | First course of treatment: What is the correct code to use for allogenic stem cell transplant? |
Code an allogenic stem cell transplant as 20 (Stem cell harvest (stem cell transplant) and infusion) in Hematologic Transplant and Endocrine Procedures in the 2016 SEER Manual. |
2018 | |
20180013 | Reportability--Brain and CNS: Are tuberous sclerosis cancers found in the brain reportable? See Discussion. |
I have searched ICD-O-3 for a histology listing but could not locate. I also searched the SEER Inquiry database for possible answers, but none were found. The patient underwent a pediatric MRI of the brain of which final impression was: 1) Subependymoma nodules, cortical tubers, and SEGAs are seen bilaterally consistent with tuberous sclerosis. |
SEGA (Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma) is reportable if diagnosed in 2004 or later. Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is not a neoplasm and is not reportable. SEGA is a neoplasm that commonly occurs in TSC patients. Refer to the reportability instructions on pages 5-7 in the SEER manual, |
2018 |
20180014 | Reportability/Histology--Brain and CNS: Is multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor of the cerebrum reportable, and if so, is the histology coded as 9492/0? See Discussion. |
Patient diagnosed with multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor of the cerebrum. My research shows: Multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor of the cerebrum is a recently reported benign, mixed glial neuronal lesion that is included in the 2016 updated World Health Organization classification of brain neoplasms as a unique cytoarchitectural pattern of gangliocytoma. There is no code in ICD-O-3 for it, so do I report it and use 9492/0 or not ? |
Do not report multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor of the cerebrum. At this time, WHO is undecided about whether this is a neoplastic or a hamartomatous/malformative process. If WHO makes a determination that this is a neoplastic process, we will update reportability instructions and ICD-O-3 guidelines for registrars. |
2018 |
20180015 | Histology--Ovary: What is the correct ICD-O-3 histology code for sertoliform endometrioid carcinoma of the ovary? |
Assign 8380/3. Sertoliform endometrioid carcinoma is a variant of endometrioid carcinoma according to the WHO Classification of Tumors of Female Reproductive Organs, 4th edition. There is no specific ICD-O-3 code for this variant. |
2018 | |
20180016 | Primary site--Pancreas: Is the uncinate process of the pancreas coded to C259, C250, or C257? |
Assign C250 to the uncinate process of the pancreas. The uncinate process is part of the head of the pancreas. |
2018 | |
20180018 | MP/H Rules/Histology--Brain and CNS: How should histology be coded for the following 2017 cases (pituitary adenoma vs. prolactinoma)? See Discussion. |
1. (2017) Pituitary mass resection with a path diagnosis of Do we code as prolactinoma when the tumor is immunoreactive for prolactin or must there be a definitive statement of ? 2. (2017) Pituitary lesion on imaging, MD diagnosis of Current (2007) MP/H rule H9 states when there are multiple histologies in the same branch in Chart 1, code the more specific histology. These histologies are NOT in Chart 1, but prolactinoma seems to be a more specific type of pituitary adenoma. The next rule, H10 states to code the numerically higher code, 8272/0 (pituitary adenoma)? 3. (2017) Imaging diagnosis of pituitary macroadenoma with clinical diagnosis by MD of macroprolactinoma. Current rules indicate when there is no path specimen that physician reference to type of tumor has priority over imaging. Will these answers/histologies change with the upcoming 2018 Solid Tumor rules? |
Code each of these 2017 cases as prolactinoma (8271/0), the more specific histology. If these cases were diagnosed in 2018, the answer would be the same: code as prolactinoma. |
2018 |