Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20180101 | Histology--Kidney: What is the histology code for renal cell clear cell of the kidney with subsequent epithelioid angiomyolipoma PEComa of the liver stated to be metastatic? Case originaly diagnosed in 2016. See discussion. |
This patient was diagnosed in 2016 with renal cell clear cell and was coded to that. In 2018, the patient's liver lesion was resected and pathology revealed epithelioid angiomyolipoma perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) (8714/3), a new term as of 2018. This was compared to the kidney slides and it was determined to be metastatic PEComa from the kidney. The physician's note states: The patient had a nephrectomy for a kidney tumor in 2016, excision of cutaneous melanomas, and resection of liver mass in 2018. These three cases were sent in consultation. The diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma was confirmed by a dermatopathologist of our department, (a separate report had been already issued). The kidney tumor is poorly differentiated composed of sheets of discohesive cells with markedly pleomorphic cells with frequent giant and bizarre cells. Most of the cells have abundant eosinophilic to clear cytoplasm. The nuclei are enlarged and pleomorphic. Multinucleated cells are numerous. Some cells have markedly enlarged nucleoli. Multifocal tumor necrosis is noted. Extensive lymphovascular invasion is observed. There are foci at the periphery of the tumor consisting of a proliferation of spindle cells with entrapped adipocytes consistent with minor element of unusual angiomyolipoma (see block A18). The liver tumor has histologic features that are similar to the poorly differentiated component of the kidney tumor. |
Revise the histology code for the 2016 diagnosis based on the review of slides performed in 2018. When new information becomes available, the information in the abstract can be updated. PEComa is a synonym for epithelioid angiomyolipoma (8860/1). These tumors can be malignant with local recurrence and or mets. For a pre-2018 diagnosis, code histology to 8860/3 using the ICD-O-3 Rule F, aka: Matrix principle. |
2018 |
20200057 | Histology--Lung: Is there a better code for SMARCA4-deficient malignant neoplasms than 8000/3 that could be used especially given its aggressive nature? This term is not included in the Lung Solid Tumor Rules or ICD-O-3.1 and 3.2. See Discussion. |
Per Mayo consulting pathologist, the final diagnosis on this right lung biopsy is: SMARCA4-deficient malignant neoplasm (see Comment). Comment: Sections show a poorly-differentiated malignant neoplasm without any apparent glandular, squamous, or stromal differentiation. The tumor near totally replaces the underlying lung tissue without recognizable underlying alveolar parenchyma. Immunohistochemical stains performed at Mayo Clinic (Oscar keratin, INSM1, NUT, S100, desmin and BRG1 protein encoded by SMARCA4 gene) demonstrate that the malignant cells are positive for Oscar keratin (rare cells only), synaptophysin (weak/patchy) and p63 (focal) while negative for the remaining antibodies tested. Of note, SMARCA4 stain is negative in the tumor cells. Thus, this tumor can be categorized as a SMARCA4-deficient malignant neoplasm, which is known to be an aggressive malignancy, likely represent a SMARCA4-deficient thoracic sarcoma, a recently described entity. SMARCA4-deficient carcinomas in the lung have been reported to be mostly adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas, which would not fit for this case. Please refer to a paper published by our group (Sauter JL et al. Mod Pathol 2017;30:1422-32. |
Assign code 8020/3. SMARCA4-deficient malignant neoplasms are newly identified. WHO has not proposed an ICD-O code as of yet. Our pathology experts suggest coding to undifferentiated carcinoma until they are better classified. |
2020 |
20220030 | Histology--Lung: Is it acceptable to code histology as 8042/3 for a 2020 lung primary when the pathology report states only "oat cell carcinoma?" See Discussion. |
In the old 2007 Multiple Primaries/Histology rules, Lung Equivalent Terms and Definitions section, oat cell carcinoma (8042) was listed as one of the obsolete terms that was no longer recognized for small cell carcinoma. That note is not in the current 2018 Solid Tumor Manual lung chapter, and ICDO-3.2 lists oat cell carcinoma as the preferred term for code 8042/3. Would rule H4, Note 2 apply -- only one histology present, if not listed in Table 3 use ICD-O and all updates, to code oat cell carcinoma as 8042/3? |
While oat cell carcinoma is an outdated term, if that is all the pathology report states, code histology as 8042/3. Yes, Rule H4 applies: the diagnosis was a single histology. H4 instructs you to refer to the solid tumor H table, and if the term is not found there, check ICD-O and ICD-O updates. All possible histologic types that could occur in the lung may not be included in the table. |
2022 |
20031187 | Histology--Lymphoma: What code is used to represent the histology "monomorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder [diffuse large B-cell lymphoma]"? See Description. |
A 14 year old with a cadaver kidney transplant in 1994 for membranous glomerulonephritis presented in 6/26/03 with a right cervical LN with biopsy showing "lymph node involved by monomorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma). Staging was done including a bone marrow which was negative, CSF negative. The oncologist on the case reduced the immunosuppression drugs with the final outcome being no sign of the lymphoma. | For cases diagnosed prior to 1/1/2010:Code 9680/36 [Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma]. This post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder was diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. According to the World Health Organization, there are two types of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder. "Regular" post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder is not a neoplasm and is therefore not reportable to a cancer registry. The second type (sometimes called Hodgkin-like PTLD) is classified as a B-cell lymphoma, which means that it IS reportable.
For cases diagnosed 2010 forward, refer to the Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasm Case Reportability and Coding Manual and the Hematopoietic Database (Hematopoietic DB) provided by SEER on its website to research your question. If those resources do not adequately address your issue, submit a new question to SINQ. |
2003 |
20180015 | Histology--Ovary: What is the correct ICD-O-3 histology code for sertoliform endometrioid carcinoma of the ovary? |
Assign 8380/3. Sertoliform endometrioid carcinoma is a variant of endometrioid carcinoma according to the WHO Classification of Tumors of Female Reproductive Organs, 4th edition. There is no specific ICD-O-3 code for this variant. |
2018 | |
20200003 | Histology--Penis: What is the histology code of a glans penis primary with the final diagnosis squamous cell carcinoma, verrucous type? See Discussion. |
Penile mass excision shows final diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma, verrucous type. Subsequent partial penectomy has a final diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma, verrucous type and the summary cancer data lists Both the final diagnosis and summary cancer data indicate a histology code of 8051/3 (squamous cell carcinoma, verrucous type / verrucous carcinoma). However, this site and histology combination triggers edit IFN4911. Edit documentation indicates that for sites C600-C609 (all penile sites) use histology code 8051 and do not use 8054. Review of the 2018 ICD-O-3 Histology Updates table does not indicate these terms are synonymous. |
Code squamous cell carcinoma, verrucous type of the penis as verrucous carcinoma (8051/3). In WHO Classification of Tumors of the Male Urinary System and Male Genital Organs, 4th edition, tumors of the penis, verrucous carcinoma is described as an extremely differentiated keratinizing papillomatous and acanthotic neoplasm; it accounts for 2-3% of penile squamous cell carcinomas. The coding of condylomatous carcinoma and warty carcinoma changed from 8051/3 to 8054/3 in 2018 for penile sites only in the 2018 ICD-O-3 New Codes, Behaviors, and Terms-Updated 8/22/18. Override the edit until the edit issue is explored. |
2020 |
20170044 | Histology--Sarcoma: What is the histology code for epithelioid angiosarcoma? |
Assign 9120/3 for epithelioid angiosarcoma. |
2017 | |
20230021 | Histology--Soft Tissue: How is histology coded for malignant neoplasm with neuroectodermal differentiation and TPR-NTRK1 gene rearrangement diagnosed on left shoulder excision? See Discussion. |
March 2022, left shoulder soft tissue mass excision shows a spindle cell tumor with outside consultation diagnosis of malignant neoplasm with neuroectodermal differentiation and TPR-NTRK1 gene rearrangement. Diagnosis comments indicate the findings most closely resemble the spectrum of kinase-rearranged mesenchymal neoplasms, such as lipofibromatosis-like neural tumor. However, the expression of SOX10 and mature melanocytic markers is unusual, and does not exclude melanocytic differentiation. Should this be classified as a peripheral neuroectodermal tumor (9364) or as an "NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm (emerging)" (8990) if there is a NTRK gene rearrangement? |
NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm is a newly identified variant of sarcoma; however, WHO has not yet proposed a specific ICD-O code for this rare neoplasm. Code to spindle cell sarcoma (8801/3). WHO defines NTRK-rearranged spindle cell neoplasm as an emerging group of molecularly defined rare soft tissue tumors that span a wide group of morphologies and histological grades, and are most often characterized by a spindle cell phenotype among other characteristics. |
2023 |
20190018 | Histology--Thyroid: Should any mention of encapsulated be included in the histology coding (8343/3 vs. 8260/3) for papillary thyroid carcinoma cases? See Discussion. |
Example: Left thyroid lobectomy with final diagnosis When the only mention of encapsulation is included in the tumor characteristics of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) summary, not the pathologist's choice of histologic type, what is the preferred histology? |
Assign 8343/3 for encapsulated variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. If the pathology report is not available, use the histologic type in addition to other information in the CAP Protocol. |
2019 |
20220017 | Histology--Thyroid: What is the correct histology code for a thyroid resection showing papillary carcinoma, tall cell variant with oncocytic features with 30% of largest tumor (right) is tall cell variant and both foci contain benign multinucleated giant cells? See Discussion. |
There is an ICD-O histology code for papillary carcinoma, tall cell (8344/3) as well as papillary carcinoma, oxyphilic cell (8342/3). Per SINQ 20150045, the term oncocytic is synonymous with oxyphilic in this context. The term “variant” can be used for the Other Sites (non-updated STR sites) primaries when the ICD-O-3.2 (or ICD-O-3 for older cases) includes the term “variant” in the histology name. The MPH General Instructions did not include the term “variant” as a term that can be used to code histology. |
Code papillary carcinoma, tall cell variant with oncocytic features to papillary carcinoma, tall cell (C73.9) (8344/3). The WHO Classification of Endocrine Organs states that this variant is composed of cells that are as tall as they are wide, and show abundant eosinophilic (oncocytic-like) cytoplasm. Tall cells must account for greater than or equal to 30% of all tumor cells. |
2022 |