This is a document containing changes only. Do not use in place of the Solid Tumor Rules.
Changes across all site modules
- References to "2007 MPH rules" changed to "MPH rules"; "2018 Solid Tumor Rules" changed to "Solid Tumor Rules"
- References to "WHO 2010" updated to "5th edition"
- "Site-specific modules" renamed "site groups"
- All "Changes from 2007 MPH Rules" sections removed. Items in those sections were either deleted entirely or moved to the introduction.
- Many "New for 2022", "New for 2023" sections removed or moved to introduction, as well as old notes
- Equivalent or equal terms section: "Synchronous" added as an equivalent term with simultaneous
- References to "NED" removed
- Note moved from site groups to General Instructions: "Tables and rules refer to ICD-O rather than ICD-O-3. The version is not specified to allow for updates. Use the currently approved version of ICD-O."
- Note about biomarkers moved from Introduction to H Rules in all site groups.
- Note about coding histology from the most representative specimen moved to H rules.
- Table Names added to headers
- Coding Histology Section, #3B bullet 1: "pathologist" replaced by "surgeon"
General Instructions
- Preface simplified
- Sections added:
- Cancer PathCHART Site-Morphology Combination Standards
- Annual Updates
- Solid Tumor Rules Site Groups by Diagnosis Year
- Section removed: What You Need to Know About the Solid Tumor Rules (now covered in another section)
- "How to use the Solid Tumor Rules" section: Redundant information removed; instructions simplified
- "How to Use the Equivalent Terms and Definitions" section:
- Bullet removed: Changes from the 2007 Multiple Primary and Histology Rules
- Bullet added: Information on coding and important changes
- "Timing Rules" section: 365 days changed to 1 calendar year
- "Definitions" section: Entries updated: "Overlapping tumor", "unilateral"
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- Table 3: Specific Histologies, NOS/NST, and Subtypes/Variants:
- "Adenomyoepithelioma with carcinoma 8983" row: Subtype/variant added: "Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma 8562"
- "Metaplastic carcinoma NOS or of no special type (NST) 8575" row: Code for "Low grade adenosquamous carcinoma" corrected to 8570
- New rows added:
- "Neuroendocrine carcinoma NOS 8246/3" with subtype/variants:
- "Carcinoma with neuroendocrine differentiation 8574/3"
- "Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma/large cell carcinoma 8013/3"
- "Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma/small cell carcinoma 8041/3"
- "Neuroendocrine tumor NOS 8240/3" with subtype/variant 8249/3
- "Neuroendocrine carcinoma NOS 8246/3" with subtype/variants:
- Row deleted: "Small cell carcinoma 8041" and subtype/variants 8574/3 and 8246/3 (all moved to new NEC row)
Histology Coding Rules
- Single Tumor: In Situ Only section:
- "Subtypes/variants" removed from Note 2
- Note 3 added regarding WHO in situ terms
- Note added to H Rules that instruct to code the histology when one histology is present.
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- Introduction section: Information about GIST removed from note
- Equivalent or Equal Terms section:
- Examples added for "Carcinoma; adenocarcinoma" entry
- Entries deleted:
- Intramucosal, etc.
- Serosa; visceral peritoneum
- Terms that are not Equivalent or Equal section:
- Sub-bullet added to "Carcinoma 8010; adenocarcinoma 8140" entry
- Sub-bullet deleted from "Component…" entry
- Second sentence deleted from "Exophytic and polypoid" entry
- Table 1: Specific Histologies, NOS, and Subtypes/Variants: "Gastrointestinal stromal tumor 8936/3" row: Note changed to "Beginning with cases diagnosed 1/1/2021 forward, the word malignant is no longer required in order to be reportable."
Multiple Primary Rules
- Added notes:
- "Synchronous tumors are tumors existing at the same time; concurrent; prior to first course treatment, simultaneous"
- "Separate/non-contiguous tumors are tumors that arise independently of each other"
- M rule: Abstract a single primary when there is adenocarcinoma in situ and/or invasive in at least one polyp AND…
- New bullet added: "Referred to as polyps carpeting the bowel, small bowel, intestines, etc."
Histology Coding Rules
- "Coding Histology" section: Bullet added to Instruction #4: "Phenotype"
- H Rule: Code low grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN) and high grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (HAMN) 8480/2 when…: Note 4 added
Head and Neck
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- "Equivalent or Equal Terms" section: Example added to "adenocarcinoma" bullet
- Table 1: Tumors of Nasal Cavity, Paranasal Sinuses and Skull base
- Rows added:
- "HPV-related multiphenotypic sinonasal carcinoma 8483/3"
- "SMARCB1-deficient sinonasal carcinoma 8044"
- "Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 8082" row: Synonym added: "Sinonasal lymphoepithelial carcinoma"
- "Mucosal melanoma 8720" row:
- Note added
- Subtype/variants added:
- "Desmoplastic mucosal melanoma 8745/3"
- "Mucosal lentiginous melanoma 8746/3"
- "Nodular melanoma 8721/3"
- "Squamous cell carcinoma 8070" row:
- Subtype/variants added:
- "HPV-associated squamous cell carcinoma 8085"
- "HPV-independent squamous cell carcinoma 8086"
- "DEK-AFF2 SCC" added as a synonym for 8072
- "Carcinoma cuniculatum" added as a synonym for 8051
- Subtype/variants added:
- Rows added:
- Table 2: Tumors of Nasopharynx
- "Nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma 8260" row: Synonym added: "Low-grade nasopharyngeal papillary adenocarcinoma"
- "Squamous cell carcinoma NOS 8070" row: Synonym added: "Nasopharyngeal carcinoma"
- Table 3: Tumors of Pyriform Sinus, Hypopharynx, Larynx, Trachea, and Parapharyngeal Space
- "Chondrosarcoma 9220/3" row: Subtype/variants added:
- "Clear cell chondrosarcoma 9242/3"
- "Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma 9243/3"
- "Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) 8070" row: Synonym added: "Hybrid verrucous carcinoma"
- "Chondrosarcoma 9220/3" row: Subtype/variants added:
- Table 4: Tumors of Oral Cavity and Mobile Tongue
- Rows added:
- "Adenosquamous carcinoma 8560"
- "Granular cell tumor 9580"
- "Mucosal melanoma 8720" row:
- Column 1 term updated from "Oral mucosal melanoma"
- Synonym added: "Oral mucosal melanoma"
- Subtype/variants added:
- "Desmoplastic mucosal melanoma 8745/3"
- "Mucosal lentiginous melanoma 8746/3"
- "Nodular melanoma 8721/3"
- "Squamous cell carcinoma 8070" row
- Subtype/variants added:
- "Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma 8083"
- "Lymphoepithelial carcinoma 8082"
- "Papillary squamous cell carcinoma 8052"
- "Spindle cell squamous cell carcinoma 8074"
- "Carcinoma cuniculatum" added as a synonym for 8051
- Subtype/variants added:
- Rows added:
- Table 5: Tumors of the Oropharynx, Base of Tongue, Tonsils, Adenoids
- "lateral wall of mesopharynx" added to C102
- "posterior wall of mesopharynx" added to C103
- Table 6: Tumors of Salivary Glands
- "Acinic cell carcinoma 8550" row: Synonym deleted: "ACC"
- "Adenocarcinoma 8140" row:
- The term "Malignant dermal analogue tumor" removed from 8147
- Subtype/variant added: Mucinous adenocarcinoma 8480
- Subtype/variants removed:
- "Cribriform adenocarcinoma 8201"
- "Large cell carcinoma NOS/large cell undifferentiated carcinoma 8012"
- "Lobular carcinoma 8520"
- "Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma 8470"
- "Salivary duct carcinoma 8500" and all synonyms (moved to its own row)
- "Undifferentiated carcinoma 8020" (moved to its own row)
- "Secretory carcinoma 8502" row: "Microsecretory adenocarcinoma" added as a synonym
- Rows added:
- "Polymorphous adenocarcinoma 8525"
- "Salivary duct carcinoma 8500" along with subtype/variants:
- "Micropapillary salivary duct carcinoma 8265/3"
- "Mucin-rich salivary duct carcinoma 8481/3"
- "Oncocytic salivary duct carcinoma 8290/3"
- "Sarcomatoid salivary gland carcinoma 8033/3"
- "Undifferentiated carcinoma 8020/3"
- Table 7: Tumors of Odontogenic and Maxillofacial Bone (Mandible, Maxilla)
- "Ameloblastic carcinoma-primary type 9270/3" row: Synonym added: "Central intraosseous mucoepidermoid carcinoma"
- "Sarcoma NOS 8800/3" row:
- Note 1 updated
- Subtype/variants added:
- "Ameloblastic fibrosarcoma/ Ameloblastic fibrodentinosarcoma 9330/3"
- "Chondrosarcoma, grade 1 9222/3"
- "Chondrosarcoma, periosteal 9221/3"
- "Clear cell chondrosarcoma 9242/3"
- "Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma 9243/3"
- "Conventional osteosarcoma 9186/3"
- "High-grade surface osteosarcoma 9194/3"
- "Radiation-induced osteosarcoma 9184/3"
- "Small cell osteosarcoma 9185/3"
- "Telangiectatic osteosarcoma 9183/3"
- "Rhabdomyosarcoma with TFCP2 rearrangement 8900/3"
- Table 8: Tumors of Ear
- Rows added:
- "Ceruminous adenocarcinoma 8420/3"
- "Middle ear neuroendocrine tumor 8240/3"
- "Endolymphatic sac tumor 8140" row: Synonym added: "Middle ear adenocarcinoma"
- Rows added:
Multiple Primary Rules
- M Rule: Abstract multiple primaries when there are separate/non-contiguous tumors in any two of the following sites: Bullet added: "Aortic body C755 AND carotid body C754"
Histology Coding Rules
- NEW H Rule in both Single Tumor and Multiple Tumors Abstracted as a Single Primary modules: When the diagnosis is carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma AND the histologic type of the malignant component is provided, code the malignant component.
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- Introduction: Note 3 regarding urothelial carcinoma rewritten
- Terms that are NOT Equivalent or Equal: Note 2 added to "Component is not equivalent to subtype/type/variant"
- Table 1: Specific Histologies, NOS, and Subtypes/Variants
- Row added: "Paraganglioma 8700/3"
- "Renal cell carcinoma NOS 8312" row: "Renal cell spindle cell carcinoma" added as a synonym
- Table 2: Neoplasms which are Not Reportable
- "Oncocytic tumor, NOS (no code)" row: "Oncocytic tumor, low grade" added as a synonym
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- Equivalent or Equal Terms: Definition of NSCLC updated
- Table 1: Coding Primary Site
- Information in the intro text about lung anatomy moved to the table
- "Lung NOS C349" row: Note updated
- Table 2: Combination/Mixed Histology Codes
- "Combined small cell carcinoma 8045" row: "NET" removed from "Small cell carcinoma"
- "Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes 8255/3" row: Notes 3 and 4 added
- Table 3: Specific Histologies, NOS, and Subtype/Variants
- Important Note 1: Definition of NSCLC updated
- "Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma 9133" row: "hemangioepithelioma" corrected to "hemangioendothelioma"
- "Neuroendocrine tumor, NOS (NET) 8240" row: Synonym "Typical carcinoma" corrected to "Typical carcinoid"
Multiple Primary Rules
- M Rule: Abstract multiple primaries when there is NEC/NET and small cell carcinoma: Rule rewritten
- M Rule: Abstract a single primary when there are simultaneous multiple tumors in both lungs, same lung…: Note 3 rewritten as an exception
Histology Coding Rules
- H Rule (in both Single Tumor and Multiple Tumors Abstracted as a Single Primary): Code the histology when only one histology is present: Note 5 added regarding carcinoma in situ NOS
- H Rule: Code adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes 8255…: Note 3 added regarding Cancer PathCHART
- H Rule: Code the appropriate combination code when all tumors have multiple histologies…: Note 2 added regarding Cancer PathCHART
Malignant CNS
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- Table 3: Specific Histologies, NOS, and Subtypes/Variants
- "Glioma, NOS 9380" row: Note 2 added
- "Meningeal melanoma 8720" row: Subtype/variant removed: "Meningeal Melanomatosis 8728"
- "Sarcoma NOS 8800" row:
- Note 2 added
- Subtype/variants added:
- "Myxoid pleomorphic liposarcoma 8859"
- "Round cell sarcoma with EWSR1-non-ETS fusion 9366"
- "Sarcoma with BCOR genetic alterations 9268"
- "Solitary fibrous tumor grade 3 8815/3" row: "/3" added to histology code 8815
Multiple Primary Rules
- M Rule: Abstract a single primary when separate, non-contiguous tumors are Glioma NOS and a subtype/variant of Glioma NOS: Note 1 added
Histology Coding Rules
- Priority Order for Using Documents to Identify Histology section: "imaging, histology from incisional biopsy" added to gray exception box
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- Introduction: Note 2 updated ("vulva" added to list)
- Table 2: Specific Histologies, NOS, and Subtype/Variants
- "Melanoma NOS 8720" row: Note 2 added
Multiple Primary Rules
- M Rule: Abstract multiple primaries when melanomas are diagnosed more than 60 days apart: Example added
Non-Malignant CNS
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- Table 4: Non-Reportable Neoplasms: "Glomus tympanicum, glomus jugulare" row: Definitions and Sites updated.
- Table 6: Specific Histologies, NOS, and Subtypes/Variants:
- Row deleted: "Angiocentric glioma 9431/1" (moved to 9421 row as a subtype/variant)
- Row added: "Low Grade glioma 9380/1"
- "Diffuse astrocytoma, MYB- or MYBL1altered 9421/1" row: Subtype/variant added: "Angiocentric glioma / Angiocentric neuroepithelial tumor/ Monomorphous angiocentric glioma 9431/1"
- "Hemangioma 9120/0" row: "Cavernous angioma" added as a synonym
- "Papillary glioneuronal tumor 9509/1" row: "diffuse" added to Note 2
- "Paraganglioma 8693/1" row: Note added
- "Solitary fibrous tumor Grade 1 8815/1" row:
- behavior code /1 added to histology code
- Synonym added: "Solitary fibrous tumor/hemangiopericytoma Grade 2"
Multiple Primary Rules
- New M Rule in both Single Tumor and Multiple Tumors sections: Abstract a single primary when a neoplasm is originally diagnosed as low-grade glioma and subsequently recurs in residual tumor with a more specific histology.
Histology Coding Rules
- Priority Order for Using Documentation to Identify Histology: "imaging, histology from incisional biopsy" added to gray exception box
Other Sites
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- Equivalent or Equal Terms section: Deleted: "Basal cell carcinoma; basal cell adenocarcinoma (Prostate primaries only, both are coded 8147)"
- Table 1: Paired Organs and Sites with Laterality: C413, C414 removed
- Table 2: Mixed and Combination Codes: Row added: "Mixed acinar-ductal carcinoma 8552"
- Table 4: Testis Histologies: "Germ cell tumor NOS 9064" row: "spermatocytic tumor NOS" added as a synonymous term for the subtype/variant 9063
- Table 5: Esophagus Histologies: Row added: "Mucosal melanoma 8720/3"
- Table 6: Stomach Histologies
- "Adenomatous polyp, high grade 8210/2" row: "Adenocarcinoma in situ in adenomatous polyp" added as a synonym
- Table 7: Small Intestine and Ampulla of Vater Histologies
- Adenomatous polyp, high grade 8210/2 row: "Adenocarcinoma in situ in adenomatous polyp" added as a synonym
- Table 8: Anus Histologies
- Coding Note added
- Row added: "Mucosal melanoma 8720/3"
- Table 9: Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct Histologies: Coding Note added
- Table 9a: Guidelines for Assigning Primary Site for Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct
- Statement added: "Registrars are not required to review and re-code cases abstracted prior to 1/1/2024."
- Table 10: Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Bile Duct Histologies: "Bile duct carcinoma 8160" row: Synonyms added:
- "Adenocarcinoma, biliary type (extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma)"
- "Extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma"
- Table 11: Pancreas Histologies
- "Intraductal oncocytic papillary neoplasm 8455/2" row: "/2" added to 8455
- "Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm 8453" row: Note added
- "Mucinous cystic neoplasm 8470" row: Note added
- Table 17: Uterine Cervix Histologies: Coding note added
- Table 18: Vagina Histologies
- Coding note added
- Row added: "Mucosal melanoma 8720/3"
- Table 19: Vulva Histologies
- Coding note added
- Row added: "Mucosal melanoma 8720/3"
- "Squamous cell carcinoma NOS 8070" row: Subtype/variants added:
- "Differentiated vulvar intraepithelial neoplasm 8071/2; Squamous cell carcinoma keratinizing 8071/3"
- "Squamous cell carcinoma, non-keratinizing 8072"
- "Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasm grade 2/vulvar intraepithelial neoplasm grade 3 8077/2"
- Table 22: Thymus Histologies
- "Adenocarcinoma, NOS 8140" row:
- "/3" behavior code added to subtype/variants 8144 and 8200
- "/2" behavior code added to subtype/variant 8260
- "Adenosquamous carcinoma 8560/3" row: "/3" behavior code added to histology
- "Clear cell carcinoma 8310/3" row: "/3" behavior code added to histology
- "Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 8430/3" row: "/3" behavior code added to histology
- "Sarcomatoid carcinoma 8033/3" row: "/3" behavior code added to histology
- "Squamous cell carcinoma NOS 8070" row: "/3" behavior code added to all subtype/variants
- "Thymoma, NOS 8580/3" row: "/3" behavior code added to histology in column 1 and all subtype/variants
- "Adenocarcinoma, NOS 8140" row:
- Table 23: Penis and Scrotum Histologies
- C630 added
- Coding note added
- Row added: "Mucosal melanoma 8720/3"
- "Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS 8070" row:
- Note 3 added
- Subtype/variant added: "Warty-basaloid carcinoma/Warty carcinoma 8054 (C60._ only)"
- "Warty carcinoma" removed from 8051 and added to 8054
Histology Coding Rules
- H Rule: Code the histology when only one histologic type is identified: Exceptions added
Equivalent Terms and Definitions
- "Multifocal/Multicentric Tumors of Urinary Sites section" simplified
- Table 2: Specific Histologies, NOS, and Subtypes/Variants:
- "Adenocarcinoma NOS 8140" row
- Synonyms added:
- "Carcinoma of Cowper glands"
- "Carcinoma of Skene glands"
- "Littre gland adenocarcinoma"
- Synonym deleted: "Mixed adenocarcinoma" (moved to its own row)
- Synonyms added:
- "Malignant melanoma 8720/3" row:
- Synonym added: "Mucosal melanoma"
- Subtype/variants added:
- "Mucosal lentiginous melanoma 8746/3"
- "Nodular melanoma 8721/3"
- "Urothelial carcinoma 8120" row:
- Synonym added: "Diverticular carcinoma 8120/3"
- Note added to synonym "Plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma" to limit to cases dx’d prior to 2024
- Note added to subtype/variant "Plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma" to apply to cases dx’d 2024 forward
- Rows added:
- "Mixed adenocarcinoma 8323/3"
- "Mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine carcinoma 8154/3"
- "Paraganglioma 8693/3"
- "Adenocarcinoma NOS 8140" row
- Table 3: Non-Reportable Urinary Tumors: "Paraganglioma 8693/1" row: Note added: "(Cases diagnosed prior to 1/1/2021)"
Multiple Primary Rules
- M Rule: Abstract multiple primaries when the patient has micropapillary urothelial carcinoma 8131/3 AND a urothelial carcinoma 8120/3: Rule now applies to all urinary sites (previously limited to bladder)
- M Rule: Abstract a single primary when there are urothelial carcinomas in multiple urinary organs: "(with the exception of micropapillary)" added to Note 1
- M Rule: Abstract multiple primaries when separate/non-contiguous tumors are two or more different subtypes/variants…: Note 2 added
Histology Coding Rules
- Coding Histology section: Instruction #1, Example 2 removed (subsequent example renumbered)
- H Rules: Code the subtype/variant when there is a NOS and a single subtype/variant of that NOS such as the following…
- Bullet removed: "Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma"
- Bullets added: "Neuroendocrine carcinoma" and "Neuroendocrine tumor"
- H Rule: Code mixed small cell carcinoma 8045 when the final diagnosis small cell neuroendocrine mixed with any other type of carcinoma (does not apply to sarcoma): References to subtype/variants of small cell carcinoma removed
- NEW H Rule added to both Single Tumor and Multiple Tumors Abstracted as a Single Primary modules: Code combined large cell carcinoma 8013 when the final diagnosis is large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma and any other type of carcinoma (does not apply to sarcoma).