Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20110099 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How is primary site coded for bilateral pelvic lymph node involvement for lymphoma primaries? |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at The PH rules for coding lymphomas (Module 7) refer to a lymph node region as defined by the ICD-O-3. Per the Appendix C, , the ICD-O-3 lymph node region for "pelvic" is C775. In this case, there is one lymph node region involved (bilaterally). Per Rule PH20, code the specific lymph node region when multiple lymph nodes within the same lymph node region (as defined by the ICD-O-3) are involved, C775. Per Note 1 under Rule PH20, use this rule when there is bilateral involvement of lymph nodes. This same table in Appendix C also provides information on how left and right pelvic lymph nodes are categorized by AJCC for purposes of coding stage. If the left and right pelvic lymph nodes are positive for lymphoma, it is involvement of two regions. The case is coded as Stage II. Keep in mind that the ICD-O-3 definition of regions is used to code the primary site, while the AJCC definition of regions is used to code stage. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2011 | |
20120071 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How is the primary site coded and what rule applies if the patient has involvement of multiple organs and one lymph node chain with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma? See Discussion. |
In 2011 the patient was diagnosed with a 15 cm mass involving the terminal ileum, cecum and adjacent mesentery. The pathology was positive for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. A staging PET/CT revealed a mass at the base of tongue and a left cervical lymph node. The biopsy of the base of tongue also showed DLBCL. |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at Apply rule PH22 to code the primary site to C779 [lymph nodes, NOS]. While the pathology does not indicate that this particular case represents a B-cell lymphoma, unclassifiable with features intermediate between DLBCL and Burkitt variant, in the Abstractor Notes section of the Heme DB for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma it does indicate that its presentation, "may have lesions in ileocecal region or jaws. Bone marrow and peripheral blood may be involved. Patients present with lymphadenopathy or mass lesions in extranodal site." This patient does have involvement of two extranodal sites and involvement of regional lymph nodes for only one of those sites. PH22 indicates one is to code the primary site to C77.9 [lymph nodes, NOS] when lymphoma is present in multiple organs and lymph nodes that are not regional for that organ and the origin cannot be determined even after consulting the physician. There are two extranodal sites of involvement and only one chain of lymph nodes is regional to one of those sites so this rule applies. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2012 |
20120072 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How is the primary site coded for a diagnosis of multifocal Langerhans cell histiocytosis with involvement of the bone, liver, spleen and retroperitoneum? |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at Per Rule PH30, use the Heme DB to determine the primary site and histology when rules PH1-PH29 do not apply. Code the primary site to C419 [bone, NOS], assuming there are multiple bones involved in this case. If only one bone is involved, code the primary site to the specified bone. In the Abstractor Notes section in the Heme DB, it indicates the primary site may differ for LCH in the solitary disease and multisystem disease. This patient has multisystem disease with involvement of the bone, liver, spleen and retroperitoneum. The most common sites for multisystem involvement include three of the four above sites (bone, liver, and spleen). Determine the primary site based on the knowledge of the usual sites of involvement for this disease, the actual sites of involvement for the case presented, and identifying which sites of involvement are likely metastatic and which are the potential primary sites. There are two potential primary sites of involvement: the bone and the retroperitoneum. Bone is a common site of involvement for LCH while the retroperitoneum is not. Code the primary site to C419 [bone, NOS] because multiple bones are involved for this patient and bone is the most common site for LCH based on the documentation in the Abstractor Notes. The spleen and liver are typically not primary sites for this disease process. They become involved when there is multisystem involvement because they filter the blood. They are typically sites of metastatic involvement. This information will be added to the ABSTRACTOR NOTE section. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2012 | |
20130123 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How is the primary site coded for a diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, immunoblastic variant involving the left maxillary vestibule and entire left maxilla? See Discussion. |
The clinical history indicates a destructive, quickly growing intra-oral lesion in the left soft tissue vestibule and the entire left maxilla. Pathology report final diagnosis: Oral cavity, left maxilla, incisional biopsy: Malignant lymphoma, non-Hodgkin, diffuse large B-cell type, immunoblastic variant. |
Code the primary site to C068 [overlapping lesion of the mouth] per Rule PH24. Code the primary site to the organ when lymphoma is present only in an organ. This lesion overlaps the left soft tissue of the maxilla (the maxillary gingiva) [C030] and the left vestibule of the mouth [C061]. There is no documentation indicating in which specific site the lesion arose. The maxilla is the upper jawbone. The soft tissue that overlies the maxilla is a part of the oral cavity. It is reasonable to interpret the documentation such that the tumor in the maxilla is an extension of the overlapping oral mucosa tumor. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2013 |
20130059 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: How is the primary site coded if a patient with a history of chemotherapy treated "groin" lymphoma, subsequently has bone biopsies that demonstrate diffuse large B-cell lymphoma? See Discussion. |
3/2012: Patient states he has a past history of lymphoma of the "groin." A bone biopsy of the right tibia done at this facility showed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. There was no palpable lymphadenopathy on 03/2012. There is no other information available regarding the initial diagnosis except that the patient was treated with only chemotherapy. |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at Code the primary site to C774 [inguinal lymph nodes] per Rule PH18. Code the primary site to inguinal lymph nodes [C774] when the site of lymphoma is described only as an inguinal mass. Groin lymph nodes are inguinal lymph nodes. The diffuse large B-cell lymphoma diagnosed by right tibia biopsy is not a new primary per rule M7 because the histology of the history only case would be coded as 9590/3 [lymphoma, NOS]. No more specific histology is known for the initial diagnosis. Accession a single primary when a more specific histology [DLBCL] is diagnosed after the NOS ONLY histology when the Heme DB Multiple Primaries Calculator confirms the NOS and the more specific histology are the same primary. The right tibial involvement is not used to code the primary site because the patient had chemotherapy for this groin lymphoma prior to diagnosis of DLBCL. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2013 |
20100094 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: Is a peripheral blood equivalent to bone marrow biopsy for the purposes of Rule PH26 and code the primary site to C421 [Bone marrow] for a marginal zone lymphoma found in peripheral blood when there was no additional workup (e.g., scans, etc.) for this case? |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at Code the primary site to C421 [bone marrow]. Our hematopoietic specialty physicians state that involvement of peripheral blood is equivalent to bone marrow involvement because the marrow produces blood. In the absence of any other involvement, per Module 7 (Coding primary sites for lymphomas) Rule PH26, it states to code the primary site to bone marrow when the only involvement is bone marrow. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2010 | |
20130216 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: Need help determining primary site for Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma 9680/3 confirmed pathologically in right ovary and soft tissue left adnexa. No lymph nodes examined pathologically. Patient treated outside and no access to notes. See discussion. |
CT A/P massively enlarged uterus with no distention between the vagina, cervix or proximal to mid uterus identified. Highly concerning for malignancy though distinct etiology not clear. Ovarian not favored though not excluded given lack of clearly defined fat planes between uterus and either ovary. Extensive bilateral iliac chain and periaortic/pericaval lymphadenopathy.
Trying to work through Module 7 in the Hem DB. According to the ovary site, regional lymph nodes include the iliac and the para-aortic lymph nodes. This makes me think I should use Rule PH35 (organ and regional nodes). However, using Appendix C in the Hem DB, the iliac lymph nodes are part of the pelvic C775 while the para-aortic (periaortic) are intra-abdominal C772. This makes me wonder if I should go with rule PH36 present in organ and nodes that are not regional. |
Use Rule PH25 and code primary site to C569.
First determine if the iliac and para-aortic lymph nodes are regional for Ovary. Use AJCC TNM or Collaborative Stage. Per AJCC 7th edition, regional lymph nodes for ovary include iliac and para-aortic (pg. 419). Therefore, this case involves an organ and its regional lymph nodes. Use appendix C to determine how to code a lymph node primary. It should not be used to determine whether lymph nodes are regional for a specific organ. |
2013 |
20120039 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: What primary site and heme rule applies when a PET scan shows bilateral renal masses, hypermetabolic liver lesions and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, a right kidney biopsy was positive for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and the bone marrow biopsy was negative? See Discussion. |
Patient has a history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). February 2011 abdomen/pelvis x-ray showed development of bilateral renal masses. April 2011 PET scan showed intense areas of hypermetabolic activity corresponding to known bilateral renal masses, new hypermetabolic liver lesions, as well as left upper retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. All findings are worrisome for malignancy. March 2011 right kidney mass biopsy was positive for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Bone marrow biopsy was negative for lymphoma. |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at Per Rule PH25, code the primary site of the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma to C649 (kidneys) and laterality to 4 (bilateral). Per PH25, code the primary site to the organ when a lymphoma is present in an and that . This patient had involvement of an organ (bilateral kidneys) as well as regional lymph nodes for that organ. The retroperitoneal lymph nodes are regional for the kidney. The diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is an acute transformation of the chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Because the DLBCL occurred more than 21 days after the CLL, it is a new primary per Rule M10. SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2012 |
20100043 | Primary site--Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms: When only pathology reports are available, how should the primary site be coded when a both a bone marrow biopsy and colon biopsy demonstrate "mantle cell lymphoma"? |
For cases diagnosed 2010 and forward, access the Hematopoietic Database at
For this case, code primary site to C189 [colon, NOS] per Rule PH24.
Mantle cell lymphoma usually begins with lymph node involvement and spreads to other tissue. However, it can begin in a lymphocyte such as those in the GI tract. Per the Abstractor Notes section in the Heme DB, patients usually present with advanced disease. About half will have some combination of B symptoms. Swelling of lymph nodes and spleen are usually present. Bone marrow, liver and GI tract involvement occurs in a very high percentage
SEER*Educate provides training on how to use the Heme Manual and DB. If you are unsure how to arrive at the answer in this SINQ question, refer to SEER*Educate to practice coding hematopoietic and lymphoid neoplasms. Review the step-by-step instructions provided for each case scenario to learn how to use the application and manual to arrive at the answer provided. |
2010 | |
20200064 | Primary site--Heme &Lymphoid Neoplasms: What is the primary site of two extraosseous plasmacytomas, with positive pathology of right orbit and left lung. The patient's bone marrow biopsy, flow, and peripheral blood smear were negative. Is this coded as 9732/3, multiple myeloma (Primary Site and Histology Rule PH2) with the primary site as C809 (PH27)? Or is the primary site C421 since code 9732 says primary site is always C421, though bone marrow came back as negative? |
Assign the primary site to C421 since that is the only allowable primary site for plasma cell myeloma, even though the bone marrow was negative. According to the revised criteria from the WHO Blue Book for Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasms (2017), the presence of multiple plasmacytomas is plasma cell myeloma (9732/3). |
2020 |