Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20220046 | First Course Treatment/Immunotherapy--Other Therapy: Should IMC-A12 (Cixutumumab) be coded as Immunotherapy/Biological Response Modifier (BRM) treatment? See Discussion. |
IMC-A12 (Cixutumumab) is listed as a BRM agent in SEER*Rx, but the Remarks section indicates it should be coded as Other Therapy until there is FDA approval. It is unclear if FDA approval was ever given for this agent. We are mainly seeing it given for prostate primaries. |
Code Cixutumumab as Other Therapy. Cixutumumab is still in clinical trials and not approved by FDA yet. Though it is classified as an immunotherapy agent, it is not approved. |
2022 |
20220031 | Tumor Size/Neoadjuvant Treatment: If a patient discontinues neoadjuvant therapy and then has surgery, how is the pathologic tumor size coded with the pathologic tumor size greater than the clinical tumor size? Currently, we are instructed to code 999 for the pathologic tumor size when neoadjuvant therapy is given; what happens when neoadjuvant chemotherapy is discontinued after 3 cycles (plan for 4 cycles)? |
Assign 999 for pathologic tumor size when patient has received neoadjuvant therapy, even when neo-adjuvant therapy is not completed. Describe the details in text fields. |
2022 | |
20220016 | Histology--Thyroid: What is the correct histology code for a follicular carcinoma, minimally invasive, oncocytic variant of the thyroid? See Discussion. |
There is an ICD-O histology code for follicular carcinoma, minimally invasive (8335/3) as well as follicular carcinoma, oxyphilic cell (8290/3). Per SINQ 20150045, the term oncocytic is synonymous with oxyphilic in this context. The Multiple Primaries/Histology General Instructions and histology rules do not include the term “variant” as a term that can be used to code a further histologic subtype. The term “variant” can be used for the Other Sites (non-updated STR sites) when the ICD-O-3.2 (or ICD-O-3 for older cases) provides the term “variant” in the histology name. |
Code follicular carcinoma, minimally invasive, oncocytic variant of the thyroid to follicular carcinoma, oncocytic variant (8290/3). The term "variant" is commonly used in thyroid histologies and if appropriate, used to determine histology code. The WHO Classification of Tumors of Endocrine Organs, 4th edition, lists synonyms for 8290/3 as Hürthle cell carcinoma; oncoycytic carcinoma; oxyphilic carcinoma; follicular carcinoma, Hürthle cell type; and follicular carcinoma, oncocytic variant. |
2022 |
20220012 | EOD 2018/Lymph Nodes--Corpus Uteri: Are lymph nodes found on imaging post-surgery included in Extent of Disease (EOD) Regional Nodes if surgery is already completed? See Discussion. |
11/16/20: Patient diagnosed with endometrial cancer on by MRI of the pelvis; 11.5 cm uterine mass consistent with cancer with no lymphadenopathy. 1/6/21: Patient had a total abdominal hysterectomy/bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection. Operative report stated patient had mildly enlarged bilateral pelvic nodes. Path report: Endometrioid adenocarcinoma with invasion of the serosa. Five bilateral pelvic nodes were sampled and negative. Originally, staging had patient as node negative. 1/22/21: Patient had post op imaging done that showed metastatic retroperitoneal, aortocaval, and possibly left iliac lymph nodes. Physician changed staging to include the lymph node involvement. |
EOD includes all information available within four months of diagnosis in the absence of disease progression or upon completion of surgery(ies) in first course of treatment, whichever is longer. Since the imaging was within the four-month window, and the nodes could have been positive during surgery but not assessed by the surgeon, use the information from the imaging. Assign code 600 for EOD Regional Nodes for involvement of the aortocaval and retroperitoneal nodes (para-aortic nodes), size unknown. |
2022 |
20220033 | When coding the Covid testing results, does SEER have any guidance on whether or not at home tests fall within reportability? For instance, if a medical provider says pt tested positive on an at home test, do we record that? |
When you have information about home COVID tests, record this information. For example, if the home test was positive record as follows: COVID-19 rapid viral antigen test POS 08/09/2022 |
2022 | |
20220039 | Reportability/Histology--Eye: Is “squamous mucosa with high grade dysplasia” equivalent to a diagnosis of “high grade squamous dysplasia?” See Discussion. |
A conjunctival biopsy final diagnosis is squamous mucosa with moderate to high grade dysplasia. The diagnosis comment states that immunostains were performed and confirm squamous histology. This seems to imply a high grade squamous dysplasia, rather than a non-reportable high grade dysplasia. Does this case meet the criteria for reportable high grade squamous dysplasia? |
Squamous mucosa with high grade dysplasia is the same as high grade squamous dysplasia in the conjunctiva and is coded to 8077/2. |
2022 |
20220013 | Reportability/Histology--Kidney: What is the histology and behavior of a papillary renal neoplasm with reverse polarity? See Discussion. |
Patient had a partial nephrectomy with final diagnosis of papillary renal neoplasm with reverse polarity. Diagnosis comment states: Papillary renal neoplasm with reverse polarity is currently considered to be a histologic variant of papillary renal cell carcinoma; however, recent studies suggest that it has a very indolent clinical behavior. |
Report papillary renal neoplasm with reverse polarity as 8260/3. According to the WHO Classification of Urinary and Male Genital Tumors, 5th edition, this is a distinctive pattern of papillary renal cell carcinoma that has been recently recognized. These tumors have recurrent mutations of KRAS, differing from typical papillary renal cell carcinoma. We recommend that you include with reverse polarity in your histology text to differentiate this entity from others classified in 8260/3. |
2022 |
20220048 | First Course Treatment/Immunotherapy--Other Therapy: Should all therapies given as part of a clinical trial be coded as Other Therapy (NAACCR #1420), or only those that cannot be classified in one of the other treatment categories (systemic therapy, surgery, radiation) or as ancillary treatments? Does it matter what is listed in SEER*Rx under Primary Sites or Remarks regarding FDA approvals? See Discussion. |
The SEER Manual states that the Other Therapy data item identifies treatments given that cannot be classified as surgery, radiation, systemic therapy, or ancillary treatment; and the instructions for code 2, Other-Experimental, say to assign this for any experimental or newly developed treatment, such as a clinical trial, that differs greatly from proven types of cancer therapy. Does this mean that only unclassifiable treatments should be coded in Other Therapy, even if given as part of a clinical trial? For example, if a patient is given a drug as part of a trial that is categorized in SEER*Rx as immunotherapy, should it be assigned both Immunotherapy (NAACCR #1410) code 1 and Other Therapy code 2, or only coded in Immunotherapy since it is classified as such? How should a clinical trial drug be coded if it has a treatment classification in SEER*Rx, but the type of cancer being treated is not listed under the Primary Site or Remarks sections as being FDA approved? A real case scenario is atezolizumab given for colon cancer as part of a trial; this drug's category is Immunotherapy in SEER*Rx but colon is not listed under Primary Sites or in the Remarks detailing FDA approvals. |
When a drug is being administered as part of a clinical trial and it is not yet approved as treatment for the cancer site for which it is being administered, code in Other Therapy. Do not code it as Immunotherapy (for the example provided). While a drug may be approved to treat one type of malignancy, it may be in clinical trials to determine its value in treating other malignancies. Coding as immunotherapy is misinformation in this case since there are other types of approved immunotheraputic agents. |
2022 |
20220005 | Reportability--Ambiguous Terminology: Can the term “at most” preceding a statement of a reportable diagnosis be used to accession a case? See Discussion. |
A January 2022 endometrium biopsy and curettage both show final diagnosis of “mild cytologic atypia and glandular crowding, at most endometrioid intraepithelial neoplasia.” Any subsequent surgery path is unlikely to provide clarification. |
Do not report the case in this scenario based on the diagnosis alone of mild cytologic atypia and glandular crowding, at most endometrioid intraepithelial neoplasia. "At most" is not an ambiguous term for reportability. It appears that "at most" in this case refers to the worst possible option within other possible options (differential diagnosis). Differential diagnoses are "educated guesses" or hypotheses and are usually not reportable unless proven otherwise. As there is no clear statement of the diagnosis in this case, we recommend that you seek additional information, for example, clinical diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. |
2022 |
20220049 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Lung: How many cases should be abstracted for a patient with 2022 wedge biopsy of right upper lobe acinar predominant lung adenocarcinoma and wedge biopsy of right lower lobe lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma if there is concern for diffuse spread throughout the lungs secondary to the lymphangitic carcinomatosis and possible diffuse pneumonic type of adenocarcinoma? See Discussion. |
Acinar predominant adenocarcinoma measures at least 12 mm and involves wedge biopsy margins, while the lepidic predominant adenocarcinoma measures 11 mm and does not involve the margins of that separate specimen. Pathologist also notes, “CT findings of diffuse coarse reticular nodular opacity, these findings may represent pneumonic type adenocarcinoma/diffuse pulmonary involvement or intrapulmonary metastasis. Both of these scenarios have the corresponding stages of pT4 (if thought to be ipsilateral) or M1a (if thought to also involve the contralateral lobe).” Patient declined any further treatment and transitioned to hospice before expiring less than 1 month after wedge biopsies. It is unclear if Rule M6 would apply to these two specimens with different subtypes since this scenario is not specifically addressed in the M rule definitions. |
Abstract two separate primaries when separate/non-contiguous tumors are two or more different subtypes/variants in Column 3 of Table 3 using Rule M6 in the Solid Tumor Rules (September 2021 Update). They represent two subtypes/variants of the same NOS histology. When coding histology, tissue from pathology takes precedence over imaging, including when stated as differential diagnoses based on the CT scan, as noted by the pathologist in this example. |
2022 |