Primary myelofibrosis (PMF)
ICD-O-1 Morphology
9920/3: Megakaryoctyic myelosis
1978 - 1991
ICD-O-2 Morphology
1992 - 2000
ICD-O-3 Morphology
2001 and later
for cases diagnosed
1978 - 1991,
2001 and later
Primary Site(s)
Primary site must be bone marrow (C421)
Coding Manual:
Hematopoietic Coding Manual (PDF)
Abstractor Notes
"Post essential thrombocythemia myelofibrosis" is not a diagnosis associated with 9961/3. It is a diagnosis associated with a progression of essential thrombocythemia (ET) (9962/3).
Radiation therapy and surgery (splenectomy) may be done for enlarged spleen.
Blood transfusions are given to correct anemia and should not be listed as treatment. Splenectomy may be done if the patient is symptomatic
Aspirin was previously documented as treatment for this disease. This was found to be incorrect. Treatment has been updated based on the NCI website (updated 6/12/15).
For more information, see the NCI website: https://www.cancer.gov/types/myeloproliferative/hp/chronic-treatment-pdq#section/_9
Radiation therapy and surgery (splenectomy) may be done for enlarged spleen.
Blood transfusions are given to correct anemia and should not be listed as treatment. Splenectomy may be done if the patient is symptomatic
Aspirin was previously documented as treatment for this disease. This was found to be incorrect. Treatment has been updated based on the NCI website (updated 6/12/15).
For more information, see the NCI website: https://www.cancer.gov/types/myeloproliferative/hp/chronic-treatment-pdq#section/_9
Diagnostic Confirmation
This histology can be determined by positive histology (including peripheral blood) with or without genetics and/or immunophenotyping. Review the Definitive Diagnostic Methods, Immunophenotyping and Genetics Data sections below, and the instructions in the Hematopoietic Manual for further guidance on assigning Diagnostic confirmation.
Not Applicable
Module Rule
Alternate Names
Chronic granulocytic-megakaryocytic myelosis
Idiopathic myelofibrosis
Megakaryocytic myelosclerosis (MMM)
Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia
Myelofibrosis as a result of myeloproliferative disease
Myelofibrosis/sclerosis with myeloid metaplasia
Myeloid metaplasia
Myeloid metaplasia, NOS
Myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia
Prefibrotic primary myelofibrosis
Primary myelofibrosis, prefibrotic
Primary myelofibrosis, fibrotic
Primary myelofibrosis (PMF) is a clonal myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) characterized by a proliferation of predominantly abnormal megakaryocytes and granulocytes in the bone marrow, which in fully developed disease is associated with reactive deposition of fibrous connective tissue and with extramedullary hematopoiesis.
There is a stepwise evolution from an initial pre/fibrotic early stage, characterized by hypercellular bone marrow with absent or minimal reticulin fibrosis, to an overt fibrotic stage with marked reticulin or collagen fibrosis in the bone marrow, and often osteosclerosis.
The fibrotic stage of PMF is clinically characterized by leukoerthroblastosis in the blood, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly.
The diagnostic criteria for prefibrotic/early PMF (pre-PMF) are:
Major criteria
1. Megakaryocytic proliferation and atypia, without reticulin fibrosis .grade 1*, accompanied by increased age-adjusted BM cellularity, granulocytic proliferation, and often
decreased erythropoiesis
2. Not meeting the WHO criteria for BCR-ABL11 CML, PV, ET, myelodysplastic syndromes, or other myeloid neoplasms
3. Presence of JAK2, CALR, or MPL mutation or in the absence of these mutations, presence of another clonal marker,† or absence of minor reactive BM reticulin fibrosis
Minor criteria
Presence of at least 1 of the following, confirmed in 2 consecutive determinations:
a. Anemia not attributed to a comorbid condition
b. Leukocytosis $11 3 109/L
c. Palpable splenomegaly
d. LDH increased to above upper normal limit of institutional reference range
Diagnosis of pre-PMF requires meeting all 3 major criteria, and at least 1 minor criterion
Diagnosis of overt PMF requires meeting all 3 major criteria, and at least 1 minor criterion
There is a stepwise evolution from an initial pre/fibrotic early stage, characterized by hypercellular bone marrow with absent or minimal reticulin fibrosis, to an overt fibrotic stage with marked reticulin or collagen fibrosis in the bone marrow, and often osteosclerosis.
The fibrotic stage of PMF is clinically characterized by leukoerthroblastosis in the blood, hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly.
The diagnostic criteria for prefibrotic/early PMF (pre-PMF) are:
Major criteria
1. Megakaryocytic proliferation and atypia, without reticulin fibrosis .grade 1*, accompanied by increased age-adjusted BM cellularity, granulocytic proliferation, and often
decreased erythropoiesis
2. Not meeting the WHO criteria for BCR-ABL11 CML, PV, ET, myelodysplastic syndromes, or other myeloid neoplasms
3. Presence of JAK2, CALR, or MPL mutation or in the absence of these mutations, presence of another clonal marker,† or absence of minor reactive BM reticulin fibrosis
Minor criteria
Presence of at least 1 of the following, confirmed in 2 consecutive determinations:
a. Anemia not attributed to a comorbid condition
b. Leukocytosis $11 3 109/L
c. Palpable splenomegaly
d. LDH increased to above upper normal limit of institutional reference range
Diagnosis of pre-PMF requires meeting all 3 major criteria, and at least 1 minor criterion
Diagnosis of overt PMF requires meeting all 3 major criteria, and at least 1 minor criterion
Definitive Diagnostic Methods
Clinical diagnosis
Genetic testing
Genetics Data
BCR-ABL1 fusion gene absent
del(20q) and partial trisomy
Gains of chromosome 9 and/or 8
JAK2 V617F (~50% - 60% of cases)
MPL (~8% of cases)
Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome absent
Hematologic Transplant and/or Endocrine Procedures
Radiation therapy
Transformations to
Transformations from
Same Primaries
Corresponding ICD-9 Codes
238.76 Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia
Corresponding ICD-10 Codes
D47.1 Chronic myeloproliferative disease
Corresponding ICD-10-CM Codes (U.S. only)
D47.4 Osteomyelofibrosis (effective October 01, 2015)
Signs and Symptoms
Bone pain
Early satiety
Night sweats
Weight loss
Diagnostic Exams
Blood chemistry studies
Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
Cytogenetic studies
Peripheral blood smear
Progression and Transformation
Epidemiology and Mortality
Swerdlow SH, Campo E, Harris NL, Jaffe ES, Pileri SA, Stein H, Thiele J (Eds):
WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (Revised 4th edition)
IARC: Lyon 2017
Section: Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Pages: 44-50
WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (Revised 4th edition)
IARC: Lyon 2017
Section: Myeloproliferative neoplasms
Pages: 44-50
International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition, Second Revision. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2020.
Section: ICD-O-3.2 (2020) Morphological Codes
Pages: http://www.iacr.com.fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=100&Itemid=577
Section: ICD-O-3.2 (2020) Morphological Codes
Pages: http://www.iacr.com.fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=100&Itemid=577
National Cancer Institute
Section: General Information About Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Pages: https://www.cancer.gov/types/myeloproliferative/hp/mds-mpd-treatment-pdq
Section: General Information About Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
Pages: https://www.cancer.gov/types/myeloproliferative/hp/mds-mpd-treatment-pdq