Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20220010 | EOD 2018/Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms--Myeloid Sarcoma: How is Extent of Disease (EOD) Primary Tumor coded for a myeloid sarcoma with multifocal skin involvement? See Discussion. |
Patient has a diagnosis of myeloid sarcoma presenting as multiple erythematous papules and nodules on back, chest, right arm & shoulder. Oncologist did not mention any evidence or suspicion of an associated AML diagnosis. HemeRetic schema EOD Primary Tumor Note 1 states that myeloid sarcoma can be coded as localized (code 100) or systemic (code 700). It is not clear what would qualify as systemic disease for myeloid sarcoma. |
Assign code 100, localized, using the 2018 EOD Primary Tumor, HemeRetic schema, for the myeloid sarcoma with skin involvement since only the skin is involved. Use code 700, distant or disseminated, when multiple organs are involved. |
2022 |
20220006 | Histology/Brain and CNS: How is histology coded for a 2021 diagnosis of “neuroepithelial tumor with PATZ1-EWSR1 fusion, not elsewhere classified” found during a right thalamic mass resection? See Discussion. |
Patient has a remote history of a right thalamic mass status-post two resections; reported as malignant oligodendroglioma (pathology not received) and chemo/radiation therapy, who recently presented with persistent headaches. Imaging revealed a 3.4 cm heterogeneous lobulated right thalamic mass with coarse calcifications and a probable cystic component. Pathologist indicates the histologic and immunophenotypic features of this neoplasm are that of relatively circumscribed neuroepithelial tumor without high grade features (mitotic activity, microvascular proliferation, necrosis). Molecularly this neoplasm is characterized by a PATZ1-EWSR1 fusion, which has recently been proposed to be a distinct neuroepithelial tumor entity with a broad histological spectrum. |
Assign 8000/1. Neuroepithelial tumor with PATZ1-EWSR1 fusion, not elsewhere classified, is not recognized as a distinct entity at this time. It is not listed in ICD-O-3.2 or in the 5th edition of the WHO CNS classification. |
2022 |
20220041 | Primary Site/Histology--Intrahepatic Duct: How are primary site and histology coded for cholangiocarcinoma cases when the pathology only shows a liver tumor and other involvement. See Discussion. |
A common scenario is a patient has a positive CT of the abdomen/pelvis for liver mass only. Biopsy of the liver mass is positive for cholangiocarcinoma. The physician is also calling the liver tumor the primary site with histology of cholangiocarcinoma. There is no evidence of intrahepatic bile duct (C221) or gallbladder (C240) involvement which are sites specific to this histology. The hematology/oncology consult stages this as Stage IIIA, T3N0M0 intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Can we code cholangiocarcinoma with site code C220 (liver) or should we assume that C221 (intrahepatic bile ducts) would be a better code to reflect this histology? |
Assign C221 (intrahepatic bile duct) as the primary site for cholangiocarcinoma (8160/3). Our expert GI pathologist confirms that even when intrahepatic bile ducts are not specifically mentioned, intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma originates in the intrahepatic bile ducts. |
2022 |
20220036 | Solid Tumors Rules/Histology--Head and Neck: How is histology coded for head and neck primaries when a tumor is diagnosed as an invasive squamous cell carcinoma with multiple subtypes? See Discussion. |
Example Case 1: 2022 mobile tongue tumor biopsy shows squamous cell carcinoma, basaloid non-keratinizing type. Example Case 2: 2022 base of tongue mass biopsy shows squamous cell carcinoma, basaloid non-keratinizing type, p16 positive. Table 5, Note 2 (Head and Neck Equivalent Terms and Definitions) instructs us to code non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma which is p16 positive to 8085 (Squamous cell carcinoma HPV-positive), ignoring the non-keratinizing subtype. Does p16 or HPV positivity also take priority over multiple subtypes (basaloid non-keratinizing type)? |
Assign 8083/3, basaloid squamous cell carcinoma (BSCC), in both examples. It is more important to capture the variant than to code 8085 or 8086. WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumors, 5th ed., states that BSCC is a distinctive form of SCC, characterized by prominent basaloid morphology, squamous differentiation, and aggressive behavior. Some primary sites capture p16 status as a Site Specific Data Item; you may record the p16 results when that is the case. |
2022 |
20220042 | First Course Treatment/Radiation Therapy: How should Lutathera be coded? CoC states XRT- Radioisotopes and SEER states Other Treatment. |
Lutathera is a radioconjugate consisting of the tyrosine-containing somatostatin analog Tyr3-octreotate (TATE) conjugated with the bifunctional, macrocyclic chelating agent tetra-azacyclododecanetetra-acetic acid (DOTA) and radiolabeled with the beta-emitting radioisotope lutetium Lu 177 with potential antineoplastic activities. |
Update to the current manual: Code Lutathera as radiation (isotopes NOS code 13). We will make this change in the next version of the SEER manual. |
2022 |
20230025 | Histology--Cervix: Can human papilloma virus (HPV) or p16 testing results from a non-reportable high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL)/cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 3) pathology report be used to code histology as squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), HPV-positive (8085), if subsequent excision/resection identifies invasive SCC and no further HPV or p16 testing is done on the invasive specimen? See Discussion. |
Example #1: Cervix loop electrocautery excision procedure (LEEP) pathology: Histologic Type: Squamous cell carcinoma, HPV-associated. Histologic Type Comments: High-risk HPV testing on previous Pap test sample reported as positive for high-risk HPV. The prior Pap diagnosis was HSIL only with molecular results positive for high-risk HPV. Example #2: Cervix endocervical curettage and biopsy with CIN 3, p16 diffusely positive. Subsequent LEEP with superficially invasive squamous carcinoma (no HPV or p16 testing done). This was followed by an additional cone excision that was negative for residual malignancy and p16 testing was also negative. |
Use the histology codes SCC, HPV-associated (8085/3) and SCC, HPV-independent (8086/3) only when HPV testing is done on that specimen. Do not use previous HPV tests to code the histology. Code as SCC, NOS (8070/3) in both examples as no HPV testing was performed on the LEEP procedure specimens that identified the SCC. |
2023 |
20230064 | Primary Site--Cervix Uteri: When no other information is available regarding the origin of the tumor, can an overlapping cervical adenocarcinoma (C538, 8140/3) be coded to the endocervix (C530) based on the histology? See Discussion. |
Adenocarcinoma is a glandular tumor and the endocervix is generally the origin of glandular tissue for the cervix. However, if the only available information is pathology proving a single tumor overlapping the endocervix and exocervix, can we code the site to C530 instead of C538? Applying the current primary site coding instructions, primary site would be coded as C538 because there is no specific statement of the tumor origin; the primary site coding instructions state the tumor is coded to an overlapping site in the absence of a specific statement of origin and there is no existing SINQ confirming the site can be assumed to be the endocervix based on the histology. |
Code Primary Site as Overlapping lesion of cervix uteri (C538). The 2023 SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual Primary Site Coding Instructions for Solid Tumors #4 says to code the last digit of the primary site code to ‘8’ when a single tumor overlaps an adjacent subsite(s) of an organ and the point of origin cannot be determined. This is also supported by the ICD-O-3, 3rd edition, note in the Topography section that states: In categories C00 to C809, neoplasms should be assigned to the subcategory that includes the point of origin of the tumor. A tumor that overlaps the boundaries of two or more subcategories and whose point of origin cannot be determined should be classified to subcategory ‘8.” |
2023 |
20230052 | Reportability/Primary Site--Brain and CNS: What is the primary site of a meningioma arising from the jugular bulb/petrous aspect of the temporal bone? See Discussion. |
Example July 2022, Brain CT describes a mass appearing to be centered on the petrous aspect of the temporal bone with intracranial and extracranial extension. July 2022, Brain MRI describes an extra-axial mass centered in the right jugular bulb with intracranial and intraosseous extension as well as extension within the internal jugular vein. September 2022, Resection operative report surgical findings are of a calcified mass filling middle ear, abutting stapes and appearing to enter the stapes obturator foramen, debulked. Final diagnosis is right middle ear meningioma, WHO grade I of III. Is this a reportable intraosseous meningioma of the temporal bone/skull base, or a non-reportable meningioma arising in a meningocele within the middle ear? |
Do not report cases of meningioma originating in the jugular bulb or petrous aspect of temporal bone or middle ear. These are not intracranial locations. This is a non-reportable meningioma arising in a meningocele within the middle ear. The jugular bulb is the confluence of the lateral venous sinuses situated in the jugular fossa. The precise location of this structure within the temporal bone is variable.The jugular bulb, petrous aspect of temporal bone, and middle ear are not intracranial locations, and therefore meningiomas arising in these areas are not reportable. |
2023 |
20230022 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries: What M Rule of the updated Solid Tumor Rules, Other Sites, applies to a 2022 diagnosis of endometrial cancer, followed greater than one year later by a 2023 diagnosis of esophageal cancer with no interim evidence of tumor recurrence? See Discussion. |
These diagnoses were made greater than one year apart with a disease-free interval and M12 seems to be the first rule that applies. This rule does not specifically state the tumors diagnosed greater than 1 year apart must be in the same primary site but Note 1 could be interpreted as implying this. Note 1 states, “Clinically disease-free means that there was no evidence of recurrence in the same site on follow-up.” Does Other Sites Rule M12 (the timing rule) apply to tumors in different primary sites? It would be helpful if the notes specified this clarification, such as “Clinically disease-free means that there was no evidence of recurrence in the same site (same second and third character CXX.X) on follow-up.” |
Abstract multiple primaries using the Solid Tumor Rules, Other Sites, Rule M13. The topography differs at the second and third characters (C54.1 Endometrium; C15 Esophagus). Rule M12 refers to being disease-free vs. recurrence of a tumor, where Note 1 states that clinically disease-free means no evidence of recurrence in the same site on follow up. A note can be added to clarify that M12 applies to new tumors in the SAME site. |
2023 |
20230019 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Pancreas: How many primaries, and what M Rule applies, when a pancreatectomy identified an invasive adenocarcinoma in one pancreatic head tumor, but multiple separate pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PanNETs), WHO grade 1, in the pancreatic body? See Discussion. |
There was a 3.5 cm invasive adenocarcinoma tumor in the pancreatic head. There were four separate, sized pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors measuring 0.9, 0.7, 0.5 and 0.2 cm in the pancreatic body. There are multiple tumors with distinctly different histologies. However, Table 11 (Pancreas Histologies) does not include any entries for neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas (e.g., pancreatic NET, WHO grade 1, histology 8240). While it would seem Rule M19 should apply as they’re distinctly different histologies, because PanNETs are not included in Table 11, it is not clear which M Rule applies to these multiple tumors. If Rule M19 does not apply, we are left with Rule M21 (Abstract a single primary when there are multiple tumors that do not meet any of the above criteria). Are these separate tumors with distinctly different histologies really a single primary? Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are not an uncommon histology, is there a reason these were not included in Table 11? |
Abstract two primaries using the 2023 Solid Tumor Rules, Other Sites, Rule M19, as adenocarcinoma and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are two distinct histologies. The WHO Classification of Digestive Tumors, 5th ed., Chapter 10-Tumors of the Pancreas, lists both epithelial tumors and neuroendocrine neoplasm as separate entities. The Solid Tumor Rules histology-specific tables contain histologies that commonly occur in the 19 site-specific histology tables; therefore, not all histologies are listed in the rules. Further, the adenocarcinoma would be staged in the Pancreas Schema, while the neuroendocrine tumor would be staged in the NET Pancreas schema. We will consider adding PanNETs to Table 11 in a future release of the Solid Tumor Rules. |
2023 |