Report | Question ID | Question | Discussion | Answer | Year |
20230078 | Primary Site/Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms--CLL/SLL: Should the primary site be coded C421 (bone marrow) for a diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) when the managing physician provides a Rai stage? See Discussion. |
The patient has adenopathy and a lymph node biopsy proved CLL/SLL. The patient underwent a peripheral blood smear, but the final diagnosis only indicated there is an abnormal CLL panel, positive for monoallelic or biallelic deletion of 13q. The pathologist noted a CLL related clone was detected, but there was no definitive diagnosis of CLL on the peripheral blood. No bone marrow biopsy was performed. However, the managing physician noted this was Rai Stage I CLL/SLL with adenopathy in the neck. The SSDI Manual notes, “Rai stage is only applicable for CLL, in which the bone marrow and/or peripheral blood are involved (primary site C421 for bone marrow, see Hematopoietic Manual, Module 3: PH 5, 6).” Should primary site default to C421 if the physician provides a Rai Stage in the absence of definitive peripheral blood or bone marrow involvement documented in the medical record? |
Assign primary site C421. The Site-Specific Data item (SSDI) Manual, Rai Classification section, states: Per confirmation from medical oncologists, Rai stage is only recorded for patients who have bone marrow and/or peripheral blood involvement. Per the Hematopoietic Rules, primary site would be C421 (See Hematopoietic Manual, Module 3: Rules PH 5, 6). A new code has been added to the 5 SSDIs (code 5) to use when primary site is not C421. |
2023 |
20230077 | EOD 2018/ Primary Site/Heme & Lymphoid Neoplasms--CLL/SLL: How are Primary Site and Extent of Disease (EOD) Primary Tumor coded when a lymph node biopsy proved chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and the peripheral blood is involved with an “abnormal CD5-positive B-cell population”? See Discussion. |
The patient has adenopathy in multiple lymph node regions above and below the diaphragm and a lymph node biopsy pathology proved CLL/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). Further work-up with peripheral blood proved an abnormal CD5-positive B-cell population comprising only a small percentage of the white blood cells (WBCs). The pathologist noted this neoplastic B-cell population comprises “3.5% of white blood cells and has an immunophenotype characteristic of CLL/SLL and is similar to the recent lymph node biopsy in this patient.” The managing physician indicated this was a Lugano Stage III SLL. The registrar coded the peripheral blood involvement in EOD Primary Tumor. If this small percentage of WBCs with an abnormal B-cell population is included in EOD Primary Tumor as peripheral blood involvement, then this would indicate peripheral blood/bone marrow involvement and primary site would need to be coded to C421 per Rule PH5. Rules PH5 and PH6 confirm primary site must be coded C421 if peripheral blood or bone marrow are involved. Is there a cutoff value for these abnormal B-cell populations in the peripheral blood? Or should these abnormal B-cell populations be ignored unless the pathologist states the abnormal B-cell population is consistent with CLL/SLL (not just immunophenotypically characteristic of CLL/SLL)? |
Primary site would be C421 based on Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Neoplasm Manual, Module 3, Rule PH 5. Assign EOD Primary Tumor to code 800 (peripheral blood involvement WITH other involvement). Per consultation with an expert hematologist oncologist, this is a Stage IV CLL/SLL since the peripheral blood is involved. There is no cutoff value for the abnormal B-cell populations in the peripheral blood when the cells are consistent with CLL/SLL. If the peripheral blood is involved, even only slightly, it is a Stage IV CLL/SLL. Our expert stated that the physician's staging was wrong (this is not a Lugano, Stage III). |
2023 |
20230076 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Prostate: How is histology coded and what rule applies to a diagnosis of “prostatic adenocarcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation” with reference to the Comment: Immunohistochemical findings are consistent with amphicrine carcinoma for a patient with no prior androgen-deprivation therapy. See Discussion. |
The case in question represents an adenocarcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation that arises in the absence of androgen-deprivation therapy. A 2023 journal article states, “We show that amphicrine prostate cancer is a unique entity and differs in clinical and molecular features from high-grade neuroendocrine carcinomas of the prostate. Our study highlights the need to recognize AMPC as a unique molecularly defined subgroup of prostate cancer.” Should we be coding this with histology 8140 (Adenocarcinoma, NOS) because we have no specific code for an amphicrine carcinoma? Should we code this as 8045 (Mixed small cell carcinoma) because this is possibly the only way to capture both the adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine components in a patient without previous treatment? Our concern about using histology code 8574 (Adenocarcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation) is that, while a valid histology code, this might confound the data if researchers are trying to separate the truly treatment-related tumors from other histologies captured under 8574. |
Assign 8140/3 (adenocarcinoma, NOS). WHO has not yet recognized the variant amphicrine prostate carcinoma and have not proposed an ICD-O code for this neoplasm. Document information in a related text field. |
2023 |
20230075 | EOD/Summary Stage--Eye: How is stage coded for a patient with extranodal non-Hodgkin lymphoma involving bilateral choroids (single focus, both sites) and no lymph node involvement? Since the eyes are a paired site, is this two separate extranodal sites? If so, there are no Summary Stage or EOD tumor codes that best fit this scenario. |
Assign as Stage IV as recommended by our expert hematological oncologist. This is a rare occurrence and this type of presentation does not fit the definition of intraocular extension. Stage IV is probably the best stage for this type of presentation, since there are two extranodal organs involved, even though they involve a bilateral site. EOD Primary Tumor: 700 SS: 7 (Distant) |
2023 | |
20230074 | Extent of Disease/EOD Regional Nodes--Small Intestine: For an ileal/jejunal neuroendocrine primary, how should mesenteric soft tissue deposits (less than 2 cm) be collected in Extent of Disease (EOD) Staging? See Discussion. |
Example: Patient is diagnosed with grade 1 well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor of the ileum, confirmed on ileocolic resection in 2023. The final diagnosis is a 2.8 cm ileal mass, with focal lymph-vascular invasion and a single 0.6 cm tumor deposit within mesenteric fat; primary tumor completely resected with widely negative margins and 10 regional nodes negative for malignancy. According to AJCC, mesenteric masses less than 2 cm should be stated in the pathology report as being present and collected by registrars but do not affect stage. EOD Regional Nodes has a code for large mesenteric masses greater than 2 cm only. How should we record these smaller tumor deposits if they are not supposed to affect stage? |
Do not code 500 for involvement of the mesentery unless the mesentery is specifically stated to be involved (and we don't have that information). We need more information on this case to assign EOD primary tumor. EOD Regional Nodes would be 000 per AJCC. |
2023 |
20230073 | First Course Treatment/Surgery of Primary Site--Liver/Intrahepatic Bile Ducts: For a liver/intrahepatic bile duct primary, is an alcohol embolization the same thing as a percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI)? See Discussion. |
For C220-C221 primaries, Surgery of Primary Site includes code A150 for Alcohol tumor destruction (percutaneous ethanol injection/intratumoral injection of alcohol/alcohol ablation). The SEER and STORE manuals also indicate that alcohol embolization should be coded as Other Therapy, code 1. We are trying to determine whether alcohol embolization should be coded under Surgery of Primary Site or Other Therapy. |
Code alcohol ablation under Surgery of Primary Site 2023. Code alcohol embolization as Other Therapy when tumor embolization is performed using alcohol as the embolizing agent. Alcohol ablation, also known as an ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI); is treatment that involves injecting concentrated alcohol directly into the tumor. Embolization uses special techniques to close off blood flow by introducing special medications or using other techniques designed to block blood vessels. Types of embolization are arterial embolization as with alcohol (ethanol), chemoembolization, and radioembolization. Refer to the current SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual when assigning surgery and embolization procedures. |
2023 |
20230072 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Bladder: How many primaries and what M Rule applies to a diagnosis of non-invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder in 1996, followed by multifocal non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma involving bladder, prostatic urethra, and left ureter in 2022? See Discussion. |
An argument could be made to apply Rule M10 (timing rule which may result in reporting the case as an additional primary) because the 2022 primary included multiple non-invasive urothelial carcinoma tumors in both the bladder and other urinary sites (coded to site C689, not C679) following a long disease-free interval. While Rule M10 excludes multiple bladder tumors, does that also apply when new, multifocal urothelial tumors arise in both bladder and other urinary sites? Does the presence of any subsequent bladder tumor rule out the use of M10 and one must use M11 that indicates reporting this disease process is a single primary? |
Abstract as a new primary per rule M10, as the subsequent tumors are not limited to the bladder. Code the primary site to C689, per Instructions for Coding Primary Site, #4: "Code Urinary System NOS C689 when there are multiple non-contiguous tumors in multiple organs within the urinary system", and following Note: "The physician subject matter experts (SME) discussed the issue of coding primary site for multifocal/multicentric urinary tract carcinoma. Although the SMEs understood and acknowledged the importance of coding a specific primary site, there is no literature or criteria for determining the organ of origin for multiple tumors involving multiple urinary sites". |
2023 |
20230071 | Solid Tumor Rules/Histology--Cervix: How is histology coded for a 2023 endocervical adenocarcinoma negative for high-risk human papilloma virus (HR-HPV) on Pap smear and strongly positive for p16 on biopsy? See Discussion. |
The Solid Tumor Rules indicate p16 is a valid test to determine HPV status and can be used to code HPV-associated/-independent. In this case, we do not know whether the HR-HPV test was done on cytologically malignant cells, or on benign cervical cells. It may be impossible to tell unless 100% of the cytology specimen is malignant, but we will not have access to that information. Also, HR-HPV testing is routine on Pap smears, so this testing does not mean the tumor cells specifically harbor HPV. |
Assign histology as adenocarcinoma, HPV-associated (8483/3) as designated in Table 17, Uterine Cervix Histologies, of the Other Sites Solid Tumor Rules. The WHO Classification of Female Genital Tumors, 5th edition, states that p16 immunohistochemistry is an effective (yet flawed) indirect test for HR-HPV infection, in line with the STRs that state p16 is a valid test to determine HPV status and can be used to code HPV-associated and HPV-independent histologies. In this scenario, "negative for high-risk human papilloma virus (HR-HPV) on Pap smear" would be cytology-based, and may have missed cytologically malignant cells. A subsequent, more definitive biopsy was performed and was found to be strongly positive for p16, therefore, the tumor should be coded as 8483/3. |
2023 |
20230070 | Solid Tumor Rules/Multiple Primaries--Breast: How many primaries should be accessioned for a diagnosis of invasive carcinoma of the left breast (8500/3) in 2020 followed by a 2023 diagnosis of dedifferentiated carcinoma in the left breast (8020/3)? See Discussion. |
The WHO Blue Books do not include dedifferentiated carcinoma as a valid histology for the breast. However, there is known to be progression of ductal carcinoma that is essentially dedifferentiation of an estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 breast carcinoma to a triple negative "dedifferentiated" carcinoma which it appears this patient has. Whether we should accession this as a separate 8020/3 primary per M14 is unclear and the Solid Tumor Manual does not address this scenario. |
Abstract a single primary using Breast Solid Tumor Rules, Rule M18, as none of the previous rules apply. Undifferentiated carcinoma is a malignant epithelial tumour lacking overt evidence of a specific line of differentiation. Dedifferentiated carcinoma is composed of an undifferentiated carcinoma and a differentiated component. Dedifferentiated carcinoma (8020/3) as a morphology is associated with cancer of the endometrium and ovary rather than the breast. Breast cancer shows a broad spectrum of morphology with extensive variation in histological type and grade, related to the complexity of carcinogenesis. This includes initial genetic changes in the cell of origin, subsequent genetic and epigenetic alterations, and reprogramming that occur at various stages of development along with interaction of other factors that influence the process of differentiation. This scenario likely represents the process of phenotypic change of a carcinoma at a later stage, better known as transdifferentiation. |
2023 |
20230069 | First Course Treatment/Immunotherapy--Colon: Is infliximab cancer directed treatment? See Discussion. |
While SEER*Rx does indicate infliximab should be coded as biological response modifier (BRM)/Immunotherapy, the manufacturer website for this medication indicates it is given for: Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and plaque psoriasis. In addition, SEER*Rx does not indicate which primary sites this treatment may be given for. If it is indeed cancer directed treatment, can the typical primary sites be added for clarity? Case example: Patient is diagnosed with colorectal cancer and also has an existing diagnosis of Crohn’s disease; received surgery and FOLFOX6, as well as infliximab. There was no statement of what disease the infliximab was given to treat. |
infliximab is not cancer-directed treatment. This drug was last updated by the FDA 2/22/2023 with additional information on its approval to treat non-malignant neoplasms. To date, the FDA has not approved it for use in colon cancer. This drug was intially developed to treat colon cancer; however, found to be ineffective treating cancer. |
2023 |