Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20220020 | Histology--Thyroid: What is the correct histology code for a thyroidectomy with final diagnosis of “Right lower lobe: papillary microcarcinoma, conventional type, 0.8 cm. Isthmus: papillary microcarcinoma, follicular variant, 0.2 cm. Left lobe: Papillary carcinoma, conventional, unencapsulated.” See Discussion. |
We were previously told that papillary microcarcinoma is coded to 8260 (papillary thyroid carcinoma) and not papillary microcarcinoma (8341). That is an area of confusion. |
Based on the information provided, code histology to follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma (8340/3). The tumor is a mix of papillary and follicular variants. |
2022 |
20220018 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Thyroid: What is the correct histology code for the following thyroid primary with multiple tumors abstracted as one primary diagnosed prior to 2021? See Discussion. |
2016 Total thyroidectomy, Multifocal -Dominant Tumor: Right Lobe, Papillary thyroid carcinoma (8260/3) -Tumors two through five: Three tumors Papillary thyroid carcinoma (8260/3), and one tumor Papillary thyroid carcinoma, follicular variant (8340/3) -An additional tumor: Non-invasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features (8343/2) |
Code this multifocal thyroid carcinoma, single primary, as papillary thyroid carcinoma, follicular variant (8340/3) using Solid Tumor Rules, Other Sites, Rule H13 that says to code the most specific histologic term. We consulted with our endocrine specialty pathologist and when there is a mix of papillary and follicular variants, assign 8340. Non-invasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features is coded as 8349/1 beginning in 2021. According to the WHO Classification of Endocrine Organs, 4th edition, it was formerly classified as non-invasive encapsulated follicular variant of PTC (FVPTC) (8343/2) but was reclassified based on extremely low malignant potential. |
2022 |
20220017 | Histology--Thyroid: What is the correct histology code for a thyroid resection showing papillary carcinoma, tall cell variant with oncocytic features with 30% of largest tumor (right) is tall cell variant and both foci contain benign multinucleated giant cells? See Discussion. |
There is an ICD-O histology code for papillary carcinoma, tall cell (8344/3) as well as papillary carcinoma, oxyphilic cell (8342/3). Per SINQ 20150045, the term oncocytic is synonymous with oxyphilic in this context. The term “variant” can be used for the Other Sites (non-updated STR sites) primaries when the ICD-O-3.2 (or ICD-O-3 for older cases) includes the term “variant” in the histology name. The MPH General Instructions did not include the term “variant” as a term that can be used to code histology. |
Code papillary carcinoma, tall cell variant with oncocytic features to papillary carcinoma, tall cell (C73.9) (8344/3). The WHO Classification of Endocrine Organs states that this variant is composed of cells that are as tall as they are wide, and show abundant eosinophilic (oncocytic-like) cytoplasm. Tall cells must account for greater than or equal to 30% of all tumor cells. |
2022 |
20220040 | Laterality--Brain and CNS: Can Laterality be coded as 5 (midline) for a sella turcica meningioma (or tuberculum sellae meningioma) when no other statement regarding tumor laterality is documented? See Discussion. |
Laterality is often not noted for these sella turcica meningiomas; therefore, Laterality is often coded as 9 (Unknown). Because the sella turcica appears to be a midline structure in the base of the skull, is Laterality code 5 (midline) more appropriate when additional information is unavailable? |
You may assign code 5 (Paired site: midline tumor) for laterality of a meningioma of the sella turcica (C700). The 2022 SEER manual states in Laterality coding instruction 5: Assign Laterality code 5 only when the primary site is C700, C710-C714, C722-C725, C443, C445. Do not assign code 5 to sites not listed in 5.a. Note that code 9 is for paired sites and there is no information concerning laterality. Document laterality information in the appropriate text field. Note: Laterality does not factor into the CNS Solid Tumor rules. |
2022 |
20220022 | Tumor Size--Pathologic--Anus: In 2019, the pathology report of an anal canal squamous cell carcinoma stated the tumor size is 2.5 cm from proximal to distal (3.5 cm in circumference). Is the pathologic tumor size tumor size 025 or 035? |
Based on the information provided, code the tumor size as 035. We asked an expert pathologist to review this question and she said to use the larger measurement. She also said "the pathologist usually cuts the anus and rectum open like a tube; the “circumference” would be measured flat." |
2022 | |
20220014 | Surgery of Primary Site--Melanoma: How is Surgery of Primary Site coded when a path specimen is labeled as a “staged excision” for a cutaneous melanoma. See Discussion. |
Patient was diagnosed on biopsy with lentigo maligna melanoma of the nasal dorsum. The only available documentation of the subsequent surgery is a single pathology report with the nasal dorsum “staged excision (debulking specimen)” and four additional “staged excision” specimens of the same site. Is it safe to assume this is a Mohs surgery? Would it be safe to assume staged excisions of sites other than skin of face, are also Mohs surgery? |
Interpret a "staged excision" for cutaneous melanoma as a type of Mohs surgery. Skin surgery codes are currently under review and revision. Document details in available text fields. |
2022 |
20220029 | Histology/Behavior--GI Tract: What is the difference between high grade dysplasia and severe dysplasia for tumors in the cervix and gastrointestinal (GI) tract? Are these terms synonymous with in situ/behavior code /2? See Discussion. |
In the WHO Classification of Female Genital Tumors, 5th edition, for the uterine cervix squamous intraepithelial lesions, there is related terminology for high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion HSIL (CIN3) 8077/2 and it is severe squamous dysplasia; squamous cell in situ. However, in the online WHO Classification of Digestive System Tumors, 5th edition, there is no related terminology for esophageal high-grade squamous dysplasia, 8077/2. Can you collect cases of severe dysplasia the same as cases of high grade dysplasia? |
According to a leading GI pathologist, severe dysplasia is equivalent to high grade dysplasia in the GI tract. |
2022 |
20220021 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Brain and CNS: How many primaries are accessioned, and what M Rule applies, for a 2012 diagnosis of left cerebral transitional meningioma (9537/0) that transforms to an atypical meningioma (9539/1) in 2022? See Discussion. |
The patient underwent a resection of the transitional meningioma in 2012, but residual tumor was left behind. The patient was on surveillance until imaging showed growth of the residual tumor. The resection in 2022 proved atypical meningioma. Rule M2, the first rule that applies, indicates this situation represents a single primary (a single tumor). However, Rule M4 states the transformation from a benign meningioma to a borderline meningioma would only be a single primary if the meningioma was a NOS. This patient has microscopic confirmation of a meningioma showing different subtypes/variants (listed in Column 3, Table 6). Should this be accessioned as multiple primaries based on the transformation and distinctly different histologies? |
Non-malignant CNS rule M4 applies, this is a single primary. This scenerio is covered in Example 2: A meningioma 9530/0 transforms into an atypical meningioma 9539/1. |
2022 |
20220035 |
Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Bladder: How is histology coded for a transurethral resection of the bladder (TURB) diagnosis with multiple components? See Discussion. |
Examples: Bladder TURB: Invasive high grade urothelial carcinoma with poorly differentiated (40%), lipoid (5%), and sarcomatoid (55%) components. Bladder tumor base TURB: Invasive high grade urothelial carcinoma with poorly differentiated (65%) and sarcomatoid (30%) components. The Urinary Sites Solid Tumor Rules, histology coding rules, say to code the most specific histology or subtype/variant, regardless of whether it is described as majority, minority, or component. Poorly differentiated (8020) and sarcomatoid (8122) are both urothelial subtypes, but there is no rule to instruct how to code a tumor/tumors with multiple urothelial subtypes. |
Code histology as 8120/3 in the two examples using Note 1 in the Urinary Sites Solid Tumor Rules, instruction 1 of the Coding Histology section. The subtypes/variants or components must describe a carcinoma or sarcoma in order to code a histology described by those terms. |
2022 |
20220047 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Head and Neck: Is a patient with 2020 neck mass, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), p16-negative, who then had a biopsy of the right tonsil (C09.9) in July 2022, SCC p16-positive, one or two primaries? Is this coded to 8070/3 using pre-2022 rules or a new, second primary p16-positive, 8085/3. See Discussion. |
History provided by the oncologist Right neck mass since 2019; 04/07/20, initial biopsy p16-negative SCC, delay of treatment due to patient preference, agreed to biopsy of tonsil and work-up August 2022; right tonsil biopsy: p16-positive, G2 SCC, nodal mass at that time >6 cm with extensive extranodal extension, Stage III (cT2, cN3, cM0, p16-positive); based on this history, was staged as a tonsil primary and p16-positive. Patient details 1. March 2020, CT neck and chest revealed a 0.5 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm low-density necrotic nodal mass at right neck level 2 suspicious for metastatic disease. There was a slight asymmetric increased size of the right palatine tonsil. There are a few sub-4 mm pulmonary nodules which are nonspecific. 2. April 7, 2020, FNA of right neck mass with pathology revealed p16-negative SCC 3. April 20, 2020, PET/CT revealed 3 x 2 cm right-sided level 2 node with FDG avidity 4. May 5, 2020, flexible laryngoscopy showed no obvious primary lesion 5. May 2020, after evaluation by a medical oncology, patient declined any treatment 6. June 17, 2022, return visit in medical oncology after PET/CT demonstrates significant progression in the neck; patient definitively declines chemo, but would like surgical opinion. Now has more rapidly progressive disease with skin breakdown and weeping from malignant lesion right neck. 7. June 22, 2022, radiation oncology consultation 8. July 15, 2022, tonsil biopsy: Invasive squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated with LVI, p16-positive 9. Patient now agreeing to treatment with radiation: Tooth extractions 8/30/2022, radiation planning 9/14/2022 10. Patient consulted with cancer specialist who explained surgery is not recommended given level of extranodal extension and risk of seventh cranial nerve paralysis and fistula formation with surgical excision and who recommended chemoradiation 11. September 9, 2022, patient presented for radiation CT simulation/treatment planning and informs treatment team. Patient declined/refuses concurrent chemotherapy despite recommendations from two cancer institutions. |
Abstract a single primary of the tonsil. The diagnosis date is March 2020 (the date of the CT scan). Assign 8070/3 for the histology. Metastases were found in 2020 before the primary of tonsil was determined in 2022. The oncologist information confirms this. |
2022 |